Evolution Is Here - October 2021

As much as Libra is the sign of balance and harmony, it certainly is plotting to kick our collective asses this October with epic, planetary clashes that reveal the sleight of hand of the puppeteer working the strings.  As four planets turn direct, the dial gets turned up to eleven.

Dark Lord Pluto Works With Venus For Monetary Risk

Pluto, the dark lord of the underworld, is pushing the global buttons of business minded Capricorn in the first week of October, so we will see the super-powers play their game a little harder and a little faster.  The darker and more mysterious side of their values and strategy will be working at maximum as Venus, our money and values, is flirting outrageously with the machinations of industry and politics around 2nd day of the month.  This sextile between Pluto and Venus can bring about some fruity business negotiations, so if you want to achieve something complicated, risky or even underhand, go right ahead.  

Sword Of Justice Cuts Through Libra New Moon

We might think the New Moon in Libra, the sign of the scales, on 6th will bring about some balanced thinking, but instead of providing the calm and the balm, dynamic Mars joins this lunation, acting like a sword of justice, swinging into action, cutting through the Libra style window dressing of any theatrics or sweet deceptive guile.  The dark Lord Pluto will be turning direct in the same moment, his shadow forces in full flow, forcing us forward with his authoritative goals (since he is in corporate Capricorn).  The cut and thrust of these two ‘malefics’ (darker, dynamic planets), Mars and Pluto, AND the idealistic New Moon, create an epic force to expose any Libran fake façades and pull apart any PR stories and show them for what they are: propaganda.

Mercury Cazimi Exposes ‘The Game’

Only three days later on 9th, thinking planet Mercury in retrograde, backs right into wilful Mars and the Sun.  Mercury passes in front of the Sun, thereby forming an extremely rare ‘Cazimi’ which emboldens the themes of Mercury (thinking, information, connections) to super-size, so we get to see a powerful presentation of premium ideals that Libra likes to give – it is certainly impressive in this instance since Mars will be massively upgrading the creative vision.  We are being gifted this powerful, once in a lifetime, cosmic gathering of the Sun, Mercury Cazimi and Mars, all at the exact same degree, thrusting us into a dynamic ‘quickening’, a new understanding of our creative force and ideologies.  This triple conjunction allows us to see what is a promotion of ideals, or an illusion of fantasy, that Libra is happy to project, but also an opportunity, and a great time for manifesting our dreams, as well as welcoming improvements to relationships or upping our game to find a mate. 

Bringing In Our Harvest As Saturn Turns Direct

If we have set out dreams with the Libra aspects, serious Saturn turning direct on 11th is sure to increase the possibility of them playing out.  Saturn changing directions here is the ‘sense test’ on what is going to work.  Saturn is in an easy flow connection with asteroid Ceres who is the Goddess of the Corn and she knows what is going to make a good harvest and what intellectual crops are going to fail (as she is in the thinking sign of Gemini).

Jupiter Direct Says My Body My Choice

Things are looking up for this ‘harvest’ as both Mercury and positive Jupiter turn direct on 18th, making it four planets turning direct this month.  Things might take a little more time when the planets are retrograde, as we have to re-do, re-negotiate, go a little deeper, go inwards and ensure we are in the right lane.  So once they all start moving forward, it does mean more progress and development, but of both the things we want, and the elements we are not so fond of.  Saturn and Jupiter are still acting out the themes of ‘The Great Conjunction’, when they both moved into Aquarius together in December 2020, which acted as the doorway into the Age Of Aquarius.  In this way, heavy Saturn likes to suppress and control humanity, and now in direct motion, the leaders will go straight ahead with more draconian measures.  Conversely, Jupiter who is expansive and open, is encouraging us to be independent and free thinkers, people who will not be subjugated or mistreated.  Jupiter moves out of Aquarius in late December, so we only have a few more months to get our freak on and express our concerns.  Thanks to Jupiter, the ‘my body, my choice’ movement will get the urgent recruits it needs in the last quarter of 2021.

Aries Full Moon Fire Wakes The Dead

But woah there, the Aries Full Moon on 20th is going to bring out the dynamism in each person, where passions can tip into anger, and the forces of action explode with megawatts.  This is the ego fire that gets stuff done, kicks off projects (yay!), but also starts wars.  The fiery Full Moon is opposite its ruler, Mars, which adds a sense of outrage and indignation and as Mars will be in a challenging square to the darkness that is Pluto, their combined efforts will wake the dead, or at least pique the sleeping souls into action.  

Evolve Or Die Scorpio Demands Change

As if this isn’t doesn’t create enough dynamic movement, the Sun has moved into Scorpio on 23rd and then forces leaders to play their cards on 30th by making a square to controlling Saturn, who does not like his hand being forced, and will be squirming under the demands of transformational truth – the Scorpio Sun says “evolve or die” as some of the darker mysteries of Saturn’s journey of leadership are revealed.  Change here is a necessary evil and there maybe conflict as Mars joins the Sun in Scorpio too, to force the shedding of skins that are outdated and no longer fit.


Into The Abyss - November 2021


Devil In The Detail - September 2021