Earth Moves - June 2023

June is definitely busting out all over as the North Node destiny point in Taurus causes planet earth to move in unexpected ways, and the Gemini New Moon delivers us from our deep delusion.

1st June: Jupiter Conjunct North Node @ 3’ Taurus

The first day of June is a good day to start any plans that involve your physical self, your body, such as a fitness or a diet.  You could also do something that involves your house or garden, and likewise it would seem Mother Earth will be joining you in taking a step forward to the future.  We will have plenty to explore as expansive Jupiter meeting the North Node destiny point on the first day of June will ensure whole new panoramic vistas are laid out, highlighting planet earth’s potential directions.  Futuristic opportunities often feel welcoming and satisfying, but not all of them are going to work.  We could see the earth being carved into 15 minute cities, or the weather being manipulated to suit a financial agenda or sustainability programme.  Whilst cash (Taurus rules money) could be on the demise as these Taurean themes are bumped up the agenda in a big way.

4th June: Sagittarius Full Moon

I cannot think of anything more enthusiastic than the Sagittarius Full Moon, like a puppy wagging its tail and jumping up for licks.  It is friendly and excitable.  The fiery moon is another reason to get your plans into action, as ‘something’ needs to be done with the combustible energy and you might as well point the centaur’s bow and arrow at something worthy.  Lofty even.  This Full Moon at 13’ Sagittarius, makes a Grand Fire Trine with dynamic Mars in Leo, and the Wounded Healer, Chiron, in Aries.  They add an extra compelling reason to connect with your inner truth, be intuitive about your life’s path, and follow your dreams with gusto.

4th June: Mercury Conjunct Uranus

Whilst the fires of the Full Moon are burning high, thinking planet Mercury meets up with its higher octave planet Uranus, and the two together act like a direct channel to the spiritual realm, bringing in higher codes of cosmic wisdom and the essence of refined thought forms.  Like a radio station has connected everyone to previously unknown purpose, we are given the gift of foresight and imagination, the opportunity to stretch our minds and ‘think outside the box’.  Again, this is in Taurus and therefore planet earth is at the centre of ideas and conversations.

5th June: Venus Ingress Leo

Venus’s entrance into the land of royalty and sunshine, is a major announcement of intent. Firstly Venus is about to retrograde in Leo, and this ingress will arrive with a taster of full lion flavour.  We may realise now, in our hearts, what is about to be the focus for the next three months.  Venus here will also replace Mars in the opposition to Pluto.  On the surface this may appear like a softer, more loving engagement with something very pleasurable, a coup de coeur even.  But in opposition, the searing truth of Pluto’s darkness may open the doors to something far more illicit, an obsessive romance maybe, that needs to be kept secret, or shouldn’t have started in the first place.  Enjoy the loving but do not be naïve.

11th June: Pluto Retrograde Ingress Capricorn

Pluto has only peeked into Aquarius at zero degree, nothing more.  I think society got a good idea of what that will entail, with revolutionary ideas about culture and children, but now moving back into Capricorn, Pluto takes his power with him, back into the corporate world of big business, big industry and global governance.  Now humanity as had the taste of Plutonic power in Aquarius, we are far more aware of what the big guns will be up to.  Playing their world domination games will get harder with Pluto shifting the power around, and of course Pluto moves right back to the USA natal Pluto spot at 27 degrees in mid-September and throughout October.  We will see the posturing of the super-powers and the candidates for America’s next election in November 2024 will be making their mark.  All eyes will be on America as it takes up Pluto’s powerful challenge to ‘evolve or die’.

17th June: Saturn Retrograde @ 7’ Pisces and Gemini New Moon @ 26’

Collaboration is key during the Gemini New Moon, of course, the sign of the twins wants to connect and relate.  Yet Saturn’s retrograde right at this lunation kind of spoils the party.  Saturn is sharing his time in Pisces with Neptune, the planet of delusion, which makes a square connection to the Gemini New Moon. Neptune involved here is forcing the delusion, to be uncovered, and Saturn retrograding at this point, asks us to get serious and see where we are blinded by the illusion.  Truth and lies are hard to separate in this age of social media, yet recently giants like the BBC have launched their ‘BBC Verify’ to own a space in the fact checking world.  Saturn (truth) and Neptune (lies) involved with Gemini (the media) will force a deeper investigation into the deception of the shadow twin. Likewise within our own lives, certain criteria will no longer be acceptable as a working model - we have to understand the deeper truth in our surroundings and behaviours.

19th June: Venus Enters Shadow @ 12’ Leo

Whatever lies or deception are unveiled at the New Moon, Venus’s move into the shadow zone of her upcoming retrograde the next day, is sure to invite you to pick a side.  We may be covering for a friend, or hiding something for ourselves and previously this could be seen as a casual white lie, but now it asks us to question our standards or depart from our own value set.  A tricky situation, that Venus will be happy to play along with until other factors come into the picture during her retrograde, which they certainly will. Watch this space, and also watch the royals for some surprising shifts in their dynamic.

30th June: Neptune Retrograde @ 27’ Pisces

Having just played a crafty back hand in the Gemini New Moon, disrupting the mainstream narrative with a sly revelation, Neptune now turns retrograde.  This is the planet of delusion, but also of magic and dreams, so it is hard to know if we can trust its movements in direct motion or retrograde.  However, certainly on the day of its turning we can expect some kind of inner knowing, a magical sign, to inspire us to take a chance on something beautiful and hopeful.


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