Dimensional Shift - Mar 2023

March is the month we have been waiting for, when all the planets prise open the dimensional doors to another level of consciousness and a new way of life.

1st - 4th March: Joyous Self-Understanding

When the two planetary benefics, Venus and Jupiter, come together, they cannot but bring joy, love, deep understanding and the chance for happiness.  This is a true blessing, from 28th February to 4th March when Venus first conjuncts Jupiter over two degrees, and then Venus moves on to a conjunction with Chiron for another two degrees, and the three flow from 11’ to 14’ in a stellium (which is a group of planets).  Venus and Jupiter are a magnetic duo that create a safe space for the deep sensitivity of Chiron, and in Aries, allow honest self-awareness to come to the fore to initiate personal growth and healing.  Whether you are on a reflective, inner journey or just living your life, this stellium in fire-starter Aries, is the klaxon gun to encourage the breaking of new ground.  Obviously love is in the air with this combo, and a coup de foudre most likely, but Chiron’s presence does increase the chances of an epic meeting that feels more like a trauma bond connection, a perfect match to open up and heal old love wounds.

7th March: Saturn ingress Pisces

Finally after two and a half years restricting and oppressing ‘the people’ in Aquarius, Saturn now brings his stern and authoritative regime to the romantic sweet heart that is Pisces.  Straight after the Venus, Jupiter, Chiron triplet, Saturn could bring commitment, stability and longevity to any romances that started with ‘love at first sight’ in the week before.  But taking that idea to a wider scale, we see that Saturn can give assurances to anyone lost or in heartbreak.  Saturn can be the steady hand, but he will also demand a proper analysis of the sorrows of our globe, where we can look at ‘excess deaths’ and the hashtag ‘died suddenly’.  This is because Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and brings focus to the ultimate letting go, including the death processes.  Saturn stepping into this emotional and sometimes melancholic world of the two fish, will want a proper stewards enquiry to anything that was lost, let go, forced to go, or simply died.  In this way, Saturn in Pisces is acutely aware of the deconstruction of illness, sadness and death, but also support to bereavement and alternative healing modalities, that deal with emotional causes and use vibration or resonance.

7th March: Full Moon in Virgo

Talking of healing, as Saturn enters Pisces, the sign of emotional empathy, the Moon becomes full in Virgo, the sign of deep and real healing, and this gives purity and detailed due process to Saturn’s stay.  Virgo is clever and idealistic, and won’t let the big guys bully their way to covering up any deceit, so this Full Moon adds no-nonsense honesty and hope to Saturn’s stay in the opposite sign.  

15th - 16th March: Mars leaves the Gemini shadow zone

Dynamic Mars now leaves the shadow zone of his retrograde process through tricky Gemini, which started at Halloween 2022.  This isn’t just a silent ‘French Leave’, this is a kick your butt out the door, dramatic forcing of issues that will be upsetting and disquieting.  Mars Retrograde has taken us off on tangent that may have corrected a process with too many goals or redundant pathways; his decisive ways may have shown us alternative facts and layers of detail we didn’t know possible.  Now, at the exit door to this complex maze, the God of War, should be bringing the sword firmly down, job done.  But his square to the Sun, Mercury AND delusional Neptune, open up a Pandora’s Box of new devices: further conspiracies and a mountain of potential mysterious information.  Yet another opportunity for Epstein’s client list and the like to be published, which would be the best play for the magical qualities of this square, but there are plenty of other revelations to make it impossible to close the door on Mars’s epic retrograde.  The door of conspiracy and ‘alternative facts’ is left wide open.

20th & 21st March: Zero Point Starter

The March Equinox on 20th, when the earth is in perfect balance of night and day, hosts the New Moon at 0’ Aries, which is the ignition key to rev the engines of all March’s aspects.  This is of course, the first degree of the whole zodiac, 0’ Aries, and is already loaded with new beginnings as the starting point of the earth’s 26,000 year wobble.  So it’s not hard to see how it lights up so many of the processes happening now, which are really the beginning of a new era for mankind.  It is also a great day to begin any new personal projects and worth looking at where 0’ Aries is situated in your chart to make use of the fiery, feisty, full-on energy.  Say it, do it, plan it and get going on your goals.

23rd March: Pluto Into Aquarius

Finally after 15 years in Capricorn, the dark Lord of the Underworld steps into the futuristic zone of Aquarius and sits at the zero point, the 0’ of Aquarius.  This too is a starter klaxon and as The Great Conjunction happened here two years ago, we know it as the dawning of the Age Of Aquarius.  Sing it with me!  Pluto will stay at this zero point until 11th June and whilst it is but a taster of startling things to come, it does power up incredible advancements in AI, tech, and space travel, as well as moving society forward to its utopian ideal. Get your digital ID and social credit at the ready.  Pluto brings out the toxicity that has been lying hidden, the kernel of poison inside that forces complete evolution from the inside out.  It forces karma to play out across decades and lifetimes.  As this 0’ Aquarius has been hyped up previously, we know that Pluto’s entrance here will act like a land mine at the doorway.

25th March: Mars Ingress Cancer

FINALLY, Mars leaves Gemini.  The action orientated planet took a seven month, extended journey.  Triple the length of time Mars would ordinarily spend in any sign, so we should be thinking differently by now, potentially seen the complexity of situations, and possibly changed directions significantly.  Mars is the warrior without a sword in Cancer, passionate and ready to express soul mysteries from the heart, and in early Cancer, Mars makes a trine with Saturn the continues well into April, lending credence and longevity to these passions.  This is the green light to ‘go there’ emotionally when the chance arises.

30th March: Venus Electrifies Earth

Venus, planet of love, need I mention that, has made several conjunctions throughout February and March, and has a final meeting (for a while) at the end of the month, on 30th, with crazy-ass Uranus.  As Venus has been playing her magnetic game for lovers and healers, the meeting with Uranus fires an electrical bolt into the heart of earth matters, not just the sweethearts.  Something is stirring in our bodies, physically, and in Mother Earth, a seed has been planted and now we have several lines of progress that we will feel more aware of and attached.  Like ‘the quickening’, a heartfelt event or proposal that upgrades or operating systems to match the coming changes. 


Destiny Is All - April 2023


A Lover’s Life – Feb 2023