Pleasure Principle - July 2021

July brings the possibility of enjoying pleasure once more, with Venus and Mars meeting in Leo, even before Leo season.  Other shifts to more cerebral conversations in Aquarius and Virgo mean we have work to do if we want to keep the sense of heightened personal expression and the love fires burning.

I Want To Break Free As Mars Enters Forms A T-Square 1st – 4th

July kicks off with a wildly challenging set of aspects whereby super dynamic Mars in Leo faces off to Saturn who is pressing down heavily on humanity right now.  It’s as if Leo is saying ‘ENOUGH!’ to Saturn’s dictatorial efforts in restricting our freedom and our rights.  Mars in Leo is feisty and full of bravado; he doesn’t take being told what to do easily, if at all.  Mars opposes Saturn from 1st and both these planets square crazy planet Uranus, in a t-square formation which takes this aspects through to 4th when the Moon also joins in this set piece.  The suddenness of Uranus and Mars’ actions will win this challenge and with that comes huge and powerful changes to our lives personally and on mass.  We want to break free and these planets will help us, but we cannot predict how or why this will happen, although Uranus will certainly give us a surprise to talk about for weeks, so hold on to your hats.

Cancer New Moon Shows Us Home Is Where The Heart Is on 10th

The New Moon in the caring sign of Cancer on 10th reminds us all why we are here and what we should be focusing on, which is a sense of family within the community, the love that bonds us all together and showing empathy to our fellow man.  In this way, a new paradigm of healing can take place as this Cancer Moon will oppose the darkness that is Pluto, which is the force that has been slowly driving the destruction of the current framework of our lives and the way they are run ie: governments, laws, corporate giants and big industry.  You might think that a Cancer New Moon is too super soft to make any real impact, but it is helped by mysterious Neptune and the subtlety of its sweet style will win vital admiration and applause. 

Love Comes To Town With Venus, Mars & Moon In Leo From 12th

Whilst we are being treated to the softly softly approach, Venus in charge of our hearts has been catching up on dynamo Mars in Leo and these two, male and female, yin and yang archetypes come together on 12th in a powerful meet up which is augmented by the Moon also joining the love birds.  This is an intoxicating mix of emotional warmth, come hither wiles, sexy magnetism and pure unadulterated joy.  Is this the exalted feeling of touch when we begin to hug one and other again?  Could it be a huge dose of love and flirting which has been missing from our lives?  Are you in a position to make use of this brilliant few days of love sexy magic to meet a new love, upgrade your passion play and or rekindle your relationship?  We should answer yes to all of the above so we can enjoy this love boost which lasts through to 15th.

A Deep Dive To Our Inner Knowing As Chiron Retrogrades on 15th

Whatever we meet or reveal through our pleasures and heartfelt endeavours in these few days will take us on a journey to understand ourselves better as Chiron in Aries representing the wounds of the ego, retrogrades on the 15th – ouch!  We are in for a deep dive into personal, inner growth and at the same time the Cancer Sun increases its power by a connection to Neptune on 15th and Pluto on 17th.  The Sun in these aspects is again bringing us back to what is real and important and that won’t be a set of cultural ideals or expectations from the government, but what lives inside of us and our inner knowing.  This is the divine mother vibration ensuring we keep true to her values and bring them close to our homes and our tribes.

Venus In Virgo Cleanses The House on 21st

As Venus enters Virgo on 21st, where she becomes much more discerning, critical even, about what has just passed, she sets about cleaning up the ‘house’ or situation we have just been reminded of.  She opposes giant Jupiter here, so some of this energetic cleansing will take a huge effort to enforce.  The message she delivers is clear, if you want these good-time Leo feelings you just tasted, there is homework to be done and perhaps some difficult decisions to be made.  The Sun then enters Leo on 22nd to remind us of those luscious feelings and our heart’s desire, so we are duty bound to do what Venus in Virgo says and get sweeping or saging (metaphorically speaking).

Think Wacky And Think Weird At The Aquarian Full Moon on 24th

Future ideas are on our minds at the Aquarian Full Moon on 24th and with heavy Saturn involved here, the freedom and transparency of vision required for the balanced society we are striving for, is hard won.  We need to get clever now and think outside the box as this Full Moon invites us to be creative to open the doors to a new paradigm and not go back to the previous set of ideals.  Thinking planet Mercury is working with mysterious Neptune to open our minds much more fully to the weird and the wonderful, and as Aquarius celebrates the unusual, we should all use Mercury’s powers of communication to speak our minds even it is against a whole swathe of opposition – oh still small voice of calm.

Life After A Pandemic, Planets Change Signs And Scene To End The Month

This small voice gets extra courage as Mercury opposes Pluto and then moves into Leo on 27th and Jupiter moves back into Aquarius on 28th and Mars moves into Virgo on 29th to bring us to the end of the month in a more cerebrally active and potentially thrilling frame of mind.  These moves by Mercury, Mars and Jupiter draw us into the larger and much more diverse discussion around life after a pandemic.  Mercury in Leo gives us the courage to speak, Mars in Virgo provides clarity of thought and precision, whilst Jupiter back in Aquarius until the end of the year, is opening the door to the dynamic future vision we now have to start building, so let’s get involved.


Circus Of Our Dreams - August 2021


Information Download - June 2021