Plus Ça Change – Sept 2024
We need Virgo dedication to get to the truth as we head towards the mystical revelations within the Pisces Lunar Eclipse Super Moon that is an elevation to higher consciousness.
1st September: Uranus Stations Retrograde @ 27’ Taurus
We know that Uranus stands for FREEDOM, for our FUTURE, for REVOLUTION and for COSMIC communication, sending electrifying bolts to wake us up, perhaps causing chaos, but also bringing opportunity. It was French journalist, critic and novelist, Jean-Baptiste Alphonse who said ‘plus ça change, plus c’est le même chose’ meaning, the more things change, the more they stay the same BUT, this is not that kind of change. This is the rollercoaster ride to oblivion and back, hanging on to your seat to arrive somewhere else, who knows where. Where is 27’ Taurus in your chart, where you should experience this curve ball of electricity as Uranus, chaotic planet of change, stations retrograde. We have to expect the unexpected and surf this wave, rather than get caught in the rip curl.
1st/2nd September: Pluto Retrograde Ingress Capricorn
Less than 12 hours later, so either on 1st or 2nd depending on where you are, Pluto Retrograde moves back into Capricorn in another epic shift. Pluto will sit at the 29 degree of Capricorn, which is the anaretic degree, the degree of crisis, with his intense focus, death stare. His gaze forces deeply uncomfortable moves within the Capricorn business world of big corporations, big politics, and big money. Pluto’s modus operandi is ‘evolve or die’ and delivers an all-important injection of Pluto toxic power, sitting on that crisis degree spot to bring about the death codes of the patriarchy, the big corporations and big government. Pluto connecting with America’s Pluto Return spot, throughout the elections, is a major dose of deadly poison that many will not be aware is being doled out. Look and learn. Some of the old ways are being deconstructed right before our eyes and we need to see this so we can adapt and survive.
3rd September: New Moon @ 11’ Virgo
We might give a big sigh of relief for the Virgo New Moon on 3rd September for its steadying, grounding effects. Details are what matters to this Virgo New Moon, and the serious nature of the New Moon will be emphasised by the opposition to Saturn, whose oppressive nature restricts the actions of those working with Virgo’s good intentions. We have to fight for the truth and since the New Moon opposite serious Saturn also forms a t-square to Jupiter in Gemini, there could be tricky and irritating conversations around, deciding what can and cannot be said…let alone, what the truth actually is. The media will be having a field day, the gossip mongers will be on high alert. This could be painful, but at least the Virgo New Moon wants the fighting factions to agree to the facts. Any Virgo New Moon invites in new discernment so we can be hyper aware of will be the best medicine for ourselves as the world changes around us.
6th, 7th, 8th September: Mercury Direct In Focus
Mercury is still in the shadow zone, bringing the focus to what we FEEL is right for ourselves, since he travels through Leo making connections with the big planets. Within three days, Mercury squares Uranus @ 27’ and sits at the head of a Yod created by Neptune @ 28’ Pisces and then Pluto at 29’ Capricorn. This is the Yod that Venus and then the Sun made only recently, and also mimics the Yod that Venus made last year with 28’ Leo as the fulcrum. Mercury is in the hot seat now, in charismatic and proud Leo, reminding us our sovereignty, and where we have the freedom to say what we want, to express who we are. Mercury in Leo is here encouraging us all to express our highest vibe, with warmth, grace and dignity. Yes you can be who you want to be, and say what you want.
12th September: Virgo Sun Squares Jupiter in Gemini @ 19’
What have you got on or around 19 degree in Earth or Air signs? Because our precise, careful Virgo Sun is picking her way through the details to bump into a challenging square with the ebullient, effervescent Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is having fun, being the trickster, flitting around, making super connections…and this square might not be that easy for our careful planning Virgo. But it will encourage us to have those conversations that we had been resisting previously, to break free from any censorship because, facts, right!!?! We don’t want to break the law, but we have the right to go about our business, doing our do, one great point at a time. Mercury leaves the shadow zone on this day, so we are now heading into new levels of efficiency and planning – but do not exhaust yourself! Save it for the weekend!
