Striking It Hot - July

July is going to be a hot one, and not because of the weather.  The Saturn Pluto conjunction that delivered a major pandemic in January and caused a worldwide rethink of working life, is like a volcano that just keeps spewing.  July sets us up for a few more eruptions as seismic shifts in global tectonic plates start to move.

Saturn Means Lockdown

One of the first of many striking aspects to occur in July, occurs in the first 24 hours, when Saturn moves back into global structure creator, Capricorn, where Jupiter, Pluto and asteroid Pallas Athena are sitting in a close row waiting for some action.  Saturn, the planet of karma and duty, is reversing straight into a mighty political storm here where Jupiter, the planet of expansion is opening up the underbelly of power that is Pluto, with the super genius that Pallas Athena will impart.  Saturn’s return here, to corporate life Capricorn, will coincide with several countries’ ‘return to work’ after lockdown; just as earlier in March, Saturn’s entrance into Aquarius (representing the people), was the ringed planet’s restrictive nature taking full effect on humanity.  The timing is perfect for us to see how Saturn can behave, but Saturn doesn’t come along just to slow us down or be restrictive, Saturn wants to re-work the structure of our lives so we get it right from the foundations upwards.

The Long Night

Once Saturn has joined these heavy hitters (Jupiter, Pluto and Pallas Athena) in Capricorn, they form a row, a ‘stellium’ in astrological terms, which means that they become a united force and therefore, will be intrinsically involved in the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on 5th July at 4:30am UTC.  Combined like this, they act as a super powered turbo charge to the lunar eclipse which is ground breaking.  A ‘stellium’ of planets in Capricorn like this could force some major global events to occur where governments will try and lead authoritatively and push through life changing acts.  As the ruling powers try to enforce their agenda with new regulations, the planets will show us what or who is really driving the decisions, and the darker side of politics will be revealed once more.  This eclipse opens up the can of worms, the ‘underbelly’ that is behind our governments and will be the catalyst for incredible shifts in power that will keep announcing new tactics and surprises throughout the rest of 2020.  Whatever happens in the beginning of July is just a taster for further upheaval and an overhaul of politics, business and working life that continues throughout the rest of the year.

Swapping Sides With Mercury

There will be a plot twist when Mercury completes his retrograde in Cancer on 12th July, the same day that wounded healer Chiron turns retrograde in conjunction with feisty Mars.  The step change that these three planets make together can bring on a dramatic switch of sides, where compassion or even outrage for another person’s story brings new understanding and causing a deeper look into our own behaviour and point of view – do our actions match our feelings?  Be prepared to swap allegiances, or at least step away from your usual alliances.

Emotional Involvement In Politics

All through the following week from 14th, the Sun in Cancer will be inviting us to also re-consider where we stand in planning our home life around the pandemic and the ensuing political mess.  The Sun will be making strident oppositions to our three Capricorn friends, Jupiter, Pluto,  Saturn (and Pallas Athena, asteroid of our genius) and whilst we may have resisted getting involved in the business of politics and its management of crisis, the Sun’s polarised position will be emotionally overwhelming as we see what is being planned by big powers on our behalf.

Rare Second Cancer New Moon

A rare, second new moon in Cancer on 20th then opens up the flood gates of indignation and vows to campaign more for better service from our leaders.  Be prepared to walk your talk here as emotions will be running high and could act as a defining moment when ‘the people’ lose faith in the political structure and decide to turn to ‘cottage industry’ and step away from the rat race or at least what it represents.  Staying at home and being close to your tribe has become the new norm and this new moon seals our desire to be more compassionate and connected to our loved ones.

The Lion Roars

Whilst we have been moved to more emotionally based thinking with the Cancer new moon, the Sun then enters Leo lion territory for even more heartfelt action of a completely different flavour.  The temptation to then forget all our troubles, brought to us by the chaos in Capricorn and its pandemic, and start to find new ways to find pleasure is overwhelming.  Leo season after a lockdown could turn out to be one big festival of joy and delight in meeting our friends again.  Get ready to party as Jupiter makes the second of three sextiles to Neptune which is one of the most magically creative aspects in the zodiac will be thrilling for many.  So whether you are on the business side of things, needing to develop new income streams or stuck at home, this aspect can turn the mood around AND bring in vastly differing energies to solve our world’s crisis.  God speed good people.


The Courage Of Kings - August


Bustin’ Out All Over - June