Bustin’ Out All Over - June
June Is Bustin’ Out All Over
The planets throughout June give us several moments for major release, which will enable us to finally move forward and get on with our lives. Since 22nd March when restrictive Saturn moved into Aquarius, the sign of humanity and freedom, our lives have been drawn back like a stretched bow, but now, our set of arrows, indicating plans, decisions and new connections, are ready to be released one by one throughout June as startling aspects ignite our energy and imaginations.
Venus Cazimi Big Love Day
A Venus Cazimi is a very special heart opening occasion that happens just once every 18 months when Venus retrogrades back across the front of the Sun, augmenting her tempting charms to super size. So we should mark 3rd June in our diaries for this special day since we will be blessed with Venusian heart-felt themes of the Gemini kind. Venus will be acting out the ‘big reveal’ for information around love, flirting, money, media and even light bulb revelations about our sub-conscious, shadow selves – our internal Gemini twin. We get to see what or who is really working the strings behind our values and our world view, just like Toto pulling back the curtain in The Wizard Of Oz and just as game changing.
Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Of Truth
As if this wasn’t revelatory enough, the Venus Cazimi is quickly followed by a lunar eclipse on 5th June in Sagittarius – the sign of adventure as well as blind faith taken as truth. The eclipsed moon here opposes the Sun and Venus in Gemini who are busy uncovering layers of truths and lies, and also makes a frightful square to swashbuckling, dynamic Mars in oppressed Pisces, who will absolutely want to come out protesting or fighting vehemently. You can see this is a combustible aspect which is already playing out with demonstrations about police brutality, as themes of eclipses do, in the two weeks before and after they let their forces penetrate the earth. Sag makes us look at what are we taking in blind faith? Is it what politicians or the media tell us, or even information in our personal lives; ideas which are easier to accept and live by, for peace and progress sake, yet the eclipse invites us to question all of them.
Drowning Not Waving, Mars Joins Neptune
However, the fighting force that Mars demonstrates through the eclipse has the chance to go global, when outraged Mars joins watery planet Neptune from 10th June through to 14th June. This is the planet who knows no boundaries and could easily drown Mars’ strident efforts, or flood the world with rage and indignation. As Mars and Neptune make an infuriating and explosive square to the Sun in Gemini (who rules the media), this really is ‘drowning not waving’ territory that augments the impact of the lunar eclipse to giant proportions, changing some of our outdated beliefs forever.
Mercury Retrograde Marked As Safe
Mercury’s retrograde through Cancer starts on 18th June and is a chance for us to reconnect with our new tribes, the family of friends and community we have been vibing with throughout these storms and the lockdown. What starts off as the ‘marked as safe’ post emergency shout out, will go deeper throughout the six week of retrograde, where we realise we have to take proper care in communicating with those we care about, especially when we see they may have very different ideals and ways of expressing them.
Cancer Solar Eclipse For A New Sense Of Home
This extra thought and care is definitely needed for the solar eclipse in Cancer on 21st June which heralds a redefining moment for us all to reinstate our community, not only by getting ready to go back into the world, but also by highlighting a new understanding of who you want to connect with and who will now form part of your tribal family here on earth. This might be an obvious next step after a long lockdown, but this eclipse at 0 degree, is a portal to a new, more sophisticated expression of our homestead and shared sense of community which has been missing in our industrial lives (due to the eclipse axis being across Cancer / Capricorn, the business end, for the last 18 months). We really are upgrading our feelings about the home and going back to work, leaving for the office or working at home, will have a completely different flavour from now on.
Manifest Or Spend Venus Direct
As the lovely lady of love and money, Venus, ends her retrograde on 25th June, she moves forward, drawing us into attracting a new kind of friend, accomplice or funds, by looking in our own mirror (the Gemini twin aspect) and observing how we manifest or spend. Now that her retrograde has given us this opportunity to know ourselves better on some other level, and have new understanding about our motives, we have better foresight into creating a more idyllic future, and one that is dialled up straight from the heart.
@VenusAndVesta posts regular astrological insights combined with contemporary events, legends, people and cultural phenomena on Instagram and Facebook. For workshops or private consultations, please connect here or via these social feeds, but come say ‘Hi’ anyway.