Full Speed Ahead - Jan 2023

Beginning the year with both Mercury AND Mars in retrograde seems like a false start, but the planets are now ready to move full speed ahead when three planets go direct in January, so All Planets are in Direct Motion = APDM..

Sun Tells Us What To Do - 2nd – 3rd January

As the responsible, serious Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries for two days over the 2nd and 3rd of Jan, it will urge us to understand our personal triggers and learn from them.   The Sun in its most authoritative mode is being pressured by our deep sensitivities, so that we get in touch with the Aries need to take responsible action.  This is great for New Year’s resolutions, so forget what newspapers are telling us to focus on, or what friends are doing, this is about what YOU need to do.  Sun square Chiron here will give us the ideas (Aries loves ideas) to make Cap style plans, so lists and organisation is good, however, we want to hold off to actually action these plans until Mars and Mercury go forward on 12th and 18th respectively.  When Uranus also turns direct on 22nd, the wind will be at our backs for informed consent and green lights for go go go all around.

Emotional Full Moon in Cancer – 6th January

A Cancer Full Moon is always going to be FULL of emotional value, bringing us into sentimental overwhelm and the need to process and express our feelings, our traumas and whatever is bothering us with the family dynamics (since Cancer rules families).  Of course this comes straight after Christmas when we have seen the relatives, and now with this recent familiarity and the Cancer lunation, we get to feel what needs to be done to either improve, heal or indeed, have an ugly crying outburst about our unmet needs or somebody else’s crisis.  The Cancer Full Moon at 16’ comes as an emotional checkpoint to all the Capricorn practical advancements planned for the coming year and give us that feeling, we are not ready to go back to work, nose to the grind.  Cancer Full Moon IS the duvet day of the year when we can’t quite make it out of our cosey homes, and it takes place when Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, the business world.  Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will be giving us all sorts of reasons to dig deep into the patriarchal work set-up we currently live with, and question it.  This is the perfect opportunity to use Cancer’s family memory bank to check backwards, deep into our ancestry, to see if our goals align with their desires and wishes too, or are blocked, needing our attention.  To go forward, sometimes we need to go back a little.

Mercury Cazimi Delivers Info - 7th January

A day later, as if to say, ‘at the same time’ since the Moon will still be in fullness, the little planet Mercury, retrogrades back in front of the Sun and becomes Cazimi at 16’, the Full Moon degree.  This means the vital life-giving force of the ginormous Sun, lends a massive helping blast to the little pea sized planet of communication, and Mercury thereby gets augmented to the super-size gargantuan bigness of the Sun.  In this special blast of Mercury energy, we get more of its power, bringing information, news, connections, alerts and Eureka moments that should help the business world and our own careers.  Or indeed, allow us to see what is going on behind the curtain of big business, big pharma, big anything with a global structure, since this is occurring in Capricorn, the big authority.  This Cazimi is making an easy trine connection to Uranus, the crazy planet of surprise and change, so anything is possible with this Cazimi, we are bound to be surprised by some of the unexpected information it imparts (Epstein’s clients could be on red alert).

Mars Goes Direct At Last – 12th January

At last Mars the planet of action and goals goes forward (at 8’).  This has been three long months of no energy, disrupted plans, mind games and wasted words.  Right now it may seem like this has all been for nothing, and I’m afraid we have to wait a bit longer to see why it was worth it, since Mars needs to pick up speed to really show us the details.  Mars doesn’t go into retrograde to annoy the hell out of us, there really is a game plan of slowing down, looking inward and checking in with our thoughts and programming, that we really are on the right track, and really do want what we are aiming for – Mars does rule our desires (including sex).  So if not on the day Mars goes direct, over the next few weeks or months throughout the shadow period (which lasts until March), all will be revealed and you will thank God, you let things go, or didn’t proceed with whatever hit the pause button.

Mercury Goes Direct For The Win – 18th January

Now it is Mercury’s turn to go direct, and he is also at 8’, so anyone with planets at 8’ will feel this energy rush forward, especially in the area where the 8’ is, as it gets a Capricorn confirmation, providing steadiness and certainty.  On this same day, the Sun meets up with the dark Lord of the Underworld, Pluto and this will power up the Capricorn essence of all these aspects even more.  Pluto is at 28’ Capricorn which is still within a degree of the USA Pluto Return point (at 27’33) and will be digging deep into the toxicity and corruption in the big structures of business, finance and politics that run our lives (in the Western World).  Pluto has had three passes over this point and will come back here again in October, so these critical exposés and intense power games that Pluto wants to eliminate or at least highlight for change, still have work to do.  Evolve or die, our governance, global structures and long-standing operations all risk being obsolete if they do not change in the next year or so and we now get a glimpse at how this might pan out.

New Moon @ 1’ Aquarius – 21st January /

Uranus Direct @ 14’ – 22nd January

The New Moon in Aquarius will help this change, since Aquarius loves anything new, different, and perhaps more complex.  Aquarius will highlight the future and as this New Moon occurs at 1’, it is pre-empting Pluto’s visit here in March, when Pluto arrives in Aquarius.  Pluto only gets to 0’ and does not go further, so this visit is just but a taster of Aquarian delights which the New Moon here will open the door to.  We already had ‘The Great Conjunction’ on this exact spot in December 2020, heralding in the Aquarian age, so expect a leap forward in AI development, or new ruling for genderless humans, or fascinating connections to the cosmos and star beings discovered?  The unbelievable potentials for humanity’s evolution when Pluto arrives in Aquarius for 20 years will be highlighted at this New Moon, so do not say I did not warn you of the surprises in store.  What’s more, Uranus, the crazy ruler of Aquarius turns direct within 24 hours on 22nd January, adding his usual blast of flamboyance and outrageousness.  Uranus is the last planet to go direct and therefore starts the APDM, the All Planets in Direct Motion, a period when all our projects and processes start to flow forward at speed.  Any proposal or plan gets the green light, and since it is Uranus, the more outlandish, the better.  Think outside the box, go against the flow, be the rebel, and things will start to happen for you.

Sun Square Taurus North Node & Moon – 28th January

The unexpected power surges of Uranus is the gift that keeps on giving as the Aquarius Sun makes a square to the Taurus North Node which is conjunct the Moon on 28th January.  The Moon will already be shining his moonbeams onto this North Node ‘destiny point’, so the addition of the Sun’s square really will force something incredible to happen to humanity, where we perhaps come together to bring about equality, fairness and a more sustainable future.


A Lover’s Life – Feb 2023


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