15th September: Venus in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini @ 20’
As Jupiter is crash banging around in the information world of Gemini, feathers will be ruffled, even if the Virgo season is trying to keep a lid on all that fun and frivolity. Jupiter in Gemini is perhaps the bit of extra irritation, that forces the hand, that creates the pearl. We want to create the pearl don’t we? On 15th September we might be in luck. Venus, planet of love, beauty and money makes a trine to Jupiter in one of the most fortuitous aspects of the year. If you’re not sure when to make something happen, or even if you haven’t got anything planned, this is your day to go out there and let the universe deliver some joy. Serendipity rules over the whole weekend and luck will be in easy access, as these two planets (in air signs) are charging up the airways with flirty vibes and deliciously good, appreciative feelings. Let’s hope we get noticed.
17th / 18th September: Lunar Eclipse (Super Moon) @ 25’ Pisces @ 3:34 BST
If you can be bothered to get up in the middle of the night in the UK or Europe, you will see the Moon turn a glorious shade of red as Earth’s shadow takes a chunk out of its side. This is a Super Moon, Lunar Eclipse, where the Moon is 14% closer to the Earth, making it appear much bigger and far more powerful. This Lunar Eclipse is at 25’ Pisces, emphasising the emotional, mystical and artistic nature of Pisces, and emphasising our dream world and other occult elements around us. What’s more, Pisces’ ruler, Neptune is conjunct the eclipsed Moon, and they are both at the head of a kite formation. This dials the levels of extra magical and illusionary power up to 11 and has the potential to cast deep and fascinating spells on humanity. We’ve had years of Neptune in Pisces, drawing us deep into the illusion (or delusion) of our times, opening us all up to the potential of our spiritual dimension. However at this eclipse, the intensity of aspects focused on the Moon really takes the consciousness awareness of humanity to another level. Either we are being hypnotised deeper into a waking dream, or we get to see some of our own dreams come true since there is inherent magic in this eclipse and it really is a time to really get out your cauldron and mix something juicy up… be your own magician and imagine your own sacred wishes for a deeper connection to your soul’s mission. Here’s Shakespeare’s witches to get you in the mood:
“Fillet of Fenny snake, in the cauldron boil and bake. Eye of newt, toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg and owlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.”
The eclipse will be in a t-square to the planet of abundance Jupiter, which will heighten our awareness to the mysterious revelations inherent in this eclipse. Be prepared to learn something from beyond your usual scope of ideas. A Grand Earth Trine, is happening at the same time, delivering the undeniable force of Earth power to moving mountains and shake us to our timbers. Be careful what you wish for, think of and speak, the Gods are truly listening and the intercom to God is on!
22nd / 23rd September: Sun Ingress Libra @ Equinox 13:43 BST
The Sun moves into Libra a few days after this lunation and brings us to equal day and equal night, a time when we are duty bound to feel into the harmony, balance and flow of Mother Earth. As the Sun moves into the harmonious sign of Libra to emphasise this fact, its ruler, Venus, steps out of Libra at the other end and into Scorpio, upping our strategic thinking and ‘degree of difficulty’. No more playing along with the game, Venus in Scorpio picks up the power, gets wise to everyone’s motivations and is ready to call out any fictitious narratives (or Jupiter in Gemini naughtiness). Venus in Scorpio doesn’t get cross, she just holds people to their own standards and watches how that plays out. As she brings deeper wisdom, there may also be calls for those responsible for sexual crimes to be held accountable.
28th / 30th September: Sun Conjunct South Node & Mercury @ 6’ / 7’ Libra
The Sun has left the eclipse opposition spot but now lands on the South Node, still bubbling under with eclipse energy and ready to play out any situationships from the past that need re-considering. What have we still got attachments to that the eclipse can demonstrate is still resonating down through the ages, which we can now take notice of and set free? Mercury joins the Sun on this spot, where they positively demand that we look at our past ways of being within relationships. It’s like we have to ‘speak now, or forever hold your peace’ as this becomes a brilliant opportunity to exorcise old ghosts and their entourage.