A Coronation - May 2023

May is for the people.  Pluto demands we look to our inner consciousness, Mercury takes us back to consider our physical reality here, and all the planets lining up Taurus demand that we become embodied and take responsibility for our physical reality.

1st May: Pluto Retrograde at 0 degree Aquarius

Never forget Pluto is the deep, inner soul work.
It’s the workings of the sub-conscious that we are not aware of in our day to day lives,  unless of course it gets aspected or transited by an inner planet that is powerful for us.
As Pluto is using the 0 degree of Aquarius to station, it’s like a nail being driven into this starter point of pure potential in Aquarius, which is therefore the soul work for humanity, community, our future, and tech advancements.  It is also our group consciousness.  Yes this is a mass programming, but each of us, in our own freaky, Aquarian way, can put our essence into the melting pot.  So as Pluto retrogrades on 1st May, betwixt the eclipses, it is our duty to take an inner look at what ideas or who is running the most prevalent tracks in our mind.  Is it a guilt programme, is it an unworthiness track, is it a fear frequency.  Whatever shadow forces are pulling you off the high vibration, sweet spot of love and Light (capital L), needs looking at - staring in the face.

2nd May: Mercury Cazimi

To help us get to reconsider this, Mercury goes Super Size on 2nd May by moving in front of the Sun in what is called a Cazimi aspect.  Mercury Cazimi will enable us all to have the light bulb moment, when we wake up to something incredible related to the sign it is in - in this case Taurus.  So we are ready to feel some of the Aquarian consciousness directly in our physical reality representing by the sign of the Bull.  Mercury is the thinking part of this and Taurus the physical.  It really is a special day to highlight all your desires and creature comforts, and then decide how to achieve these and get super creative.

5th May: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
The week ends of course with the Scorpio Eclipse right at the coronation in London.  King Charles is a Scorpio born on a Lunar Eclipse with his North Node at 4 degrees Taurus, exactly where it is now.  The nodes signify where the eclipses will occur and having an exact nodal return on such a significant day, not only for yourself but globally, is a phenomenal line up of cosmic synchronicities and are too precise to be a coincidence.  His coronation occurs within 24 hours of the peak of the eclipse which is at 18:34 BST on Friday 5th May, to be actually ‘on the eclipse’.  How can royal organisers manage this incredible cosmic line up?  Surely this is proof that something like this is spiritually ordained and this coronation is fated for King Charles.  He has certainly expected it all his life with his first house totally enclosed within royal Leo.  However, I see that the eclipse Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto is stationing in Aquarius, ‘the people’ and wherever Pluto sits, brings power, untold and often unmanageable power.  The ancient ceremony that will be played out before our eyes is really an esoteric ritual drawing on the earth’s powers to channel to The King.  The crowning is significant, yet it does need the people to focus their energy towards the ceremony, it doesn’t happen alone, despite them veiling one significant part of the ritual.  So now that we have a better idea of what the global elites mean to do with the power we invest in them, it would be a better use of that energy if we all tune in with a wide open crown chakra and ask to receive that coronation ourselves.  Don’t let it go to just one person, let’s all have it!  Pluto in Aquarius is the invitation to magnetise that power to the people and the more who are aware of what is available, the better.

9th May: Sun Conjunct Uranus @ 18’ Taurus

We get yet another spectacular blast of enlightening rays on 9th May when the Sun transits the crazy and electrifying energy of Uranus.  This is the annual upgrade of our physical reality, the manifest world, often via the most unexpected events.  We might look to the changes in our DNA, or abortion rights and body autonomy, or new food processing methods such as Bill Gates’ ‘Apeel’ which is a chemical spray to keep food on the shelf for longer.  Or indeed, as Taurus rules wealth and money we may see long-standing institutions, such as the banks, make some power moves to push their agenda (such as a cashless society), forward.  The Sun and Uranus are able to move mountains together, so this is a good day to work on something that is important to you and that has been previously hard to achieve, a pay rise, a house move or health goal.

