Eclipse Portals - March 2025
Venus the planet of love and money really owns this eclipse season, retracing her steps through mysteriously magnetic, aspect portals with occult leanings we could all learn from.
1st / 2nd March: Venus Retrograde @ 10’ Aries
We should not fear the backwards journey of Venus, where the rose tinted glasses come off and we stare into the deep heart of what we are storing safe within, and our judgement of it. Venus, the planet of love and money (anything we value), is in Aries, where she addresses our personal connection to these important things. We might be fighting to understand our worth, or at this point of her turning retrograde, give up convincing someone else of it. We might be reassessing old relationships to people or money that we can now view with the lens of extended time, or maturity. Venus shows us that some of these old ground of affairs of the heart are just coping mechanisms, and perhaps they have been silently holding us back. Mercury enters the shadow zone of his retrograde on the same day, alerting us to the deeper process required to manage to untangle these mental blocks. The Mercurial mind, can look at what the Venusian emotional heart has created, both the joyous good as well as the negatively framed hardship.
11th March: Sun Conjunct Saturn @ 21 Pisces / Venus Rx conjunct Mercury @ 8’ Aries
The outer world will reflect what is happening in this inner retrograde process with complexities arising in various situations, and on 11th Mercury and Venus join together in Aries to intelligently enliven any emotional matters, perhaps revealing hidden intentions or enabling brilliant ideas to flourish. At the same time as Mercury and Venus combine for turbo charged creativity, the Sun is meeting with the more serious Saturn, in another pairing, stabilising any projects or commitments that are being developed at this time. These are excellent planetary pairings to drive new initiatives and make certain they are built to last.
14th March: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse @ 23’ Virgo @ 6:55am
We are now back in eclipse season and the first eclipse in Virgo for nine years, is bound to bring our focus on to the detail that has been missed in healthcare sectors, medication, and the data around pharmaceuticals. Virgo rules data and healthcare, and since this eclipse occurs on the South Node, it means Virgo’s exacting analysis on proper processes will pick apart any science or contracts from the past (even past lives), that where glossed over in haste or indeed, with corrupt intentions. Obviously there is a huge tranche of medical history coming to the fore to be examined right now, but for our own personal reaction to this Virgo eclipse, advanced science around old ideas on eating healthily, good food, our digestion and the dedication we put into our own wellbeing, will bring new purpose and better understanding for body, mind and soul.
15th March: Mercury Retrograde @ 9’ Aries
The very next day, Mercury goes into a retrograde process that mimics that of Venus Retrograde - a double whammy of reconsideration, reviewing and perhaps recapitulation. And since Mercury rules Virgo, hosting the eclipse, we can be sure of extra intensity around personal problem solving, be that contractual issues or developing ideas for growth and improvement. Do not let any mistakes or deception put you off your target, as they are bound to happen as Mercury switches from operating mode, but these upsets, delays or mechanical failures, could re-route you to something vital for your future plans.
17th & 19th March: Sun Conjunct North Node @ 27’ and Neptune @ 29’ Pisces
Whilst Mercury is drawing us off tangent in a million different ways, the Sun meets with our destiny point, the North Node, and then quickly on to meet Neptune in the days following the eclipse, and here is where we must surrender to a higher purpose or wild plan arriving on our horizon. There really is a dimensional shift happening, portals opening to higher states of consciousness and we are not going to be the same in a few months, or weeks even, so allow this relaxing of all your processes and go with as much flexibility as you can muster. You can proceed with something that seems flakey or off beat, as the universe has your back, it just won’t be giving you a map.
22nd & 24th March: Venus & Mercury Cazimi @ 2’ & 4’ Aries
While your thoughts and ideas seem to be flying off on various tangents: the weird and the wonderful is making the ground under our feet slightly shaky. Yet here comes a few days of wildly beneficial energies, ready to be downloaded into our minds and hearts. It is extremely rare to have two cazimis side by side, and in Aries, we should be ready with the ignition key to power up our new projects, events and plans. This is like a new software programme opening up fantastic possibilities and expanding our world view exponentially, with elevated modifications and heart expanding situations occurring just like magic.
27th March: Venus Retrograde Ingress Pisces & Conjunct Neptune
As we are slipping through fractals to experience a new world being birthed, and truly, things are going to start to feel a little different, along comes Venus Retrograde to step back into the romantic and dreamy world of Pisces. In her retrograde process back into this watery emotional landscape, she immediately joins Neptune on the last degree of Pisces and together they make love. Big, heart expanding, dimensional shifting, spiritual love is on the cards and we just have to tap into it. This is truly a day to speak with the Gods, ask for a rise - from your boss, or a Goddess like Lakshmi, whoever you think is listening, because Venus and Neptune together on that last degree of Pisces are ready to make magical dreams come true. This is yet another wonderful day for creativity, romance and superbly orchestrated healing.
29th March: New Moon Solar Eclipse @ 9’ Aries
The last eclipse in Aries for nine years is another invitation to decide what we want to do and get on with our plans at the end of March. The Aries eclipses over the last 18 months may have opened the door to wars and the wild west, but truly these are initiations to draw us back to the self, our own inner being which needs our total and undivided attention. Early Aries is now a hot bed of activity, and each new aspect occurring here, will connect us more deeply with our purpose and who we are on this planet and why. A new mission may emerge for many, or a re-engagement with such inner vital forces, we cannot help but fire up enthusiasm for our life’s earthly assignment. The Aries Solar Eclipse is a driving force to take back our power, to reclaim our humanity from the big corporations, global government, or anyone trying to syphon off our funds or personal agency.