Firing Blanks - Dec 2024

All dressed up and nowhere to go. Not much gets instigated throughout December despite the optimism and volatile fire power. Layers of fascinating insight get revealed but Mars Retrograde takes away the impetus to do anything.

1st December: New Moon @ 9’ Sagittarius

A new Moon in Sagittarius is always full of energy and enthusiasm, we can’t fail to feel the upsurge in excitement.  Christmas is coming, the lights are all twinkly, they shine in our friends’ eyes, and for a moment, we actually start to feel positive about what lies ahead.  Yet there are questions lingering as expansive Jupiter in opposition to this New Moon (and Mercury Rx) seems to highlight lingering conversations that have not been resolved, half-truths and layers of obfuscation – literally expanding the confusion.  And since this New Moon is part of a volatile Grand Fire Trine, trouble is brewing.  The tables are turning, and as in any game of musical chairs, we have no idea who is going to be left standing.  Except of course, whilst this might pertain to our personal lives, (especially if you have planets or angles around three to 10 of any sign), a nuclear war is becoming more and more likely as the New Moon ignites the Grand Fire Trine, so we watch the flames get higher, as the bravado gets louder.

4th December: Mercury Rx in Sagittarius Opposes Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 16’

Now I would normally say, use this fiery energy to get your projects moving, however, you may come across a few hurdles; the first is when Mercury in retrograde, backs into the exact opposition with the flowing news reel that is Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini.  This opposition between Mercury and Jupiter (both in retrograde) may open a few more dynamic, volatile, surprising discussions.  The mood could be changing rapidly, and previously unspoken factors will appear for your consideration.  Allow the twists and turns to happen, because it won’t be the end of things… Mercury on this retrograde sojourn, still has far to go…

5th December: Mercury Cazimi @ 14’ Sagittarius Opposite Jupiter @ 16’ Gemini

As much as Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini, representing ‘the media’, is giving us plenty to think about, Mercury’s thought provoking Cazimi in Sagittarius is the search for new truth amongst all the information, or despite all the information, we are being fed by the media.  The Cazimi is a beacon of hope, a beam of truth-filled Light returning from distant lands, or from the archives of the CIA/FDA/CDC/FBI etc where it has been buried.  On a personal level, this feels like something we need to hear, shocking as it may be, it delivers the higher truth behind the more obvious narrative that may be the daily running of your situation.

6th December: Mars Stations Retrograde @ 6’ Leo

We clasp this obscure truth, this grain of hope vehemently, for fear it might disappear, as we recognise it for the precious piece of the puzzle it fits.  But we are held at a standstill.  On the very next day, Mars, our vigour and drive, the warrior, in proud Leo, stations retrograde.  This small chance of lifting ourselves beyond the habitual and mundane matters of this world, with higher Sagittarian ideals that the Cazimi offers, doesn’t stand a chance.  Mars going retrograde in Leo takes the flash of optimism and with a sleight of hand, the drama on the big stage of life disappears.  A new scene appears, but we want to get back to that moment that felt so enriching and validating.  Certainly it seems that main characters in this play on the whatever stage (globally or personally) will bow out, their part in this tragedy/comedy is over.  Yet, we will have sighted, and grasped a grain of hope, and we wait for the retrogrades to unravel various complex strands that will most certainly lead to increased wealth, health and happiness in 2025.

7th December: Venus Ingress Aquarius and Neptune Stations Direct

Venus moving into Aquarius may help us feel so much more detached from the rollercoaster of emotions and a welcome respite.  However, she does meet with Pluto at the 00 degree point and force further analysis and consideration of our future. Venus and Pluto together can make magic, but this meeting feels more like the beginning of the end.  The time when you recognise, that your philosophy needs adjusting in order to continue following your projects, or it will be time to leave.  Neptune stations direct at the same time, and with it a whole world of creative pursuits start to feel more unconventional yet very interesting.  Wouldn’t you rather be painting or writing poetry anyway?  Venus is in opposition to her male counterpart all week, and there is as chance we are going to be distracted by whatever incredible or weird, vision is appearing in the peripheral.

15th December: Full Moon @ 23’ Gemini Conjunct Jupiter @ 15’ & Square Neptune @ 27’ Pisces

Jupiter has been stirring up the Gemini world of information and data, giving us lots to think about.  The information feels like it arrives from multiple realities, from a variety of dimensions, where beliefs, truths, are widely different.  Whether it is the real truth, or A.I. or revelations from the past, Jupiter is going to keep giving astounding schema and plot twists right though to June next year.  The Full Moon here, next to Jupiter, is no different and we are sure to gain extra insight into some ‘behind the scenes’ situations.  Whilst these are coming to light, we can use the unconventional Gemini energy to conjure our own connections, join the dots on some of our projects and dig into the detail (before it blows are minds)!  This is a good time to meditate, not just for the calm we might be needing around the excitable Gemini Moon, but also to receive some of the creative potential that is in the air.  This is a time to listen on the frequencies for the whispers as Neptune’s presence opens the portals to extra dimensional possibilities - we are connected up to the big telephone in the sky.  As well as this, Mercury is stationing direct, and the switch back to a different style thinking is the just the invitation we need to open the door on someone or something destined to take us on an unexpected journey.  Plans may be interrupted with difficulties, but we are welcoming the compelling vista that is opening up.

21st  to 26th December: Solstice, Squares & Oppositions

The Sun is bringing us to the more sensible Capricorn season, but there are plenty of oppositions going on through the next week, creating tension, arguments and complications.  We are going to need that bit of hope and enthusiasm we grasped at the beginning of the month, but more than that, these antagonistic events may well provide some resistance.  Mars Retrograde is (as we know) opposing Pluto, Chiron is opposing Lilith (taking the healing to top level), and Mercury opposes Jupiter Retrograde, which becomes exact again on 26th.  This last opposition between these two highly communicative placements is bound to bring another round of revelations of old news, from old foes, and perhaps some fresh impetus to feed the new future trajectory.

30th December: New Moon @ 9’ Capricorn

When the New Moon arrives on the eve of New Year’s Eve, we can be glad of Capricorn’s steadying influence, but perhaps not his stern attitude.  Saturn, the New Moon’s ruler, is in sextile, turbo boosting the Moon’s confident drive forward into 2025.  Saturn as the Karmic Time Lord demands that we have learnt the lessons of 2024 before we can look ahead to next year.  He demands we take this seriously, and perhaps make some energised plans that satisfy our dreams and imagination.  We must dream big for the next year, but put the ideas on a spread sheet!


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