Nodal Change - July 2023

The harsh aspects around the destiny point of the North Node changing signs are forcing us through some very intense situations, opportunities for daredevils, but the benefits will be profound.

1st July: Neptune Stations Retrograde @ 27’ Pisces

On the first day of July, the hazy, dreamy planet of Neptune goes retrograde, and in all seriousness, it hardly matters which direction it is heading in, we are discombobulated and unsure.  The uncertainty and dream-like quality that Neptune emphasises has been intensifing as the planet slowed down to change direction in June.  At Neptune’s turning point - 27’ Pisces, a portal opens wide, a glitch in the machine that allows us all to go beyond ourselves and get in touch with something other-worldly, magical, and ultimately, hugely creative. Neptune in retrograde will then reveal something of the layers of half-truth and lies making up our world illusion, the currents that we perhaps have happily followed.   As our sensitivity swells, it is for us as creator beings, to understand where our internal ship may have steered off course, see where we have become disempowered or apathetic. We can then imagine, or as Dr Joe Dispenza says, ‘go up to the quantum field of potential’, and plug back into your infinite source to order your dream life.  

3rd July: Full Moon in Capricorn @ 11’

As we swirl around in the dreamscape that Neptune’s retrograde puts us into, along comes the Capricorn Full Moon.  This is a fantastic combination to help us get in touch with our dreams and then make them happen.  Capricorn of course, loves a goal, an achievement, and this is the perfect time to make what they call ‘aligned action’ and our best effort.  Even if the fullness of the Moon brings down the heavy hand of authority or state (and it will), we should look to our personal desires, dreams and pathway (in the Neptune sense) and make a plan for our own success like a good mountain goat.  The Gods might laugh whilst we make plans, but Capricorn will be supporting anything that progresses our life plans and personal wealth.  A dream written down with a date is a goal (as any Cap knows).  A goal broken down into steps is a plan.  A plan backed by (aligned) action, makes your dreams come true.  Thank me later.

10th July: Mars Ingress Virgo

The precision technique of the sword of Mars in the critical world of Virgo is striving for perfection, perhaps unattainable perfection.  Yes Mars here will slice through several layers of the Neptune fog to get to the truth, and yes Mars in Virgo will help our Capricorn planning, but the trick here is not to turn that sword back on ourselves in an act of critical self-sabotage.  Mars in Virgo can make progress very slow and difficult due to the amount of detail that needs analysing and this can be overwhelming and increase doubt.  Mars will be at 0’ Virgo, and therefore making an easy trine to the destiny point, the North Node, at 0’ Taurus.  Two earthly points are sure to cut through swathes of opportunity and ideals, to bring us the right idea, the right person or ‘thing’ to open doors to our future.  The North Node at the final degree (also the first, as it travels backwards) of Taurus, provides a burst of earthly abundance, an injection of support or finance, that can be the exact thing we need to progress to something more solid and dependable.

11th July: Mercury Ingress Leo

The day after this life affirming pat on the back, Mercury, planet of information, ingress Leo, also at the 0’, and will then make an activating square to the North Node destiny point.  If you haven’t picked up the money on the table brought by Mars activating the North Node, then Mercury here is ready to drop the information, the email or contract you need to make money, and hit a fertile period of growth.  Take whatever hand of support or opportunity is offered.

17th July: North Node Ingress Aries

As both Mars and Mercury activate the North Node destiny point, it creates a small but intense window of opportunity, a blazing ring of fire to jump through, made for daredevils, but which would be churlish to miss, as the planets don’t often give you such an incredible propulsion forward.  A few days later, on the 17th, the North Node changes signs and moves (backwards) into Aries and arrives on that, now infamous, spot of 29’ Aries, the anaretic degree of Aries, which is super powerful for dynamic, if not explosive moves.  We recently had the Solar Eclipse at this point that saw Elon Musk launch his rocket into space to explode ‘successfully’, and this demonstrates the kind of power this fiery point has.  The anaretic degree is the crisis point and in Aries, the God of start-ups, and of war, is a veritable trigger point to initiate something incredible, a grand fiasco or volcano of fire-burst could force itself into our consciousness or our reality.  It doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but if it is bad (ie: war), then it will be really bad.  However, for our personal endeavours, this is another day to make a dynamic move into a new area of life, or make a pointed expression of your ideas and desires.

