A Lover’s Life – Feb 2023

February is a month full of opportunity to find romance, enjoy the sensual pleasures of love and fall head over heels.

5th February - A Full Leo Moon

Leo represents the Sun in all its glory, the vital sunshine with its life-giving essence we all love.  We see this ruler of Leo every day, crossing our skies, however the Leo essence is also that ‘sunshine’ radiance which comes from within.  So when the Leo Full Moon shines bright on 5th February, we can take a moment to appreciate the upsurge in our inner warmth, radiating outwards with courage and passion.  We should look to this ‘vibe’ and understand that this is what is going to attract our ‘tribe’.  The Full Moon at 16’ will be making a square to Uranus, the planet of enlightenment at 15’, and so we are being urged to actively upgrade our consciousness around our heart energy.  This means our sovereignty, our beliefs about ourselves, and how we physically feel when confronted with ideas or people, since Uranus is in Taurus, which represents the body and being embodied.  The square forces us to take action, and there is no point in resisting this profound level-up of our sense of self.

Connecting To Venus Retrograde In Leo

Venus will be going retrograde in Leo in July and August of this year, so this Leo Full Moon is a sense check into what we are creating NOW, for what transpires THEN.  Therefore we look at what Venus is doing at the point of this Full Moon for a clue to what might transpire.  Venus, in all her sweetness and romance in Pisces, is making a square to her male counterpart, energetic Mars in Gemini.  This is not an easy square for Venus as she is at her most soft and vulnerable, whilst Mars in Gemini can be tricky, devious and duplicitous.  The Leo Full Moon will highlight this heart-breaker of a square, which goes from flirty frisson to friction and disappointment way too quickly.  However we may not understand the reasons why until July or August when Venus digs deep into the Leo heart of gold.

10th February - Mercury Meets Pluto

Mercury has completed his retrograde in Capricorn, which brought up enough complications and global control ideas to keep the world leaders talking in DAVOS for the next year.  Now on 10th February the planet of communication and thinking meets up with the Dark Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, to force classified discussions out into the open.  Mercury here is yet another opportunity for us to learn about the treachery and deception going on in high places, but perhaps serious consideration to business matters closer to home might benefit from this intense conjunction. A day later, Mercury meets Pluto at 28’, they both take one step onto the 29’ of Capricorn – a fully charged hot spot of dark ambition, of the unelected and unappointed.  This is the anaretic degree, the final point, and the last chance for the dark destroyer that is Pluto, to do its job in Capricorn.  Pluto in his ‘evolve or die’ way, is forcing the fourth industrial revolution and Mercury will draw out the corrupt planning from its hiding place within the system, so expect some headlines to reflect deep-state crime on this day.  At the end of the month, on 27th, Saturn also reaches the anaretic degree of Aquarius, and thereby sets up the ‘crisis’ that this point is renowned for.

15th February – Venus Meets Neptune = Magic

Whilst so many serious topics are being discussed, lovely Venus is still softly passing through Pisces, and meets up with its ruler, Neptune, the God of the Sea on 15th.  Venus has been oppressed by more authoritative and forthright energies lately, and this meeting with Neptune at 24’ lulls her (or ‘us’) further into a deep delusion of safety and soft comforts.  This makes it a super magical day for making romantic overtures and falling in love, but also being led astray, far from the self-awareness, newly gained at the recent Leo Full Moon.  Venus and Neptune create an attractive proposition, with a veil of glamour and a strong magnetic pull into the unknown, the unknowable.  Leo has recently helped open our hearts, whilst Mercury in Pluto has taught us the dangers.  So there is a feeling of being aware of this magical force, a lover waving red flags, but being unable to stop anyway.

16th February - Sun Meets Saturn = Serious Ideas

When the Sun brings the vital force of life to serious Saturn the next day on 16th, the risk seems less scary, and even a safe bet.  This is a brilliant day to sign contracts and agree to plans.  Saturn steadies the ship and makes good on ideas and goals for the future, since this is in Aquarius, the future focused sign.  Perhaps there is a sweetener in the form of a reduction in interest rates or a step forward in community projects that are designed to help society.

19th - 20th February - Pisces Season

Pisces season starts on 19th and the Pisces New Moon is the next day, bringing a new wave of emotional allure to surrender to.  Pisces is so vulnerable right now, and therefore we are open to underhand tactics and abuse.  Yet here we are on the edge of a precipice, ready to step off into the deep sea of love…or is it sorrow?  When Saturn moves into Pisces in March, there will certainly be a recognition of sorrows, losses and, I predict, an official look at ‘excess deaths’ and the hashtag ‘died suddenly’.  Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and whilst it has romance and creativity on its side, there are also endings, loss, and death to consider around Pisces events.  Saturn will bring the authoritarian officials to analyse what has happened to our loved ones at their end of life, and death may become mainstream news, but for now, the Pisces New Moon at 1’ is a peek at the reckoning that is to come.

27th February - Double Anaretic Degree

On the 27th, Saturn reaches the final degree of Aquarius, the 29’ point of crazy suppression or restriction (which Saturn represents), of the people (which Aquarius represents).  There may be some kind of cataclysm around this day, as Saturn uses the last chance to express this energy with the help of Pluto.  With two outer planets sitting on 29’ for at least a week, there may be tangible and dynamic evidence of the reality we have been living through and the epic shifts we are about to experience.


Dimensional Shift - Mar 2023


Full Speed Ahead - Jan 2023