Cash Crisis - December 2021

The planets give us the inspiration to party this December, but the powers that be will not be happy as their corruption is revealed and a potential financial crisis looms.

Free To Roam In Neptune’s Mist

Neptune is the creative and mystical planet of delusion.  Its misty landscape can lead us into the strangest fog, where we get to experience other-worldly paths, spiritual transcendence, fall head over heels in love, or be totally deceived and heartbroken.  When Neptune’s mists fall across us, we fill in the gaps of uncertainty with our own imagination, which then feeds the illusion – this is how its power doesn’t let us go, until we lose ourselves in its vast seas.  Neptune is addiction as well as fame and glamour, and it rules the sign of Pisces, the other mystical cosmic force, which it entered in 2011.  Back then astrologers were predicting that we would all go deeper into the wholesale delusion of the holographic life on earth, yet hardly anyone knew what that really meant back then, despite already being addicted to our phones.  However, its conspiratorial reality is dawning.  A decade of Neptune’s increased ‘spin’ in the world has caused some to break free of its grip and to realise that much of society’s digital connections, media news and entertainment, schooling, food, drink and medicine, is hypnotising the masses into following a lifestyle programme that serves the top 1%, and the rest are enslaved to work and only free to roam.

Twin Peaks Special Episode

We have four more years of Neptune’s bewitchment until January 2026, so we still have time to shed some of this programming as well as detoxing the digital, pharmaceutical and synthetic, and instead call up our spiritual selves for cosmic initiation.  Neptune’s waves can take you on a journey where there is magic and creativity to be had, we just have to be conscious of its magnetism.  But now ‘betwixt the eclipses’ on 1st December, a rare time of twilight zone confusion, Neptune turns direct.  The day any planet changes direction is bound to be discombobulating, and with Neptune, its key themes of ‘dazed and confused’ will get an extra twist of Twin Peaks strangeness.  Neptune’s station direct will open up the void, where any sleight of hand might be visible and we see the glitch in the machine, in the matrix, which also has the possibility of letting in waves of magical essence for us to use, or lose.  Whilst Neptune is extremely vague, there will be a variety of potential sensations rising around this day, of standing on the precipice, perhaps having made a big mistake, or that someone is watching you, or your prayers are about to be answered.  It’s a mixed bag of disorientation and a good time to check in on your own inner dream world via meditation or make a sacred wish to the Gods.  Some things we must also let go of at this point, as Neptune also teaches us the non-attachment way of going with the flow, with grace and charm, and in the first days of December we have to fake it until we make it.

Mark Twain Frames The Sag Solar Eclipse

On the 4th of December we have the last of the eclipses on the Gemini (information) and Sagittarius (blind faith optimism) axis and as this Solar Eclipse will be on the South Node in Sagittarius, it will highlight the past when we have been overly optimistic or believed in the potential of something higher and beyond ourselves.  This might be a personal episode, but for mankind, it may draw on our history of believing in the higher power, when like lambs to the slaughter, we went over the edge.  I’m thinking of propaganda and mass hypnotism that gets everyone thinking something is right and unleashing their support to the idealism so that it holds sway.  This enthusiasm can create amazing experiences, but it also can go too far and as Sagittarius’s ruler, expansive Jupiter, known for his excesses, is in Aquarius, ‘the people’, it increases the likelihood of a repetition of mankind’s naivety and heroism.  As Mark Twain said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but if often rhymes”.

Chiron & Mercury In Play

This Solar Eclipse on 4th brings about a further surge of optimism and sincere belief, but at our own expense, since it makes an easy trine connection with Chiron the Wounded Healer.  Chiron in Aries wants us to take responsibility for our own ailments, and will be inviting all those following a mass diktat to ensure they are doing what is right for them.  Mercury the planet of connections and information is also in play and will bring in new information and new connections, so it is a perfect time to launch a digital passport on the population.  The energy is highly optimistic and enthusiastic so there may be big take up, but it is also a very playful time to start celebrating Christmas and choose to not comply with anything that stops you from having fun.  