North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra

The North Node changes signs every 18 months, so we are used to the Scorpio / Taurus axis of the last 1.5 years, where the South Node in Scorpio, representing our past, was bringing shadowy elements of life, sex, power and money to the surface.  With the South Node we are familiar with the themes, we have lived through them, and especially so if you have planets or angles there.  The point isn’t to ignore these, but to use the ‘skills’ we have inherited here to work on the North Node, the future pathway, as it opens up avenues of potential that we have to learn to navigate.  These are doorways to the future, and in earthly Taurus, we have been looking at saving the planet and animals - see the increase in veganism. But also, with the presence of Uranus, the planet of lightning bolts, in Taurus, we have also electrified and digitalised planet earth, especially with the onset of Central Banks Digital Currency (Taurus represents wealth and money) and 5G.  The trouble with these concepts is that the shadow of Scorpio has been looming over their integration, and we need our Scorpionic eagle eye observation and insight of undercurrent power dynamics to see what is really going on. Likewise when we come to Aries, the individualised ego, mankind and his ability to take action for himself, think for himself, and express ideas, we can see that the South Node in Libra, is bringing forth memories of equanimity in relationships, the idea of the ‘other’ and of a male and female balance in harmony that is a creative, fertile force, one that we cannot completely leave behind.  The North Node in Aries will hold more people accountable for their actions, but is this at the cost of our ability to have an opinion, and what of the fake profiles and identity theft that the digital world has spawned?  There will be a definite increase over the 18 months of business start-ups and people ‘doing it for themselves’ in unique and interesting ways.  We will also see a development or ‘evolution’ of the divine masculine, but not without consideration, compromise even, with the Libran idealistic love of beauty, romance and compatibility.

17th July: Cancer New Moon @ 24’ Conjunct Juno

On the SAME DAY as the North Node ingress Aries, the Moon becomes new at 24’ Cancer, the sign of compassion and family.  A New Moon at the same time as a nodal change, will flavour the entrance and even the whole journey of the nodes in their new sign axis.  Cancer is of course going to press its concerns for the family unit, the idea of motherhood and fertility, against the developing argument for gender identity and the dissolution of the family unit.  This New Moon in Cancer will oppose dark Pluto in Capricorn, the overgrown authority of the global state, and perhaps remind us of, or give weight to, the domestic sphere, life for ordinary people and those they love.  And of course, this opposition, then creates a square with the North Node in Aries, thrusting forward with his sword into new wars and new identities.  This is a t-square which the North Node is at the head of, wanting to strive forward buy the aspect will be antagonistic to the Aries idea of initiating progress whatever the cost.  Not so fast Mr Dynamo, there are people and businesses to think about before making a jump.

20th July: Mars In Virgo Opposes Saturn Retrograde In Pisces @ 6’

Mars in Virgo can be pernickety and overly critical, and on 20th July will be in opposition to Saturn Retrograde in Pisces.  Mars here could provide us with the data, the clarity, to bring answers to difficult questions around oppressive situations or where we have given up our rights or even given away our health.  We should look to Mars to draw a decisive line under key issues, as here in Virgo, he has the insight and cleverness to point his sword right into the heart of matters that matter!

22nd July: Sun Opposes Pluto @ 29’ In T-Square

The Sun is going to oppose Pluto on 22nd and there is always some kind of struggle, either by someone else or an internal paradox on this day.  This time the opposition of the Sun at 29’ Cancer, opposing Pluto at 29’ Capricorn, also involves the North Node newly at 29’ Aries, the sign of action, ruled by the God of War.  Any t-square will force a situation to clash, but at 29’, a crisis is likely, and dials it up to 10.  We can definitely expect some drama here and we have several hotspots to choose from: war in Ukraine, missing emails, corrupt data, excess deaths, rigged votes, impeached presidents and ‘politically exposed people’ having their bank accounts shut, fascist dictatorship style and many more.  If you have planets at 29’ or within a degree, you will have to act with utmost integrity and try not to get triggered by the swathe of antagonism swirling around.  Your hand might be forced, but in this instance, it is better to act with your conscience, and resist anything that goes against it at all costs. 

23rd July: Venus Retrograde @ 28’ Leo

The Sun only spends 24 hours holding this t-square, and steps into Leo the very next day, opening the door to sunshine and warmth in the sign of royalty. This starts Leo season and at the same time, the lovely Venus, planet of love, beauty and art, goes retrograde, also in Leo.  She is of course at 28’ and right next to the anaretic degree, so mindful of the alarum surrounding her, yet her objective is to focus on our hearts and matters thereof.  What pain are they carrying, do they need healing, what are they attracting with their essence, since the heart has the biggest electromagnetic field, felt by those around us as our energy. Therefore when Venus goes retrograde in Leo, she wants us to upgrade our emotional output, work on our self-love and feel into what our love style is creating for us.  Not just for romance and sex (although majorly for them), but all kinds of warm interactions that need us to check our energetic output, our essence when we walk into a room.  Venus Retrograde in Leo asks, ‘what are we bringing to the party?’.  Venus is retrograde for all of August and of course with any Venus Retrograde there is the obvious ‘in-coming’ of ex partners, as well as repeats of previous love situations.  This time around, we can recognise how our behaviour created these situations and perhaps learn to act with more grace and confidence, in a royal Leo style. 

27th July: Mercury Conjunct Venus Retrograde @ 28’ Leo

Venus is slow in turning, and four days later she is still at 28’, as Mercury, planet of connections has had the chance to arrive to her hotspot.  Mercury here is giving the high five to her journey, like a seal of approval, delivering the right information, creating the best connection, with a message of love - this is a good day to make connections of course, so get your best look on and make something fabulous happen for you.  Say ‘yes’ to whatever arrives, we have six more weeks to test the persuasive Venusian powers of love and our leonine heart strength.


Hold The Fire - August 2023


Earth Moves - June 2023