Ready Player One - January 2022

Crazy planet Uranus is active in most aspects throughout January and will be bringing us innovation, ideas, inspiration and perhaps a little revolution. 

Ready Player One – Day One & Two

Straight up on New Year’s Day, the Sun, our vital force will be sparkling with plans and expectations as the solar power receives a massive boost of electrical charge from Uranus, the crazy planet of change and surprise.  They are both in earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus, who are generally steady and slow, dealing with the manifest world, so their connection on New Year’s Day, delivers the extra voltage we need to get involved and take action, so that 2022 gets started in a powerful and energetic way.  Added to this, the Moon joins the Sun on 2nd January for the first New Moon of 2022, which is in efficient and wise Capricorn.  This is fabulous manifesting energy, so start your New Year’s Resolutions early, in fact, do a whole planogram, a power-point and or a wall chart.  But also keep an eye on what plans our governments are concocting at the same time, as they could also be unravelling age old traditions and laws, in a shocking power grab, whilst they think we are looking in the other direction. 

Venus Cazimi Blows Open The Doors – 8th / 9th

Remember… beauty planet Venus is retrograding in Capricorn and with it, some of society’s traditional values are being reconsidered and reconfigured, perhaps behind our backs, so when Venus goes Cazimi on the 8th / 9th and is emboldened to super Sun size (instead of being pea sized by comparison), we are going to feel how some of their plans, or career projects are potentially unjust or based on flawed criteria.  This is one of those ‘wait a minute…did that just happen’ moments, when you feel something just occurred that doesn’t sit well and you are not quite sure how to approach it.  Venus is the emotional plane where we have a better chance of sensing situations, and whilst we have to trust our instincts, we have to rely on Mercury for a fact check…

Thinking Goes Backwards With Mercury Retrograde – 13th

But wait, Mercury is in thinking, philosophising, futuristic sign of Aquarius and goes into retrograde on 13th January, so the questions posed by Venus (am I doing the right thing, are THEY developing a good plan), relating to our values that structure society, have to be answered by the thinking planet’s retrograde action.  First of all, Mercury is close to Saturn, the heavy-handed authority in Aquarius, so Mercury here can pick out some of the Saturn style rules and question them: what are we are doing and why are we?  Perhaps much of this needs a rethink on a personal level, as well as in the grander societal scheme of things.  Mercury is also making a square to Uranus, which is its higher essence and thereby helps it resonate at a more sophisticated frequency to take any discussions out of petty squabbles to more mature reasoning and more egalitarian frontiers.  This is perfectly designed to lift our thoughts to greatness and Mercury in retrograde, is re-visiting elements of our lives, and takes the new philosophy back into old-fashioned Capricorn, to the stuck solid earth sign, in order to disrupt the status quo, or at least have us redeveloping some absolute facts and re-writing our personal history and programming.  All of Mercury’s retrogrades this year start off in air signs and reverse into earth signs like this, bringing with them new ideas to lift and shift what we think of as the solid world and immovable structures. 


Pluto Power Drives Are Ultimate – 16th / 17th

Pluto’s dark digging into the power base of our time is involved in Venus and Mercury’s retrogrades, and also the Cancer Full Moon on 17th.  The Sun meets up with Pluto on 16th, which is always a yearly day of reckoning, to understand how your shadow or subtle misgivings, might be the one thing creating your own reality, and then, the day after on 17th, the fullness of the Moon is directly opposite Pluto.  A Cancer Full Moon is always emotional and sentimental and usually occurs around Christmas when we are with our families or at least thinking of them.  However, this year with Pluto’s opposition, it means power struggles will increase the family drama, where we want to care and give support to our tribe, but difficulties, rules and regulations will stand in the way.  Deep rumblings in the home are to be expected as the Cancer Full Moon will highlight how we have all changed and have different requirements now and it is time for a new empathetic understanding, even when we have opposing ideas or want to change.

Feel The Revolution As Taurus Ignites – 18th

This Cancer Full Moon increases our sense of what we care about, despite all the stringent division, so when Uranus, crazy planet of change in Taurus, turns direct the next day, it triggers a whole swathe of revolutionary fervour – a battle cry to join our brothers at the front.  What’s more, the North Node, destiny point now leaves the airy plains of Gemini and moves into earthy Taurus on the same day.  A double switch to ignite Mother Earth who is represented by Taurus, where we turn our focus to our 3D reality, our physicality, and see how it is now changing unrecognisably.  The North Node’s shift into Taurus will have a similar effect as Uranus moving into Taurus did in 2018.  This move woke mankind up to how we are plundering the earth and the trend in veganism went stellar.  Plus the mechanics of bringing electromagnetic waves to earth more powerfully was on the agenda with 5G.  Now, both of these concepts will get examined more effectively as the North Node slowly moves to meet Uranus (in August) heralding a major shift in earth’s trajectory.  People, get ready.  I’m not saying conspiracy theories are all going to pan out via this, but January may see some of the weirder and more wonderful predictions start to play out and then continue throughout the year.

The Truth Will Set Your Free – 23rd – 29th

Mercury continues to deliver truth bomb, after lie, after fact, as he moves from Cazimi on 23rd, into Capricorn on 26thand to conjunct with Pluto, the dark Lord himself on 28th.  We will certainly be delving into some dark places for some of these incredible new understandings Mercury brings.  Some of these truths will set us free, but of course, we may not like them too much to begin with.  And finally on 29th, Venus in all her splendour, turns direct, exactly where the Sun was at the start of the month, in a flowing trine connection with Uranus, that crazy old instigator again.  Venus in Capricorn upholds the standards of our values, so we can now be more certain or our own truths once more.  This will be a time to be creative and constructive.  Venus is working with Uranus to bring about workable innovation, true grace and thus a glimmer of hope if we stick to our heart’s understanding of who we are and what we are meant to be doing.


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