Future Est Arrivé - Feb 2024

Check your ticket, the North Node door to our destiny is swinging wide open all of February, with multi-layered Uranian aspects to wake humanity up to its future.

5th, 12th & 15th February: Mercury Ignites Zero Aquarius

Mercury is playing with fire, or should I say ‘air’, as on the 5th February, the planet of communication steps onto the live wire that is Pluto, newly in Aquarius and sitting on the zero degree point of this air sign.  What needs a new level of scrutiny that Mercury forces Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, to uncover?  Mercury here is ‘joining the dots’ to reveal what is really going on in the depths of Aquarian humanity, in the depths of our unconscious programming.  Karmic secrets are about to unfold and Mars lands here a week later, on 12th, to press his knife through layers of intrigue and inexplicable issues, so perhaps these revelations are about the Pluto death process, such as the increase in excess deaths, which do need to be discussed?  Or is there something that is dying within us, something we need to let go of, that now becomes urgently important? Lucky that Venus arrives here on 15th just in time to add some favour or gloss to what has transpired, where her magnetic quality distracts us from going too deep and perhaps answering those questions which will hang in the Aquarian air.  Venus and Pluto joined in Aquarius want transparency, equality and fairness amongst all the circumstances and new arrangements, but has the damage already been done?

5th & 6th February: Venus Ignites The Fire

The Venus activation starts back on 5th and 6th of Feb when she passes through a few crucial degrees of Capricorn to makes squares to Chiron and the North Node.   Entering any given situation, hers is always the motivation of heart felt connections, of real values, and of those that pertain to financial concerns, and in early February, she is urging us to become increasingly aware of our own values at stake in world events, moral as well as financial.  We must check our bank balance, especially whilst Mercury is reading the death rites with Pluto.

7th & 8th February: Venus Explodes With Uranus

As Venus continues her journey she makes a trine to crazy planet Uranus for inspirational progress and high hopes.  But at the same time she steps on the landmine that is the Sun square Uranus for an alarm to be sounded.  The force of this double aspect to Uranus, the planet of surprises and enlightenment, is sure to push forward debates about the wealth of the planet and where it is being spent.  From cobalt mines in the Congo to our mobile phones, from the military weapon loans to Ukraine in return for 30% of their farmland, the bread basket of Europe.  There’s an explosion of unpleasant truths about earth’s richness that Uranus in Taurus is uncompromisingly alerting us to – the French farmers understand this more than anyone.  And in reflection of this, we might consider how we spend our own energies and who gets access to our physical presence, time or input.

9th February: New Moon in Aquarius @ 20’

As the Sun and Venus activate the unpredictable wildness of Uranus, we get the New Moon in Aquarius on 9thFeb, which is of course ruled by Uranus.  Doubling up that strange and unique uranian energy that Pluto is digging into at the zero degree of Aquarius.  As this is a repeated blast of illuminating, cosmic consciousness hitting humanity, the New Moon in Aquarius is the super charged rocket launcher, beaming us all into a totally new reality.  Are we ready for this new awareness of humanity as multi-dimensional beings?  Possibly this is another gear shift in compelling us to understand, inner-stand, who we are.  The New Moon is square to its ruler Uranus, at 19’, so perhaps an unavoidable split in mankind between those that prefer to stay in the safety and comfort of the slavery programme of 3D consciousness, and those wanting the extra sensory powers (and responsibility) of 5D life.  Yes, the awareness that this Aquarian New Moon is the curve ball that isn’t just a brain chip helping the disabled walk and talk again, but a serious dynamic that has moral and ethical questions that the world has never had to consider before.

12th and 15th February: Mars and Venus Ingress Aquarius Conjunct Pluto @ 00’

Following this spectacular cosmic fire-cracker, we have the previously mentioned Mars and Venus ingress Aquarius, forcing us individually to take note of what is happening.  This isn’t something that only Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos get to experience.  We are all going to be feeling ‘the shift of ages’ as the world evolves spectacularly.

19th February: Sun Ingress Pisces & North Node Conjunct Chiron

All month long, the North Node is opening the door to the future, asking us to look head, to take responsibility, to drive our own vehicle in the direction we want.  Chiron is joining this point of destiny to ensure we are sensitised to what is happening, to feel it deeply.  Now that they meet at exactly 16’/17’ degree, we seriously ought to pay attention to the track we are on personally and how it affects those around us.  You could be fighting for your rights to be heard, but this could also be a beautiful blossoming of ideas and new focus.  The Sun ingress Pisces at the same time is the invitation to work your creative imagination to the max.

20th to 23rd February: Venus & Mars In Aquarius

The joining of the love and emotion planet Venus, with Mars, assertiveness, direction and leadership is a blessing during this time of epic shifts.  The two together make a connection of aligned action, moving us to be in the right time, the right place, with the right feeling.  Venus asks that the feeling aspect of this is probably ‘the first’ way to be, and over the few days of 20th to 23rd February, we make satisfying progress, leaning into our feelings, and taking our desires, ideas and associations to the next level.

24th February: Virgo Full Moon @ 5’

This alignment of complementary forces (Venus and Mars, female and male, yin and yang) makes the Virgo Full Moon a ripe plum to pick.  Virgo has the ability to give us the details, the certification and approval ratings, as long as we don’t mind being a little patient.  Virgo’s analytical Moon here may show us intricacies and nuances of the major flourishing of mankind happening throughout February.  She has our back and enables us to fill in some of the weird and wonderful blanks – after all, no one has the answers yet.  Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, meets with both the Sun and serious Saturn on 27th and 28th February to add further information, and considerable authority to these details.  Virgo may ask you to cut away some superfluous projects or situations, the purity she demands through this Full Moon forces a deep cleanse, which we can do with a good and happy heart. 



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