Into The Abyss - November 2021

Money matters massively this November as we dig deep into the financial constructs of our world and a new eclipse cycle starts across the Taurus / Scorpio axis to enable great change and the manifestation of earth’s treasures.

Scorpio New Moon Lights Up The Abyss – 4th

Halloween comes early this year with the Scorpio New Moon on 4th November, to reveal what is really going on behind the scenes.  Scorpio doesn’t like to be obvious, as this sign rules what is hidden - the power lines behind the façade - so a New Moon in Scorpio is an opportunity to re-construct these lines by shining a light directly at what lies beneath.  The revelatory nature of Scorpio’s intense glare is designed to invite ultimate transformation, a peeling back of skins to bring about something honest, with real value to behold.  And this November, the Scorpio Moon is conjunct the dramatic knife that is Mars, cutting through multiple layers in one go, slicing right through to the underworld, perhaps not just a Halloween ghoul will appear, but something more chilling.  Perhaps the first signs of the massive financial crisis we are walking into are exposed (Scorpio rules finance), or even the outrageous cover-ups that can’t possibly be true are to become fact.  Some people do not want to see some of these unsavoury sights and will resist, but Uranus, the lightning bolt planet of change is EXACTLY opposite the New Moon and will be firing electrical impulses into the Scorpio abyss and the resulting explosion will be seen from space.  This volcanic energy has the potential to bring about the seismic shift in perspective that humanity needs and change in the power dynamics is inevitable.

Mind Control Games, Mercury In Scorpio – 6th

These are unprecedented times, yet when thinking planet, Mercury, joins Mars and the Sun in Scorpio on 6th, many of us could go into obsessive compulsive mode, as the Scorpio shadows grow larger, the psy-op games get more complex and it may feel like our minds are being taken hold of.  Is this the mind control they speak of, is this really the fight between light and dark?  As Mercury, Mars and the Sun all join up in Scorpio, the unseen forces are highly active, the matrix is yawning wide open and whether this just affects the attitude we face the day with, or the sub-conscious programming that runs our lives becomes more obvious, persuasive and perhaps intrusive.

Wake Up Mother Earth – 10th – 17th

When Mercury then meets with Mars in Scorpio on 10th, a war of words can have a decisive affect, as these two make cut-throat legalese vital to any progress and we squirm under their knife.  The joining of this menacing pair is connected by a harsh square to karmic oppressor Saturn AND the Moon when careless talk costs lives.  We are reminded of previous times when governments who shall remain nameless, encouraged neighbours to snoop on each other.  We really must choose our words with integrity and precision; with the understanding they can have a crucial effect on our very freedom and survival.  The breakthrough into unchartered territory for humanity is ongoing with increased pressure as crazy planet of ultimate freedom and enlightenment is in play, with both Mercury on 13th and then Mars on 17th, both opposing Uranus for electrifying effects.  Uranus is electrifying our physical existence for both ‘good’ enlightenment and wonderment, and ‘bad’ physical assault of electro-magnetic and pharmaceutical / chemical infiltration.  Uranus wants to wake humanity up with his disruptive electrical impulses from the heavens and since he has been in Taurus representing Mother Earth and all her inhabitants, both human and animal, since May 2018, this represents another step in Gaia’s conscious awareness.

Venus In The Shadow Of The Banks – 18th

Scorpio rules finance in all its complexity, so much of these sharp intrusions into the underworld, could be the insight we need to see how global finance is really operating beneath the façade of your friendly, fatherly bank.  So on 18th, when Venus who represents things of value, in Capricorn (the business world), steps into the shadow zone of her forthcoming retrograde, we would be well to look at what our money is up to.  The Venus retrograde in Capricorn from 20th December is set to turn the financial markets upside down and inside out and here she sets the scene.  

Algol, Strikes Terror At The Eclipse – 19th

Just after Venus makes this definitive move to alert us to money matters, we enter eclipse season, so all bets are off, literally.  This is the first of the eclipses across the Scorpio / Taurus axis and Venus has already highlighted their themes.  The South Node of these eclipses is in Scorpio, representing the past financial set-ups that other set-ups have been piled on top of, and here we get a long and deep history of financial corruption laid bare in the next 18 months of this eclipse cycle.  In the North Node section of these eclipses, we have Taurus, representing the abundance and manifest riches that should be available to all.  It doesn’t take a scientist to work out how these eclipses will kick off the long-awaited deconstruction and rebuilding of our money world.  However, we have to go through the collapse first and this Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus on 19th, is right on the most evil star in the cosmos, Algol, which has death by decapitation as its theme, as the star at the head of Medusa.  Her decapitated, snake-haired head might strike terror into our hearts and pockets, but think perhaps, that some big heads of banks might roll in the most unthinkable way, uncovering vice and hoarding that has been the basis of banking since their inception.  Take heart, Algol protects against witchcraft and turns evil spells back on those that cast them, so watch what you are thinking, as our thoughts can become powerful missives.  Algol does get a bad rap for obvious reasons, but she also provides ‘success in petitions’, so we may have the opportunity to affect government in a positive way.

Sagittarius Season As The Seeds Of Re-Development – 22nd 28th

We can breathe a sigh of relief as the Sun enters Sagittarius on 22nd who is always so positive and is ready to drive us into a better future.  Communication planet Mercury joins the Sun on 24th and they come together with asteroid Vesta (dedication), to make an easy trine connection with Chiron, the Wounded Healer on 28th.  This is a day of reckoning, where we re-commit ourselves to our own personal progress, evolution and healing.  There is no scurrying back to the comfort zone now, this is a Saggie style step forward for re-educating ourselves, re-developing our future selves as the seeds of a new world start to bud.  Now we have seen down to the Scorpionic abyss, we can look to the heavens with Sag and come to realise that each person can attain their own dreams and is part of creating what happens next, but must keep this in mind as how our world works.


Cash Crisis - December 2021


Evolution Is Here - October 2021