Disruptive Ideas: Dec 2023

Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune are all creating disruption with their aspects, but Jupiter and Sagittarius’ higher truth is, they are deconstructing anything that cannot exist in the new paradigm unfolding.

1st December: Mercury Ingress Capricorn

When Mercury moves into Capricorn it is already in the shadow of the upcoming retrograde process which starts on 13th of December, and also includes a spectacular Mercury Cazimi on this 00” point of Capricorn it arrives at today.  Mercury is about to pick apart some of the structures of your life which may destabilise your progress, but the different tangent, you will be travelling on, is going to deliver more exciting and profitable returns – trust this process.

6th December: Neptune Direct @ 24’

The planet of our dreams and our delusion has been drawing us imperceptibly into paths unknown, and now on 6th, Neptune stations direct, creating a portal for our consciousness to expand beyond.  Neptune is magnetising humanity further into the matrix, yet also into higher dimensions, so do not be alarmed when strange things appear in your sensory field.  Surrender to any other worldly enticement, whilst keeping the fine balance of staying true to your North Star of personal discernment.

12th December: Sagittarius New Moon

A Sagittarius New Moon is always going to be a mega boost of enthusiasm to any of our projects or situations, whether you want that dialled up or not.  This lunation is square to the recently turned direct, Neptune, so kicking the door wide open to the most vivid ideas, beyond our earthly imagination – the Gods have bigger, more exciting plans than we can think of.  This thrilling New Moon is aligning with the North Node, destiny point, delivering a definite thrust forward for each of us and a deeper sense of our purpose here.

13th December:  Mercury Retrograde @ 8’ Capricorn

Mercury has chosen this New Moon to then turn retrograde and for some this may feel like the obstruction to plans, but in essence the swap from right brain to left, will be obscure, but far more creative and more appropriate for long-term growth and satisfaction.  As Mercury retrogrades in both Capricorn and ‘lucky’ Sagittarius, we can expect some of the financial excesses of high interest rates and massive spending, to be tamed and set back on track.

22nd December: Solstice As Sun Ingress Capricorn

The solstice arrives as the Sun ingress Capricorn at the same time as Mercury retrogrades back to 00’ Capricorn and thereby creating a brain boosting Eureka! of a Mercury Cazimi.  This is an incredibly dynamic blast of cognitive connection where all your brain cells and neurons dance their jig for productive thinking, incredible ideas and winning intellect.  Occurring at the zero degree of Capricorn, it opens new frontiers for banking, wealth, politics and global governance – a perfect moment to introduce digital finance.  But let’s see how this status and achievement orientated, Mercury Cazimi can super-charge our own personal careers and livelihoods

Christmas Day: Venus & Mars In Flow

Both Mars and Venus are highly active on Christmas Day which will make family lunches interesting. Mars in Sagittarius is the epitome of foot in mouth disease and ready to start something off.  Venus could be playing underhand games, teasing out the more subversive characteristics which are normally kept hidden at family gatherings.  We are going to get triggered at this combustive get together, but full-on fun and frolics if you can overlook some of the bad traits that are going to be on display.

27th December: Full Moon @ 4’ Cancer

Whatever antics went on over Christmas lunch are sure to leave a trail of disruption.  What seemed like fun at the time could turn to tears as the sentimental Cancer Full Moon on 27th looms large, emphasising our emotional landscape.  Mercury has retrograded back on to Mars for this Moon and whatever has to be said will be blurted out, no matter the consequences – a continuation of argumentative outbursts are likely.  Whilst this is could be devastating on one hand, the wisdom it brings could enlightening and helpful, so do not shoot the messenger or disregard it.

30th December: Jupiter in Taurus Direct @ 5’

It is great news that Venus has just arrived in enthusiastic Sagittarius, ruled by expansive Jupiter, who then turns direct just before the New Year.  His positive force in earth sign Taurus is ready to deliver concrete assurances for 2024…this means safer opportunities for making good money, working and getting better payback and an all around more productive attitude to move into a new year with.



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