Lucky Strikes - Nov 2022

At every week of November there is a fresh opportunity to move your life forward and make magic happen, with eclipses, retrograde twists, yods and Jupiterian lucky strikes.

The Big Reveal: 2nd – 5th November

We are already in eclipse season as we start November ‘betwixt the eclipses’, so on the 2nd of November, the magnetic and comely Venus joining the South Node in Scorpio, is an extra bright beam of laser light, blasting through another hidden doorway into the underworld, the dark recesses of our hearts.  What lies there?  A secret love?  The Sun passes this spot on the 5th and gives us an extra Scorpio style inspection.  This Scorpio South Node spot represents our darker, more sinister past, so this meeting here, after the Scorpio eclipse and before the next Lunar Elipse is the subpoena slapped on the crime boss’s desk, or the secret lover’s note revealed.  The truth of what has occurred, what deadly deeds have been committed, has to come out.  Be ready for another ‘big reveal’ that possibly gets legal support or shifts the rhetoric to a more professional standing.

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: 8th November

The Total Lunar Eclipse on 8th November uses all the information revealed in the South Node, to create something much more concrete and fruitful.  This eclipse is on the North Node, representing the doorway to where we are heading and it just so happens that crazy-ass Uranus is sitting right there.  Uranus is an electrifying force that sends in his lightning bolts to wake us up out of our reverie.  He is the cosmic force that pushes humanity further along the evolutionary path.  And of course, this is Taurus, representing our bodies, the earth and the animals.  Already we have had a major boost for planet earth as the new president of Brazil vows to end de-forestation.  Uranus at this Lunar Eclipse is the injection in the arm that really makes us feel the force of who we are and what we came here to do.  If indeed our DNA has changed, this is the speedy charge forward for humanity and the unexpected details of how this might play out may well be revealed at this point.

Serious Sexual Attraction: Eclipse Squares

However, Taurus is about our bodies, sex and wealth, so don’t miss this opportunity for manifesting magic, either via physical attraction to someone totally not your type OR some quick wins with money – the lottery or a bonus.  Father Saturn will be sitting in a square to the Lunar Eclipse, and he is making sure his Aquarian ideals of ‘the people’ and our rights, are looked after.  This might feel difficult and overly oppressive, but we do have to check in with what is fair for everyone. Let’s hope it is the firm hand of support and commitment, and not a spanner in the works, preventing humanity and Mother Earth from gaining her new bounty.

Focus On Mars Retrograde In Gemini: 10th – 18th November

Tricky Mars Retrograde in Gemini is at the head of a Yod formation from 10th to 18th, and is joined by the Moon on 11th to really highlight what Mars will be up to on this retrograde journey.  A Yod is formed by two in-conjuncts, and these are planetary blind-spots that come together to activate and surprise the hell out of the planet themes at the head of the Yod.  This means whatever Mars Retrograde will be delving into: information, data, the media, the shadow side to all facts and the published narrative, will be caught red-handed.   Mars is forcing a showdown and inward directive to bring out whistle-blowers and the reversing of contracts or agreements.  If you can hold off any major decisions in your life, wait till Mars goes forward on 8th January – and this week’s Yod will demonstrate that making plans now is futile.

A Coup De Foudre Magic: 20th – 23rd November

Meanwhile, the intense Scorpio Sun makes an easy flowing trine to Jupiter, retrograding back in dreamy Pisces on 20th, and the connection of these two water signs, is the coup de foudre that can bring about a deep love at first sight, or a magical meeting between friends.  The Sun in Scorpio ensures this is the right person at the right time, and jolly Jupiter in emotional Pisces is the open doorway for love and magic.  Jupiter turns direct on 23rd, taking whatever the Sun showed him (mysteriously lurking in Scorpio), on a journey where dreams can come true.

A Lucky New Moon Starts Sag Season: 23th November

I don’t say these things lightly.  Jupiter rules Sagittarius, who is known for his luck, and the Sun moved into Sagittarius on 22nd and forms the new Moon at 1 degree Sag on 23rd.  This is extremely lucky and fortuitous, more so if you have any planets at the 0 to 2 degree spot.  Jupiter and this Sag New Moon want us to believe in our dreams, reignite them, and don’t let anyone deter you from going for your own personal gold.  This is a golden ticket day for writing that email, knocking on that door, putting your cards on the table, or creating some kind of game plan and vision board that has this magical Jupiterian energy behind it.

Inquisition Questioning: 28th November

The activity around Mars Retrograde continues to be feisty and fun as we should expect, since this is Gemini, BUT, the dynamic planet of war and action, retrogrades back into a trine formation with Saturn in Aquarius on 28th.  The two planets usually combine to ‘get stuff done’ but with Mars in retrograde, the questions over what has already happened will unfold like a Spanish inquisition.  We want freedom of speech and it looks like we will get it.  Mercury joins them in opposition to Mars, so whatever conversations, sorry ‘interrogations’ are going on around the end of the month, in the media and on social platforms, will be loud and uncensored.


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