Hold The Fire - August 2023

“It might as well rain until September” goes the song, and with seven planetary bodies in retrograde, as well, it might.  Do not fear the retrograde, this is our chance to reassess and refine our heart’s desires, adding depth and assurance to Venus in Leo’s enthusiastic choices.

1st August: Full Moon @ 9’ Aquarius

Does the Aquarius Full Moon right in the middle of Leo season, lift us out of our happy place, to consider where our hearts are leading us in the light of community and society?  Is the Aquarius Full Moon set to remind us of our responsibility beyond our sovereign sphere?  Does it remind us, that what we do, and who we show up as, DOES matter.  The Moon will have recently made a connection with the dark Lord Pluto in Capricorn, so will be highlighting the corruption going on within the patriarchy and our working lives.  Capricorn helps us make a living, but as the Moon hops from the sign of the goal orientated goat, into Aquarius, representing freedom and rebellion, perhaps we might see how this also enslaves us to a system.  We have to check if this ‘system’ is draining us of our personal power and vibrancy due to the Leo placements, and as it is now a Full Aquarian Moon, what does this mean beyond our personal experience.  Where are we heading and how can this be sustained is the unavoidable Aquarian hypothesis that stops us in our tracks.

1st August: Mercury In Shadow, Planets In Virgo

Dynamic Mars is in Virgo, prompting us to ask all the right questions just as Mercury planet of ideas and more questions, steps into the shadow of his upcoming retrograde, also in Virgo.  So this Full Moon really does have us questioning our reality and opening our minds to the devil residing in the detail, which we may have missed.  The philosophical Aquarian Moon and the practical Virgo planets, are unemotional, curtailing our passions somewhat, and ask us to hold on to our feelings, until we have properly worked things out and all the cards are on the table.  Enjoy yourself by all means, but don’t give your heart away just yet.

7th August: Venus Retrogrades Back Into Lilith

We might need extra strength to stand firm and here it is.  Venus in her retrograde journey through loving Leo, meets up with powerhouse Lilith.  Lilith does not take prisoners - she is resolute, uncompromising but also fair. Her stance with Venus not only puts the breaks on passions and desires, she actually says “no”.  Lilith’s refusal brings with it the idea that it is always more powerful what we say ‘no’ to, than what we say ‘yes’ to.  At this point we can turn something down, walk away, or demand a better explanation, and in doing so, a greater opportunity or better chance will become available, even if it is not obvious right away.  It may be hard to turn away from something this week, but the refinement it brings will be profund, healing your deepest heart wound.

13th August: Venus Cazimi @ 20' Leo

Raise a cheer to anyone holding back in the middle of Leo season, because here comes the prize for doing so: two lovable days of Venus and Leo fabulousness.  On the 13th, Venus Cazimi and on the 16th, the Leo New Moon.  A Venus Cazimi in Leo, is a major flush of the heart, a quickening, or a Coupe de Foudre, which is the more romantic, French way of saying, ‘love at first sight’.  Say YES to this and enjoy its flush in a million ways.  In Leo we are deeply concerned with our hearts and when Venus travels in front of the Sun to form the Cazimi, she is emboldened to stratospheric dimensions and brings about a heart opening for humanity, wherever this sits in your chart.  We may see something of this Venusian sunshine splendour in the news, an announcement of heartfelt goodness, a joy that measures on the Richter scale, and pushes the Schumann Resonance up a notch - for what are we here for, but to learn to love one another.  They say if one door closes, another opens and if you had been holding back under the Aquarian/Virgo practicalities, then here is your golden moment.  A display of goodness, worth the discernment you exercised and the wait.

