Green Shoots - Sept 2023

In a slow moving month that features seven planetary retrogrades, Virgo season makes sure there are green shoots appearing, delivering vital knowledge, rich pickings and extra power.

September: North Node conjunct Eris

I wanted to highlight that the North Node, the doorway to our destiny, is going to be conjunct Eris, the dwarf planet associated with ‘strife’ for the whole of September.  Calling Eris ‘strife’ is an antiquated view of how Eris turned up at a wedding uninvited, and then asked the guests the crucial question that got Goddesses using bribery and grovelling for approval…and resulted in the Trojan war.  So Eris standing in the ‘destiny doorway’ for the whole of September, is something we need to be made aware of.  Her question highlighted the inequality in society and showed how shallow some of its structures turn out to be.  So who is going to be asking the right questions to put the cat amongst the pigeons?  Who will be scrapping around trying to come out of this looking ok?  Who will be using bribery to win the prize position?  Watch these antics all month long and know it is a repetition of history that will enable us to move forward.

3rd & 4th September: Venus Goes Direct. @ 12’

Venus in Leo is concerned with our hearts, so perhaps her retrograde journey throughout August may have cracked open a chink in the cardiac machinery to let in some more light - and more love.  Venus wants us to ‘wear our crown’ with flair and pride, so now is the time to activate the lessons we learnt during the retrograde period.  She turns direct on 3rd / 4th, and this is notable because it is still the 4th when Jupiter turns retrograde (but it will be 5th in Australia) so basically within 12 hours of each other.  These two ‘benefics’ are the most positive planets available to us, and changing directions like this, almost hand in hand, whilst they are also in a square formation, is exciting, thrilling and will bring about a warm inner glow of satisfaction, and put a smile on your face if nothing else.

4th & 5th September: Jupiter Goes retrograde @ 15’ Taurus

Jupiter’s associations with abundance are well known, and going retrograde does not mean the resources will dry up, but it does mean to check your asssets, check where you are in alignment to the flow of abundance.  Jupiter is in Taurus where we would feel things in our bodies more readily, and having just ‘met’ with Venus, Jupiter will be recognising that our hearts will be the thermometer of this flow of abundance.  Jupiter here invites us to look into any blocks we may be harbouring, or any places where we do not allow ourselves to feel desire, or any feelings of unworthiness we may have.  And once we become aware of what these anomalies are, we can work to get back in alignment of the richness of planet earth, and back on the gravy train for success.

6th September: Mercury Cazimi @ 13’ Virgo

Put September 6th in your diary as a day to win.  Mercury Cazimi enhances the themes of Mercury: thinking, ideas, connections, data and travel, all emboldened to the size of the Sun.  This is the ‘Super Size Me’ moment for our brain power and in the midst of so many planets in retrograde, this lightbulb moment is a welcome chance to relay good news or get to the eureka moment on whatever we have been diligently working on.  Since this is Virgo who likes clarity and certainty before advancing anywhere, expect some good news or vital information to be delivered which open the door to progress and approval.

15th September: Virgo New Moon @ 21’ and Mercury Direct

The Virgo New Moon is another day to get facts straight and make sure all the smaller details of our lives are creating the results we want.  This New Moon is on the degree that Mercury retrograded from, and will highlight the whole journey that Mercury has taken, since the 23rd August - what was going on then, which may need your attention now?  Mercury rules Virgo and now moves into direct motion at the Virgo New Moon…a deluxe double, extra focus on the devil in the detail, which can reveal far more than anyone can bargain for.  Now at the the Virgo Full Moon, Mercury goes direct and supportive and relevant data, information and connections may come to light, and as we consider them, everything can flow more efficiently.  The experience of getting so many boxes ticked and situations successfully navigated whilst Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are still in retrograde, just shows how effective Virgo can be at getting stuff done.  This feels good, and with Virgo’s mind for improvement we are gently being urged to do better, be kinder, and to not forget to eat more nourishing food too.

19th September: Sun Opposes Neptune @ 26’

Neptune is in Pisces magnifying elements of our dream world, enticing us to get lost in our imagination, so when the Sun arrives in exact opposition to Neptune on 19th, the Virgo powers of discernment and arrangement can kick in.  Putting a plan together to make these dreams happen might seem like a mammoth task, but with the Virgo wind in our sails, we should keep planning and working our ‘To Do’ list.  Neptune will also emphasise how lost humanity is, deep in the programme of society structures, how many are just following a pre-ordained path with no idea they can break free.  The Virgo Sun here is the chance to find the key to release any souls with Virgo’s diligence and dedication to truth.

20th September: Sun Trines Pluto @ 27’ Cap

The next day, as if to emphasise this truth, the Virgo Sun makes a trine connection to Pluto, the power player in his global office of Capricorn.  Pluto is increasing the power of the world’s commercial mechanisms, and therefore its corruption is also showing.  Virgo demands those in public office do the right thing, even when no one is watching and arriving here, the Sun in its most honest and pure form, is demanding authenticity, legitimacy and answers, which will be better late than never!

23rd September: Sun Ingress Libra for Equinox

As the Sun enters Libra, planet earth is in harmonious balance of equal day and night.  To follow, on 23rd and 24th, Venus and Mars will be making connections to Chiron, The Wounded Healer, and this brings up the trigger point of our ‘initial wounding’.  Yes this could be alarming, but here in Aries, Chiron is teaching us to take responsibility for our own healing journey.  Whatever pain or despair comes up now, is ready for you to treat it with renewed wisdom and find better ways to not just release your wounds, but to really understand them and perhaps master how to alleviate them for the benefit of yourself, and eventually others.  Venus and Mars are also in a tantalizing connection that is super sensual. As the divine feminine and masculine, these two are liaising in a fertile and seductive fashion.  Their provocative action here will enhance and deepen any healing work and perhaps bring soothing and even sexual harmony to those issues.

29th August: Full Moon Aries @ 6’

The Aries Full Moon is yet another green light to get you going in amongst all the retrogrades.  Aries loves to take action and this Full Moon is not complicated by any aspects to other planets, which makes any potential action, far more dramatic and powerful.  An unaspected Moon has a clear message and we can take this as a prompt for the divine masculine (that Aries represents) to take the lead, especially when the next 18 months of eclipses will be featuring Aries.  Aries always wants a purpose and it reminds me of one of the two main tenats of The Artists Way, a book designed to inspire creativity, especially when in a creative block - or in a time of five planets in retrograde.  The book says that to go on a date with yourself at least once a week is the inspirational boost anyone needs to re-connect with their inner sensitivities, wisdom and creativity.  This Full Moon is the ideal time to go on one of those dates and gain its maximum benefits, but also make use of the wonderful, inspiring energy that the fiery thrust of this Aries Full Moon brings - to get on and do something for yourself, even if that means by yourself. Do not worry, others will follow.


Eclipse Season - Oct 2023


Hold The Fire - August 2023