Pioneer Pluto - Nov 2024

1st November: Scorpio New Moon

The Scorpio New Moon on 1st November is yet another super booster to its ruler Pluto, who is already the grand master player for the incredible events that are about to play out this month. 

Pluto demands we experience a death process, whereby we are forced to transform from the inside out, and this New Moon in Scorpio, is the ignition.  Are you ready for this?

What’s more, Pluto is at the head of a kite aspect. ALL powers in the universe focused on him at this crucial New Moon and beyond, as Pluto, the dark Lord of the underworld, is at a profoundly deadly juncture.  The final degree and crisis point of Capricorn, aka ‘the state’.  Pluto here forces a deep excavation of the corporate and financial structures that Capricorn represents and that have festered into toxicity, and are about to face their karmic retribution.  Their poison has to be lanced.

4th Mars Ingress Leo & 7th Mercury Enters Shadow

Pluto’s dark dynamism at this crisis point, is drilling down on the corruption in the Capricorn world of power equity and heavy-handed governance, and his uncompromising force is in opposition to Pluto’s lower octave, Mars, also at the 29’.  They are at breaking point, holding swords, crossed in combat, each fighting to the death.  On the 4th, Mars shifts the dynamic, moving off into Leo, with a palpable change of attitude. In brave Leo, Mars can drum up the courage for some high drama antics, and the defiance of the people, watching the fall of the patriarchy, reaches a frenzied fever pitch.  Is there something worth fighting for in your own life, that forces you to scale up the thrust of your argument?   Don’t act on things as they stand just yet – but now is not the time to throw in the towel.  Mercury enters the shadow on 7th, telling us that whatever information we have been given, may come unravelled when he retrogrades in the enthusiastic and energised world of Sagittarius on 25th.  And this goes for our own personal hopes and dreams, as well as those involved in worldwide data and its manipulation.

10th November: Scorpio Sun Heads Up A Yod

As if Pluto’s death throes in the corporate power chair of 29’ Capricorn, needs any more encouragement, the Scorpio Sun ruled by Pluto, steps into a Finger of Fate, Yod aspect.  All eyes are on the Pluto Sun for three days as Chiron and Jupiter activate Pluto’s power even further.  This is the laser pointer showing us all where to focus all our energy, and that’s into the heart of Pluto’s death process, a dark unforgiving look at what hidden content (or treasure), needs to come forth, and demands we evolve or die.

15th November: Uranus Conjunct Taurus Full Moon / Saturn Direct @ 12’

We’ve had a series of new and full moons, empowered by their rulers, lending these lunations extra agency, but also emphasising the themes of the ruler and its placement.  But this New Moon takes its extra power from the crazy planet of change: Uranus, which is exactly conjunct the Taurus Full Moon, blasting the lunar energy to volcanic proportions.  Uranus really is shaking up the Earth during his sojourn in steady, slow earth sign Taurus, and at this Full Moon, he can really send some thunderbolts hurtling through the hallowed halls of industry, farming, food and finance.  The contented Taurus bull may not be expecting quite so much chaos and disturbance since Taurus is notoriously stubborn.  However, no matter how fixed people’s factory systems or financial set up is, they won’t escape the mega ton bomb exploding lucrative pipelines that plunder the earth of its riches.  The markets will be going wild.  Hang on to your hats and your purses.

17th / 18th November: Moon & Mercury Oppose Jupiter Rx @ 18’

The Moon joins Mercury in its shadow zone in the enthusiastic and energised world of Sagittarius, and together they oppose the flowing fullness of Jupiter, opening the doors to information, knowledge, long lost narratives and even fake news.  The Moon and Mercury together are thrusting the telling of wild tales and high hopes to create stories that come from the depths of the Scorpio underworld.  Somehow these snippets of truth need to be aired, and Mercury is your man, since he cannot keep his mouth shut when in Sagittarius: ‘better out than in”, is the motto. Bring forth your dead and be damned.

19th November: Pluto Ingress Aquarius

Pluto, in the eye of this month’s storm, a veritable tornado, a cyclone; now, after 15 years in the hallowed halls of the global elite, empowering the governmental and corporate authority, steps into the wild and free world of Aquarius. Whatever Pluto does right now, is the lead emanation for deep and utter transformation, to take us to our future world of innovation and technological advancement.  We are all duty bound to follow into these rebellious lands of Aquaria, and as Uranus, its ruler was conjunct the Taurus Full Moon four days ago, we know that revolution in our lands is imminent.  Pluto’s change of sign is the start of many seismic shifts over the next year, that are going to take the world through a dynamic and epic metamorphosis. However, make no mistake, Pluto is thorough, and moving into an unusual and unprecedented Uranian ruled, avant-garde world, we may not recognise or be familiar with, what comes next.  Prepare to don your pioneer spirit and be amazed.

22nd November: Sagittarius Season & Grand Fire Trine

Earlier in the month we had the Grand Water Trine, a whirlwind of emotions, which now recreates itself as a Grand Fire Trine, including Mars in Leo, Mercury in Sagittarius and the North Node, our destiny point and future signaller, in Aries, the ignition key.  This wilful fire triplet is the burning down of what once was, to make way for massive regenerative forces to step into its place.  Resistance is futile.  Lean in for enhanced empowerment as the world goes through the wild experience of re-birth.

25th November: Mercury Retrograde @ 22’ Sagittarius

As the world moves forward at speed, Mercury pulls us back, to re-check and re-consider what has been said, what has been believed of our media and institutions of late.  Mercury retrograding in Sagittarius is a sense check on the higher powers that have led us into putting our faith into processes, systems, medication, crises, and now we can peel back the lid of the naivete of many of these thoughts. Mercury will be opposing Jupiter in Gemini again during this retrograde, and Gemini rules the media, so a reckoning on information and false narratives is on the cards.

30th November/1st December: Sagittarius New Moon @ 9’

The Sagittarius New Moon (mostly on 1st Dec), is the touch paper that lights the bonfire, that blows up the credibility of many of our exalted institutions.  Of course this New Moon is part of the Grand Fire Trine involving Mars in Leo, about to go into retrograde, the North Node in Aries, and Mercury Retrograde.  Fires will be burning across the land, either in our hearts, as passion and courage is lifted to become inflamed with hope and wonder.  But also within our nations, as a new hope and optimism is born.  Sagittarius is the king of positive thinking and higher minded ideals, so this is our chance to align with the confidence and expectation that is heralded at this fiery and exciting New Moon.


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