Devil In The Detail - September 2021

The devil is definitely in the detail this month Virgo season delves into crucial information aided by the lightning bolts of Uranus, giving us the insight and inspiration to move mountains due to the Grand Earth Trine in play.  As the personal planets move ahead into Libra and the air signs become dominant, the winds of change to be blowing through September as change becomes a constant.

The Children Are Our Future

Super-size planet Jupiter’s journey back into Aquarius is already eventful.  But what may have escaped notice is that Jupiter who expands all he touches, bad and good, is now conjunct Niobe, the mother who cries for her slain children.  Seven daughters and seven sons, all gone, so Niobe weeps with such sorrow, she is turned to rock.  Even though we might see Niobe as a lesser asteroid, her month-long conjunction with Jupiter is augmenting her themes for all to see.  It is no coincidence we are sending our children back to school for the new term as Niobe cries, yet Virgo season sees to it that there are medical issues to negotiate for the new school year and this ramps up the ideas regarding children as our saviours or masters of their own future (since this is in Aquarius).  

Mars Makes Mountains Moves

Niobe makes one of several exact meet ups with Jupiter on 2nd and 3rd at the same time that dynamo Mars makes an opposition to hazy Neptune.  Mars in Virgo is an exacting tyrant, demanding absolute certainty to any details that are not clear, especially when presented with obscurity and obfuscation that is Neptune in Pisces.  This is a battle that Mars is prepared to go to many lengths to get right, since Mars here is involved in the Grand Earth Trine, a rare opportunity for stuck energy, entrenched beliefs and long held stubborn stances to shift.  The Grand Earth Trine involves Mars (and soon the Sun), crazy Uranus and dark power player Pluto, so you can see the big guns, generational planets, are ready to make momentous moves and this ground quaking aspect is on high alert for another two weeks.  Let’s see if the mountains, rock solid institutions, can actually move.

Dark Moon Plays Fair

Yet in the darkness before the New Moon on 6th, Venus in her home sign of Libra is at pains to smooth things out, with the possibility of gigantic shifts in our worlds, Venus here is reminding us all to play nice, to be mindful of the fairness we can generate in all things.  She is powered by both Pluto and Jupiter, so the Libra love and relationships themes that keep the harmony flowing will be growing more intense, galvanising many to play the mediator.  Mercury, planet of communication and information, is also in Libra and will be stepping into the shadow zone of his upcoming retrograde through the sign of the scales, so we are duty bound to keep any antagonistic thoughts to ourselves and mind our p’s and q’s whilst Rome is burning.  Mercury’s retrograde doesn’t start until the end of the month, but what occurs now will need re-thinking and re-negotiating throughout October.  If things are not going your way, don’t worry, these planets in Libra form part of the Grand Air Trine which will be providing fresh ideas and flashes of inspiration to keep the status quo on the move and change as a constant.

The Devil Is In The Detail 

The devil is in the detail and at this Virgo New Moon on 7th we are being urged to find him.  Virgo wants us to delve into the minutiae to literally sort out the wheat from the chaff (since Virgo represents the harvest) and boy do we have to process a helluvalot of data. Uranus, crazy planet of change is in exact aspect and is firing lightning bolts of highly charged, sizzling energy at this lunation.  The Virgo New Moon is the HOT ticket and needs a drum roll as it also forms part of the Grand Earth Trine and includes dynamic God, Mars at its side, giving thrilling access to the golden chamber of important truths.  Read the small print, check the sources, re-confirm the contract; the special seed of life, the golden nugget, rather than the devil, is in these details.

The Artist’s Impression

This Virgo Sun doesn’t stop there, on 14th she opposes the mists of Neptune and repeats the notion of pulling out the critical points from a sea of confusion.  And this is a salient point for this souped up Virgo season, some of the information we need is staring us in the face or being acted out in films and tv, since Neptune rules the glamorous world of movies and expressive art.  Virgo here with her good boundaries, is reminding us that no one can make us do things without our knowledge, where Neptune in Pisces shows us what we’ve been looking at ‘the artist’s impression’ of future scenarios in implicit agreement all along.

Lost In The Matrix

We might be glad of the dreamy haze of nonchalance when the Pisces Full Moon arrives on 20th, but it will emphasise how powerful the subconscious is, and we might ask how much in control are we?  I think we are only just beginning to really understand the more profound meaning of Neptune in Pisces (since 2011) and how it highlights and extends our deep illusion of life here on earth – ‘the matrix’ that we all create and buy into.  In the middle of a whirlwind month of critical conversations and change, the Full Moon might leave us feeling a little lost as we fathom our place in the vastness. This watery Moon is a time to let your imagination run free and if gets dark, go darker and explore, with the knowledge that you have all the creative power . And of course, this too shall pass.

Arrives On A Gust Of Wind

As the Sun joins Mercury and Mars in Libra for the equinox on 22nd, where day equals night, we can tune into the harmonious themes of Libra, the scales, and set ourselves back on course for balance, calm and equanimity.  However, with so many planets in air signs, the winds of change are whipping around us, so thinking planet Mercury retrograding on 27th is like our very own Mary Poppins, coming in on a gust of wind to remind us of our manners and how to relate in a better way.  Mercury retrograding in Libra might bring back ideas or memories of relationships which now need reassessing and updating.  This Mercury Retrograde will teach us how the spoonful of Libra sugar does make all sorts of medicines go down, but we have the choice regarding what to accept.


Evolution Is Here - October 2021


Circus Of Our Dreams - August 2021