Circus Of Our Dreams - August 2021

It’s circus time: August sets the stage for a variety of brilliant opportunities for us to create the future we want, as planets in dramatic Leo invite us to let out our own personal roar and the second Aquarius Full Moon this year is a crazy ignition for incredible possibilities.

The Lion’s Roar: 1st – 6th

They say the lion’s roar is worse than his bite and we begin August with our heads right in the jaw of the roaring lion, all teeth, dripping saliva and deep growly purr.  Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication catches up with the Sun on the 1st, and their joint brilliance in dramatic Leo, is worthy of the lion’s act at centre stage.  If you have something to say, this is the moment as Leo’s warmth and natural authority delivers any message with mercurial fascination and aplomb.  Speak your truth.  This is the circus ring-master cracking his whip to be heard, but not everyone is going to like the ideas around personal sovereignty and speaking up for oneself that is essential to Leo.  The Leo pair (Sun & Mercury) are opposite Saturn, who is restrictive and judgemental and try as Saturn might, to crush any dynamic speeches, the cat will be out of the bag and getting all the attention.  Mercury and then the Sun both square crazy Uranus on 3rd and 6th and this shoots thunderbolts of surprises to increase the outrage and drama - Ladies and Gentlemen, stay seated for further eccentric stage entrances with real shock value.

A Bold New Moon For Lions: 8th

The Leo New Moon on 8th is another dramatic scene in this unexpected play.  Whilst it is a few degrees on, it still holds the opposition to serious and staid old Saturn, and still receiving the lightning strikes from Uranus.  Leo’s roar will be heard right across the jungle and that is either your own heart bursting with passion or the unrivalled sight of some powerful moves of those in key positions.  This new moon comes in-between two Aquarius full moons where society and the people within it are brought to their full pique of alertness over the current situation and the rules that bring it about, so this Leo New Moon is a huge driver for people to stand up for their beliefs and their own sovereignty.  It is a modern take on David and Goliath, where everyone has to stake their colours to the mast, even if that means a passport (Leo is in charge of personal id), and stand up and be counted, even if that means refusal to comply (Uranus and Aquarius will encourage this).

Cool Cognitive Dissonance: 10th to 19th

Mercury, is still putting our hearts at centre stage on 10th August with the Leo style of thinking big, talking honestly when he opposes Jupiter in Aquarius, so a kind of cognitive dissonance occurs.  People are talking but is anyone paying attention, or are they (you?) avoiding reality – given up or spaced out beyond reasoning?  Mercury is about to move into Virgo on 11th, where words become more precise, far less emotional, and as Mercury joins dynamic Mars, perhaps they have more power to affect change.  Mercury and Mars will be working together in Virgo for another fortnight and especially around 18th and 19th, meaning decisions based on information, data and connections are ready to change our future in a powerful way.

Earth Moves, Grand Earth Trine: 19th

At the same time as Mercury overtakes Mars, the planet Uranus turns retrograde, joining all the other outer planets in reverse gear mode.  Uranus incites dynamic change and unexpected events whether going forward or backward, and on the day he changes direction, we can expect some power outage or major curve ball to be thrown.  Uranus’ change of direction connects to both Mars and Mercury (in Virgo) AND Pluto (in Cap) who is being transited by the Moon, to create a Grand Earth Trine.   It takes a lot more effort to move the earth, but with the enormous flow that a Grand Trine such as this makes, huge mounds of difficult or stuck energy can be shifted, mountains can be moved as if by magic.

Full Disclosure Full Moon: 21st – 22nd

Two days later on 21st Venus in Libra moves into position to form another Grand Trine, this time in the three air signs, so a Grand Air Trine, but since the flow of air is easy and far more fluid, the affect can bring about eccentric or ambitious ideas, crazy discussions or even absolute chaos.  This whirlwind of wild thinking might blow our minds and occurs just before the Full Moon in Aquarius (an air sign) on 22nd.  This Aquarian Full Moon sits on the last degree, often the crisis point of a sign, where things have a last chance opportunity to happen.  And as this Moon is also conjunct Jupiter, the planet of expansion, its powers of new age possibilities are increased further, so perhaps we will be given ‘full disclosure’, the truth about our cosmic relatives and off-planet activities.  The Aquarian themes of philosophy, community, virtual reality, the digital future, planetary ascension and our place in the universe will be unavoidable.

Being The Future You Want: 23rd – 31st

Early on 23rd, the Sun enters Virgo joining Mercury and Mars and continues the Grand Earth Trine where proper developments can create growth and opportunities. The emphasis in Virgo brings clarity and well thought out considerations to bear fruit and we can expect monetary relief funds and furlough ideas to be outlined, in order to create the financial growth needed to get back to ‘normal’.  Venus rules finances and she is in her own sign of Libra, where on 26th she opposes both Chiron and the Moon.  This opposition has the possibility to show us where we have to take responsibility for our own affairs, financial or romantic, even if this feels like a split from the comfort zone.  We can get a greater sense of hope and idealism as Mercury joins Venus in Libra at the end of the month on 30th.  Libra’s harmonious vision will ignite the planets in Aquarius, so that we can see our own part in creating the future by way of reaping what we sow and being the future we want to have.


Devil In The Detail - September 2021


Pleasure Principle - July 2021