Venus Daring Partner, Pluto

December is all about Venus Retrograde on 19th, but the from the 8th, Venus will join Pluto in the heavens and stations here with the dark Lord of the underworld before she starts her retreat.  Pluto is a daring partner for Venus to join and together they can bring about obsessive or inappropriate love, but here in Capricorn it is the business end of Venus we are bothered about, since she also represents money - in the sign of the goal orientated goat she is most concerned with finance and status, even in affairs of the heart.  Of course, Pluto has been in Capricorn for a long time, digging deep into the underbelly of the global political stage and big corporate world, so via Pluto’s vision, we get to see the machinations of power and the greed that drives it. Pluto always shows the shadow side and magnetises its dark agents towards him in order that they might transform, and sure enough, there is much underhand corruption in big business and banking that now needs transforming.   When Venus comes along, as a personal planet she takes us with her, into the hallowed halls of big industry to show us what we need to see: Pluto sitting there behind the counter, with the fat cats and his hand in the till.  Venus is with Pluto for over a week before she retrogrades on 19th, so we will have plenty of time to understand the detail in the fat cat scene, portraying what big banking has done, or is doing with our money, and I am sure it will not be pleasant.  It never is pleasant with Pluto, as his area of expertise is the poison, the corruption, the devastation we need to learn for our evolution, so whatever Venus brings to our consciousness in December, will need transforming on a major level.

Venus Crashes The World Economy

When Venus Retrograde actually happens on 19th, it will be like an opening of the sluice gates of bad debt and false economy in the global financial system and a financial crash of sorts is predicted.  This is not like the crash of 2008, as Pluto was in Sagittarius then, pointing a finger at all the excess that was going on: predatory lending to impossibly inept homebuyers, excessive risk taking by the financial institutions and the bursting of the over-active housing bubble, all culminated in a ‘perfect storm’ where the collapse in value of stocks and derivatives was extreme and obviously caused a global recession.  No, this is not about excessive banking, this is much more about the timely deconstruction of old banking structures that only benefit the rich and are open to monopolies and corruption.  Perhaps this is the end of fiat money or the Federal Reserve or even the purposeful devaluing of the world economy to avoid the debt created by the pandemic.  It is also the opportunity for new financial value systems to gain more credibility in its stead, such as crypto, NFTs and many more local currencies should pop up in big banking’s place. 

The Auditors & Deadly Calculations

Before the Venus Retrograde, there is a change of attitude; Mars will move into Sagittarius and Mercury moves out of Sagittarius into Capricorn on 13th.  We ought to be having Christmas fun by now and Mars will force events to move at a gathering pace and perhaps out of control, so do watch your step.  In corporate Capricorn, Mercury will start joining the dots like an all too clever auditor and his detailed calculations will be emphasised by the Gemini Full Moon on the 18th, which will be as noisy, thrilling and surprisingly revelatory of these accounting figures.  As Mercury delivers this final audit on the Full Moon, Venus goes retrograde within six hours (but on the next day 19th), so as to work in tandem, peeling back the curtain on unethical business processes and ancient corruption that has been creating a top-heavy wealth structure, that is downright fraudulent to the other 99% of the population.  This is it.  A day of reckoning that pulls apart long held traditions that only support those in the club and keeps everyone else working like an old goat.

The Final Clash Of Titans

The final challenging square of 2021 between serious Saturn and crazy Uranus takes place on Christmas Eve, and this provides enough tension and distortion to the festivities for an explosive Christmas in more ways than one.  Saturn will be telling everyone to stay indoors and be fearful, whilst the fizzing energy of Uranus will not be able to contain itself.  We can be sure of some riotous parties behind closed doors, but in reality, this third square between these two giants does not bode well for government mandates and heavy restrictions on society.  If indeed the old guard Saturn brings about further repression or a lockdown, there will be huge resistance on the Uranus freedom-loving side, which has been building since the previous two clashes (17thFeb & 14th June).  Saturn and Uranus represent the old and the new, and their clash every 10 years is designed to force the old stuffy and stuck tradition to make big shifts, so let’s see what mountains can be moved.

Say Goodbye To The Old Guard

Over two days on the 28th and 29th Mercury planet of communication, joins Venus and Pluto in their deadly dance, so there is no hiding their embrace as Mercury is likely to push the corporate crisis into the headlines.  We could be fixed to our news channels watching an incredible historical event happening, as we say goodbye to some major institutions.  There will be plenty of shock value in the news and as Jupiter the planet of expansion moves into Pisces, also on 28th, there may be suffering too.  Jupiter is in Pisces for all of 2022, so may increase the emotional pain we are feeling around years of lockdown and disastrous management thereof.  Pisces does represent where we feel wounded, but it is also an incredibly spiritual and creative sign so we can expect a flourishing of art and music, plus an increase in the empathy we have for one and other in these divisive times.


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