16th August: New Moon @ 23’ Leo Square Uranus

The goodness doesn’t end there.  Just three days later on 16th, the New Moon in Leo brings another burst of ‘I just cannot wait any longer’ felicitations.  As the Aquarian/Virgo aspects created the delay, the Cazimi gave the flash of inspiration, and now with the New Leo Moon, comes the agreement to do what works best for everyone, with cordial blessings and even love vibes.  This is Leo, so the love might well be romantic, and it has more of a chance if we recognise the power of love that resides within us and take responsibility for our heart’s electromagnetic field that surrounds us (as well as any past mistakes that blocked those vibes).  This Leo New Moon will make an exact square to Uranus who is damn sure to bring some incredible surprises, so we have to be super confident in emitting our finest essence, our best sunshine, come what may.  Courageous Lilith is involved here and she wants you to take whatever comes, like a warrior, but with all the Leo grace and good humour.  Lilith doesn’t leave room for self-pity, she is mega-brave and she doesn’t need any explanation, no excuses.  Stand proud and give the world a wink.  This is your power-up card, so take it.

19th - 23rd August: Virgo Season Starts As Mercury Retrogrades

As it feels so right, you may wonder what the delay was really about, but as Mercury the ruler of Virgo, arrives at the retrograde point to station here for a week, you may start to analyse those good feelings.  Mars in Virgo is still poking around asking questions, checking the bank details and as the Sun joins Virgo, Mercury turns retrograde, also in clean and analytical Virgo.  The shift to this precise earth sign will be palpable since its ruler turns retrograde at the same time.  Virgo is the only one that reads the small print, the privacy statement so we can retain personal power and acumen over the details of what our hearts uncovered during Leo season. We must not feel daunted, there may be fascinating particulars that need to be sewn together to improve our choice of direction.  Virgo is amazing at aligning all our troubles (and our wishes) into a ‘to do’ list and diligently providing the determination to work through it.

23rd August onwards: The Grand Earth Trine

Mercury and Mars in Virgo (in Virgo season), are the cut-throat purists and they will be forming a Grand Earth Trine with Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.  A Grand Earth Trine has the super-power to move mountains.  Deeply held convictions, long-standing institutions, stuck ancient attitudes will feel the need to update their operating procedures, with new convictions to herald in a new style of attaining goals.  We too have the opportunity to shift out of our way, big obstructions that may have felt impossible to move around, and in their place, develop new, healthier habits.

29th August: Uranus Retrograde

We can almost feel the earth turning on a new axis and perhaps the poles will have changed, as Uranus, planet of enlightenment and progress, turns retrograde in Taurus, representing the planet earth.  Uranus is close to Jupiter, and getting closer all the time, so these two together can make volcanos erupt, and their thunderous vibrations will be felt viscerally.  Uranus going retrograde makes it seven planetary objects now in retrograde motion, including: Mercury, Venus, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.  This isn’t a time to start new projects, but do not be disappointed.  All these planets in retrograde want us to reconsider our choices, refine our alignment, research into ideas, marinade in our situations, so that when they do go forward again, we are grounded and prepared.  In other words, do your inner homework and be happy for the sense check it provides.  Luckily for us, it is Venus that goes forward first and her beauty and gracious ideals in passionate Leo will flavour the tide turning on 4th September.

31st August: Full Moon in Pisces

Now we have our second Full Moon in August, upping the power and passion of this already loaded month.  A Full Moon in Pisces is a tidal wave of emotional overwhelm landing in our laps and we would be wise to use its watery feelings to purge deeply held sentiments, grudges or unrequited love tangles - aka have a good cry.  We may joke about this now, but when this wave comes in, the feelings are real and need to be processed appropriately.  We will be extra psychic around this time and channelling our visions into something creative is a fabulous way to keep this watery wave of sensitive tenderness moving along smoothly.  The Pisces Full Moon is conjunct old Father Time, so we do need to address any untoward outbursts or vague impressions coming into our field of consciousness and set them right.  You may recognise the wheel of karma turning, yet Saturn here may feel oppressive, but really he is steadying the ship, so that we can sail towards our dreams more efficiently and purposefully.


Green Shoots - Sept 2023


Nodal Change - July 2023