Destiny Is All - April 2023

The proclamation, “Destiny is all” at the beginning of each episode of The Last Kingdom may well be repeated several times through April.  The North Node is highly active, not only for the start of eclipse season, but in conjunctions and a month long square to Dark Lord himself, Pluto, that over-shadows everything.

2nd April: Love Completes, Mars Sextile North Node @ 3’

Passion and sensory satisfaction are in action right at the beginning of April as Mars, the planet of dynamism and passion, in emotional Cancer, makes a sextile to the North Node destiny point.  Because Mars is moving away from the North Node in this sextile, we may find that we come to a decision or a completion of a narrative which leaves us open for something else to flourish.  This is the first of many connections that involve the North Node, demonstrating that the pathway to our futures is a fast revolving door this month that has serious consequences.

5th April: Get A Grip, Sun conjuncts Chiron in Aries @ 15’

When the Sun makes a conjunction to the Wounded Healer that is Chiron on 5th, we know we have to sit up and take notice of our part in any issues, since this is Aries, representing the self.  This could mean an ‘I’m Spartacus’ moment, since it occurs right opposite and right before the Full Moon in Libra which is the ultimate judge and purveyor of all things balanced, fair and beautiful.  We want this sweet spot so bad, but who is going to ‘own it’…

6th April: Full Moon in Libra @ 16’

The thing about a Libra Full Moon is that it so desperately wants the ideal, that there is a high chance of creating a fake façade to manipulate situations, hence why ‘I am Spartacus”, could be the moment that one by one, people see the game being played.  A Libra Moon will add the glistening glamour of its light, so that all things appear better than they really are, and this can be appealing and satisfying.  Yet, Mercury the planet of communication and connections has just landed on the North Node destiny point, so the image that this moon is illuminating will be discussed.  Are we heading in the right direction?  Is this the right thing to do?  What is best for us and this planet?  This is a good time to bury bad news under a show of clever developments, yet nothing comes for free.  Do check the small print.

7th April: Mercury Moves Into Shadow

To add to further doubt to this Libra charm offensive, Mercury then steps into the shadow zone of his upcoming retrograde.  The timing right next to the Full Moon is perfect, and we can be sure whatever Libra style, luxury vision has been put forward as the most eligible and beneficial, will have to be reworked in some significant way.

11th April: All About Me, Sun conjunct Jupiter @ 21’ Aries

Even though the Libra Full Moon draws our attention to relationships and ‘the other’, the planets in Aries are returning the subject back to ourselves in every way.  On the 11th, the Sun brings its dynamic vital Aries force to Jupiter who, as you know, augments everything he touches.  So in this complex set up involving Chiron, Mercury and the North Node, the Sun and Jupiter are saying, ‘yes YOU, stand up and be counted” in the “I am Spartacus” week where there is no escape from being culpable. 

Venus in her loveliness also moves into Gemini on 11th, and here she makes a trine with Pluto - and Pluto is squaring the Nodes.  Venus in Gemini has the gift of the gab and can make clever and convincing small talk, enabling Pluto to work more effectively in this square that demands we ask difficult questions about what and who is shaping our future.  Expect some lively exchanges around future planning whether that is 15 minute cities, Octopus farms, bugs for breakfast or programmed digital money.  On a personal note, you may also want to ask some delicate questions or have them blurted out to you.

14th April: Venus Get Serious in a Square to Saturn @ 4’

Venus is still laughing us all into bed in Gemini with her sparkling conversations and fascinating appeal, and as she moves along to 4’ Gemini by the 14th, she makes a square to serious Saturn.  Whatever fun and laughter she may have been inciting now becomes more earnest.  We may have thought we were joking or only connecting to friends or projects for the laughs, but now we realise this is deadly serious.  Her ideas, the lies, the fake façade, is all for real.  These are opposing forces in this square, so don’t be surprised if you are cringing at what goes down around this time.

20th April: Eclipse Season

Woah!  Here we go again…this is the first eclipse of 2023, and it is a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 29’ Aries, the last degree of Aries.  This is of course the anaretic degree, the crisis point in any sign, but in dynamic and forceful Aries, it could bring about major defiance, aggression, and even wake up ‘the resistance’.  There is so much Aries and Mars activity on top of this fiery eclipse already, we are sure to feel a palpable blast of power on the day, the 20th, with strident protests, outbursts and final count downs to sever connections and force issues to a head.  Expect explosions and people acting ‘extra’ in an emphasised or extreme Aries manner.

21st April: Mercury Retrograde

Within 24 hours of this ass-busting, war-mongering eclipse, Mercury, the trickster and connector, turns retrograde in Taurus, right next to the lightning bolt thrower, Uranus.  It doesn’t take much to calculate that the eclipse and Mercury Retrograde are working hand in hand to change the direction of our futures.  Mercury in Taurus wants hard facts, and reversing from the curve ball that is Uranus, right back to the North Node destiny point, it feels like Mercury isn’t going to stop reviewing, reconsidering and digging deep into planetary issues until he finds a rock solid solution.  The retrograde lasts until 14th May and leaves the shadow on 31st May, so there is time to recapitulate and be hugely resourceful, be that with money, taxes, earth’s riches or sustainability.

Mercury actually ends the APDM, the All Planets in Direct Motion which has lasted for three whole months of full speed ahead, with no checks or diversions.  We may feel good as finally we can have some say in what others are planning for us and what seems to be panning out without our agreement - see Macron’s pensions or the UK’s 15 minute cities, all processed without due course.  Planet of surprises, Uranus, started this period of full-on flow and as the higher octave of Mercury, it is Mercury’s role now to imbed some of the thought processes, ideas and consciousness that Uranus has brought about.  They are both in Taurus, so the planet, Mother Earth and all her inhabitants, obviously need to dial up to the upgraded thought processes and consciousness that these planets can provide.


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