14th May: Mercury Direct @ 5’ Taurus

Adding to the unexpected turn of events, Mercury turns direct right next to the eclipse point and North Node, at 5’ Taurus and provides yet another thrust forward.  Mercury in Taurus wants us to connect to the right people and make the right selection for our desires and personal satisfaction.  Mercury is the lower octave of Uranus and as they are both so active and excitable, here in Taurus, ‘the earth plane’, we may see a surge in EMF, radio waves or phone frequency issues, and the best advice is to try earthing, stay grounded and stay focused on your targets.

16th May: Jupiter Ingress Taurus

As if we had enough of Taurus’ earthly energy, the security and comfort of the manifest world, being destabilised with the buzz and thrill of the ‘air’ planets, finally Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, moves into Taurus to pimp up and enhance all the topics we have recently seen being disrupted.  Jupiter is here for a year, but passing the North Node (on 30th & 31st May) and Uranus (in April 2024) will open doors for enrichment and sustainable growth in Taurus themes of the earth and her riches, farming and food, money and wealth, as well as our bodies and sex.  Jupiter is indiscriminate in both his expansion, so both good and bad get enhanced, sometimes excessively, but ultimately it is us to make good on, and learn the lesson around, whatever makes an obvious entrance into our world.

Jupiter Squares Pluto

Jupiter is larger than life, and as this ‘extra’ planet immediately squares the darker power of Pluto on entering Taurus, you can bet there will be a tussle of sorts.  Pluto is lending power to the people, to the future agenda, whilst Jupiter is expanding all the areas where we might get resources from planet earth, where we might flourish, or plunder.  And this is a good quandary to consider when leaders feel that we are too many, and that decisions and underhand action have already been taken to progress life on earth in a very different way than we would have chosen for ourselves.

19th May: New Moon in Taurus @ 28’

Now if that wasn’t enough Taurean energy, the New Moon occurs on 19th May and gives us all the Taurean treatment.  Did I forget to mention that Taurus is the pleasure zone, the Bull likes his creature comforts, his luxuries as well as plenty of sex.  Despite earth’s discomforts being forced into the mainstream, the New Moon here can help us draw the focus back to us, our bodies and what feels good.  On one hand this is wonderful food and wine, but also how we might be satisfied sexually, or at least physically.  The Taurus New Moon is a great time to reignite your goals for your body, your diet and especially for your sex life which will all benefit from the fertile and creative energies at play.  Thank me later.

20th & 21st May: Planets Change Signs

Mars’s entrance into Leo may go unnoticed but for adding to the sexual exploits that are possible with the Taurus New Moon. Enjoy this extra juicy time.  However, Mars at the 0’ of Leo now forms a T-square with Pluto at 0’ Aquarius and Jupiter at 0’ Taurus.  These are fixed signs and in a T-square are totally unable to move forward.  No one is going to budge and indeed, the pressure keeps up, as these are big personalities, with massive influence bearing down on all the previous mentioned issues.  At the start of Gemini season on 21st, when the Sun moves into the sign of the twins (at 0 degree), it gives this complicated but clever, connection to Pluto, since they are both at 0’ air signs.  Perhaps this is the deciding factor that breaks the pressure cooker, or does the T-square force the media who is ruled by Gemini, to reveal some of their cards.  Certainly this Gemini season will feel different since Mars’s retrograde here has de-powered the big media giants and there could be exciting changes to the main platforms, but also stringent laws to how all social media operates which may affect our freedom of speech. 

30th & 31st May: Jupiter Transits North Node

As the month closes, Jupiter is really making the earth move, casting a flavour of disruption over his year in Taurus.  Jupiter conjuncts the North Node for two days and the doors to where we are heading are blasted to kingdom come.  This door has been swinging on its hinges for a while, as we have been treated to glimpses to what might be coming for us.  Is it holidays to the Moon, or trapped in 15 minute cities.  Does our cashless society mean we will have a social credit score.  What is to become of genders?  The answer to many of these questions have not been clear, until now.  Jupiter is about to deliver major truth bombs after which there is no going back.


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