Inspiration Flashes: Jan 2024

The planets are firing us up with motivation and opportunities in January as we get ready to ride through a very fast paced and exciting period.

2nd January: Mercury Goes Direct @ 22’ Sagittarius

It is a great feeling for Mercury, our thinking planet to go direct the day after New Year’s Day.  Mercury turning so early in 2024 gives us a little time to meet the strange new ideas coming at us from all angles, because this is enthusiastic Sagittarius.  We know the centaurs have so much energy to give and lots of positive ideas to throw at any opportunity.  This is no time for quiet solitude; get out there.  Jupiter has also just gone direct, levelling up the stream of abundance like a tap being turned on and we should try and get in its flow.

6th – 9th January: Squares And Trines For Context

Having felt the Sagittarius urge to participate, and the Mars in Capricorn force to succeed, the planets do not hand it all on a plate.  The Sun squaring Chiron will ensure we use our deepest senses to do the right thing, and Mercury squaring Neptune will want to check we have our facts right.  A moment of confusion, but do we have it all sense checked?  Or more importantly, does it matter?  The Sun in Capricorn then makes a trine to the enlightening power that is Uranus to receive its disruptive energy to force a change for a higher purpose.  A little bit of chaos may ensue, but we will be on the right track.

10th January: Capricorn New Moon Conjunct Pluto @ 29’

This New Moon seems to be designed to give us the inspiration and then the momentum to look at the year ahead with a proper attitude for the tasks in hand.  It feels like the Capricorn New Moon @ 22’ is here to help us set our resolutions in concrete, and has the added bonus of being in a square, meaning ready to take action, to the North Node destiny point – our future.  This is the year’s planning done for you and allows you to make a commitment to what lies ahead.  There won’t be a dreary, fearful feeling looking at the mountain of things you have to do, but there will be unexpected inspiration from the crazy planet of enlightenment from Uranus who the New Moon is in a trine aspect to.  The planets are saying no matter how outrageous you think your ideas are, you might not have gone far enough.  The wilder the better is the code for future success.

19th – 21st January: Sun And Pluto Ingress Aquarius

There continues to be enough energy in Sagittarius (with Mercury/Venus) and Capricorn (Sun/Mars/Pluto) to keep us energised and dedicated to our plans, and then on 19th, the Sun joins Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn – the notorious anaretic degree.  This is the crisis point for big business, for big politics and any grand commercial enterprise (and I’m thinking, the secret global powers) and here is Pluto forcing a kind of death that the Sun adds a superpower to.  The two of them sit momentarily at this sizzling point of combustion, on 19th through to 20th, before jointly stepping over the boundaries of authoritarian Capricorn and into the lands of community, society, the masses: Aquarius.  This is ‘power to the people’, as wherever Pluto lands, he adds dynamic power…of course this is the death stare and we need to learn to wield this power deftly for it is ready to kill us, or what we thought was ‘us’, since Aquarius rules society and human consciousness.  And here with the Sun’s vital force adding unmitigated forces for humanity, we know this double ingress is a moment in time, where we suddenly see what lies ahead - what the big Capricorn powers had planned for us.  And then the rebel yell, the rising of the populace to face it with Aquarian ideals coming to the fore in a tsunami of awakening souls.

21st January: Sun And Pluto Conjunct On Zero Degree Aquarius

The Sun and Pluto then spend a day at that zero degree Aquarius together and this is the alarm call for humanity, and humanity’s consciousness.  The pressing of this trigger button at 00’ Aquarius, which has been pressed back in 2020 with The Great Conjunction (of Jupiter and Saturn), and of Pluto stationing here in 2023.  And with Mars, Mercury and Venus moving across this point respectively within weeks, it really does herald the Age of Aquarius.  Perhaps we will get Full Disclosure of non-earth beings, perhaps we will all have a cosmic awakening.  Or a strange event that shifts the Schumann Resonance up a few notches so that we are vibing much higher than we knew possible.  I am excited to see how this pans out.

21st January: Mercury Leaves The Shadow Zone @ 8’ Capricorn

On the day that Aquarius and the whole of humanity is enlivened with this Sun/Pluto conjunction, Mercury leaves the shadow zone at 8’ Capricorn and moves into new mental territories.  Has Mercury’s last retrograde before Christmas been peeling back the layers in the structures of our minds in order to free our mental capacity up for what is to transpire?  Certainly, Mercury’s move into the light here is another shift towards new ground and new structural processes that need to be developed.

25th January: Leo Full Moon @ 5’ Conjunct Pluto

The Full Moon in Leo is a swelling of the heart consciousness, and coming straight after the more mentally led Aquarian events is a welcome shift for more personal harmony.  The Leo Full Moon event is the swoon worthy, magnetic pull for Valentine’s Day, but this January, it is a dose of heart centred wisdom that we could all tap into, knowing we have had such drive to move towards our goals of late.  This is a sensual moon, full of desire, and not so far away from Pluto to make an ’out of sign’ conjunction that gives it the kiss of karma.  Know that your heart has wisdom, but your desires may lead you astray.

27th January: Uranus Direct

If you are caught by the Leo lunation love dart, Uranus, the planet of chaotic events is ready to sweep you off your feet and take you on a major curve ball.  Just over a day later, this enlightening planet turns direct, and that should be with a capital ‘D’.  Uranus brings in the thunder bolts, so it hardly matters if it is moving direct or retrograde, yet the day he turns is bound to bring some weird, wonderful and totally unexpected occurrences.  And happening straight after the heart opening Leo Full Moon, it creates the ‘coup de foudre’, AKA the ‘love at first sight’ bomb to enliven our romantic lives, or wherever 5’ Leo or 19’ Taurus is in your chart.  This is a potential blessing and a thrill, so be ready for something incredible and let me know if it happens to you.

26th – 29th January: Mercury & Mars Making Moves

Mercury and Mars are together mid-Capricorn whilst making aspects to crazy Uranus and future focused North Node…this is the power boost to zap you out of any situations that might be holding you back.  You cannot stay stuck anymore and have to move forward with certainty, to somewhere perhaps totally different with the flashes of lightning coming from the cosmos.  All the effort putting plans in place has not gone to waste.  It was essential for you to create some kind of structure for other, more dynamic, ideas to come into play, and now they can, even if they were not what you had in mind.


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