Extended Samhain - Nov 2023

Planets in Scorpio continue to expose shadow forces, like the extended remix of Thriller, holding us all in the spotlight of fear as they make startling oppositions to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

2nd November: Sun opposes Jupiter @10’

There are quite a few oppositions to begin November and we can see this ever so clearly with the war machine cranking up to frenzy on all sides, with completely different narratives continually being expressed as truth.  So when the Scorpio Sun, highlighting the disquiet hidden in the shadow, opposes the mighty and expansive Jupiter, we know that we have to consider this antagonism, and see it for what it really is.  The fixed stance cannot operate in a changing world for long, and everything that is wrong or refusing to shift, now has to explain themselves or move along, in order to evolve beyond its current, complex story.

3rd November: Saturn Direct @ 0’

Saturn, our karmic task master has been sitting, ‘stationing’ at the zero point of Pisces from 11th October, and stays there until the 28th November.  This is a long time to dig into the complete beginning of the ethereal waves of Pisces where nothing is really solid or confirmed, yet the creative juices will be flowing in this dreamy place.  Saturn of course likes things suited and booted, confirmed and rubber stamped, but although these energies are at cross purposes, Saturn wants to deconstruct or restrict anything, or anyone who isn’t operating at their A game, or any peoples who are oppressed and imprisoned (by whatever means).  This is good as it means these people will get support, and on top of this, any airy fairy art projects will get the green light, including anything esoteric or woo woo.   It does mean we have to do the work ourselves, but let’s enjoy the support, as Saturn opens doors with a fatherly hand on the back.

5th November: Mercury Yod

Thinking planet Mercury now steps on to 22’ Scorpio and becomes the head of a second Kite aspect (the other headed by Neptune in Pisces until 9th November).  Mercury wants to discuss and communicate all that he finds in the deep underground plains of Scorpio and he has the backing of this Kite to bring about some alarming revelations.  Expect blocks to classified, top secret details to be removed in many a political chess game, or in personal lives, unexpected and un-nerving realisations that need proper investigation.  Its best to go with the Scorpio action here, and allow any vital urges to emerge, since age old wisdom is emerging now and it needs to come into consciousness.

8th November: Venus Ingress Libra

The balm of the lovely Venus moving into her own sign of harmonious Libra is hopefully here to broker a peace deal, even if it is fragile.  Venus in Libra is a good place to focus our minds, hearts and energies to stay in the highest, frequencies possible whilst all around starts to burn, flood and fire up.

10th November: Mercury Ingress Sagittarius, then Mars and the Sun

Mercury, the talkative one, in open and enthusiastic Sagittarius is bound to start some of those conversations that leave others gawping.  Mercury cannot shut up in this fire sign, but Sag is all about the truth, the higher truth, so perhaps with Venus in Virgo, peace talks are possible.  Mercury will be followed into Sagittarius by the Sun on 22nd and Mars on 24th November and by this time the unjustified war rhetoric may well be replaced with something far more hopeful and positive. 

11th November: Mars Opposes Uranus @ 21’

Mars, the God of War opposes the crazy flash of thunder that is Uranus, which is like that scene in all gun toting movies where ALL the opponents at the OK Corral point their guns at each others’ heads in a fearful stand off and no one dare move.  It’s going to take just one, tiny click for this loaded moment to blow sky high.  The energy is fizzing, popping, seething, at breaking point ready to explode.

13th November: Scorpio New Moon @ 20’ Conjunct Mars

Something from the depths is calling.  The funk of forty thousand years, as grisly ghouls from every tomb, are closing in to seal your doom…Michael Jackson says it better than I.  And just as much as ‘Thriller’ was a hit, it now gets a second hearing as this New Moon opens up the doors to the underworld with Mars as the spade digger, torchlight and sword all in one.  This is the time for shadow work, facing our own personal demons as underhand negotiations come to light and globally, the dark past of nations, of nefarious banking transactions and of humanity is revealed.  Mars here is both bubbling up with anger, whilst clarifying sharply any deep insights, forcing us to re-live our pain, no matter how hard we have hidden it. 

16th, 17th & 18th November: Sun and Mars Trine Neptune @ 25’ then 24’

After activating the Scorpio New Moon, Mars travels with the Sun, further forcing the depths to open up wide.  These two are the hounds of hell, eeking out syphons and slithers of information that haven’t seen the light of day for eons.  This dynamic deep dive is the tide turning and the slow revolution as power declines in one area and slowly blooms in another.  And as much as war is on the horizon, there is also a sexual thrust with the Sun and Mars joining together, revealing deep seated desires that we could be put to good use if that feels right for you.  Becoming aware of your own sexual power and what it can do for you is a brilliant use of this aspect.

22nd November: Sun Ingress Sagittarius

Sagittarius does stand for the higher truth, but that does mean the crucial details can be left aside, so now that both Mercury and the Sun are in Sagittarius, and Mars joins them on the 24th, we have to surrender to the judgement of the courts, or is that the Gods.  Whatever way it swings, Sagittarius season does lift our spirits and gives the opportunity to go that extra mile.  As these planets enter the sign of the Centaur they all make a biting connection with Saturn, who is the authoritative stance that assures a more positive outcome and a useful drive for idealism.

27th November: Gemini Full Moon @ 4’

We are looking for the details, the subtle nuance missing from Sagittarius’s big gesture dynamics and here it is.  The Gemini Full Moon has the capability to stir up some of the deep sediment that Scorpio season has shone a light on.  Gemini likes nothing better than to drop in some extra facts, the witty bon mot that delivers the punchline (or an actual punch).  You can use this verbose energy to deliver your own coup d’etat, charm the birds and work on extracting money and information using just your wit.

29th November: Libra Venus Conjunct South Node @ 23’ / 23’

Venus sits on the eclipse point to end November, like a soothing balm on burnt, ravaged and exposed places. This is a dose of hindsight, so now it is important to learn the lesson of recent upsets and outrages.  Close the door on that fuss because, now there are better considerations to dedicate your time to.


Disruptive Ideas: Dec 2023


Eclipse Season - Oct 2023