Sweet Little Lies - Dec 2022

Mercury is up to his old tricks of adding confusion to complex decisions throughout December, as he becomes the main player in a series of key aspects that prompt and cajole, and lead us into many a difficult conundrum and out the other side. 

Tricky Twist: 1st December

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, goes the song, which may well have been written for Mercury’s games in the first week of December and beyond, where he has a lot of help to mix up messages and complicate matters massively.  Mercury might provide us with good information and connections, but it doesn’t take much for a sleight of mercurial hand to trick the data or deceive the eye.  And especially so on 1st December when Mercury in gullible Sagittarius, makes a square to Neptune, the King of Illusion, in dreamy Pisces at 28’.  The Moon meets up with Neptune at the same time, creating a fully powered delusional predicament, where lies are told to cover up lies.  How obvious can this be?  Can we all be so easily deceived? 

The Magic Of Neptune Direct: 4th December

Venus makes the same square to Neptune on the 4th, just as this planet of magic and mystery turns direct.  Neptune’s turn here (with the help of the magnetic Venus), acts like a sweep of a magic wand, to cast the innocent, deeper into their veil of ignorance, drawing out the dreamscape, and so to sleep, perchance to dream.  Aye, there’s healing qualities in this deep sleep and untold stories to understand, which are held deep in the human psyche.  This is powerful magic.  The force of ancient programming, drawing us deeper into the story, or pulling us in another direction, towards an unknown target.  We will have to work out some of the spell-ing, and some will see the puppet strings at work, however Neptune soothes our inclination to fight back, but maybe we don’t have to?   The veil is thin, a portal is open, so spell work will be enhanced if you manage it effectively and with confidence.  If you are so inclined, this is a day for inviting in the elemental beings to do our bidding, and work out fantastic miracles.  It can be done.

Final Zodiac Critical Point: 6th December

Then on 6th Mercury makes another square, this time to Jupiter, who is now sitting on the last degree of Pisces, expanding the feeling of being duped and the duplicity itself.  This is the last degree of the whole zodiac, which has the air of finality about it and is a critical point.  Have we come to the end of the road with the overbearing deception the globe is wrapped up in?  Or indeed, is it time for us to wake up to some of our own internal ‘sweet little lies’?

Redacted Contracts Revealed At Full Moon: 8th December

The Full Moon in Gemini at 16’, ruled by Mercury augments the confusing and double-standard narrative, the multiple story lines being promoted for all to see.  The Gemini twins are able to play their game of fun and trickery in the most glib and light-hearted way and thereby, not fully owning the shadow.  Gemini is great at ignoring their shadow, even when it is looming on their shoulder, filling the room - and this is the twist in Gemini’s duplicity which the Full Moon will highlight dramatically.  On its own, this Full Moon will lift the lid on complex situations, but the presence of dynamic and fearsome Mars (also at 16’) on his retrograde journey through media-led Gemini, will hit the red alert button and force some of these shadow aspects to be revealed.  The redacted contracts, the hidden data, the under the table payments, the rigged voting or even the revelation a of jet-set client list, but also and more importantly, the blind or wilful ignorance.  Mars in retrograde might not have the same forthright power in the backwards motion, but he is peeling back the lid on a can of worms, and this Full Moon is decisive and explosive.  Unfortunately, the t-square to delusional Neptune may not provide the answers – just yet. 

More Mercurial Gifts In The Shadow Zone: 12th December

Mercury is the gift that keeps on giving in December, as on the 12th, he moves into the shadow zone of his upcoming retrograde.  This retrograde in business and money Capricorn relates to the December 2021 retrogrades of both Venus and Mercury, where we were expecting the money markets to go into decline.  This may not have happened in an obvious way, but is definitely related to layers of contracts and deals that bring us closer to digital currencies and what that means to mankind.  The entry into the shadow zone is a wake-up call since Mercury painfully squares Chiron in Aries on 14th, then trines the North Node to lay out some future plans on 15th, and then on 17th, trines crazy Uranus in Taurus, throwing in a hand-grenade to de-stabilise whatever is trying to play out, be that Central Banks Digital Currency or our own careers and finances.

Declaration of War, Jupiter Back In Aries: 20th December

Expansive Jupiter moves back into Aries on 20th, and more than any planet, this will be an obvious switch from the huge emotional exhaustion and bewilderment Jupiter was enhancing in Pisces (the last degree of the zodiac), to a declaration of war in Aries, the first degree.  Jupiter back at this feisty point will bring up ideas first mooted in July, but now demand to be activated whether we like it or not (probably not since he makes a square to the Sun).

A Serious Capricorn Christmas: 21st – 23rd December

The Solstice occurs on 21st December at 21:48 when the Sun is at its lowest in the sky and at the same time, enters Capricorn, to join Mercury, Venus and Pluto.  This isn’t the Christmas we are expecting since Capricorn is very serious and can be accused of being oppressive and authoritarian.  The New Moon at 1’ Capricorn on 23rd will only enhance this foreboding dynamic, where we are duty bound to thrust against any rules or ‘guidelines’, since Jupiter, still at 0’ Aries (the absolute beginning of the zodiac), is raring to go, revving his engine.  We simply cannot be held back, so expect many a class of temperament, just in time for the family Christmas dynamic.

America Breaks The Rules: 29th December

Rules are meant to be broken, right? Pluto now returns to the USA Pluto Return point at 27’33 on 29th and on the same day, Mercury right next to Pluto, AND exactly conjunct Venus, goes retrograde.  The change of direction right on Venus links these three in this retrograde dance, mimicking last year’s kerfuffle where we were not sure what was going to happen to our finances, and we still do not.  Mercury is demanding the banks and governments reconsider various options that should add value (that’s Venus’s role), where everything seems to be bottoming out.  This Pluto Return point means all eyes will be on the western world and how it transforms into a new meritocracy or corpocracy, or whether Bitcoin and localised currencies start to properly become legit and hold real value.


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