Tiger In The Tank - February 2022

February and its Aquarian New Moon kick start the beginning of the Year Of The Tiger, which means see plenty of roaring action, starting with America’s Pluto Return.

New Moon, New Year, New Tiger – 1st February

Nothing creates the impetus for new frontiers like a New Moon in Aquarius, the sign of the pioneering, future orientated philosophiser.  This New Moon on the first day of February brings fresh thinking to tired old situations, since it is right next to Saturn, an oppressive authoritative energy that is trying very hard to maintain the same old status quo.  Aquarius represents ‘the people’, who have been suffering under the weight of Saturn’s heavy-handed ways, since this fatherly planet isn’t suited to free Aquaria and its collective freakiness.  February 1st New Moon is also the Chinese New Year, bringing in the Year Of The Tiger, which increases mankind’s ability to push against any authority and kick start a revolt, forcing leaders to open up to more complex negotiations where other opinions are heard.  Just see what revolutionary attitude the truckers in Canada can bring and expand this feeling, which also applies for anyone with planets in Aquarius.  Many will find the Aquarian Tiger energy energising and even a little wild.

All Planets In Direct Motion – 4th – 6th February

This Aquarian irreverence in the face of domination lasts all week as the Sun becomes exact with Saturn on 4th and then immediately, thinking planet Mercury turns direct.  Mercury’s switch in direction and in mentality is more progressive than usual, since all the planets are now in forward motion, a rare time of easier and faster action which lasts until April 30th – there is no looking back, so go easy Tiger!  With this faster flow in mind, on 6th, the North Node destiny point makes a connection to Pluto, who is the force for deep excavation into unseen issues and the combination of these aspects open potential pathways for humanity that previously may have seemed impossible.  This is a time to dream big, and see the opportunities in the deconstruction of the old ways, which created barriers to business for the average person to succeed in.

Land Of The Free – American Pluto Return

This is important for all Americans as Pluto is now on the degree of America’s own natal Pluto, where it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed 246 years ago.  This is America’s ‘Pluto Return’ and for any country, is bound to bring about a set of cataclysmic events, designed to go deep into the foundations and find any fissures that are capable of blowing up the whole building, not just the doors.  A country’s Pluto Return is a required evolution of its principles and its power, carved into the bedrock, written into its declaration, but now starting to rot from within due to abuse of said power.  As ‘leader of the free world’, America’s evolution is all our evolution.  The signing of the Declaration of Independence has ramifications for national sovereignty which transfers globally and is now part of our sub-conscious ‘belonging’ to something far greater.  Pluto’s action is absolute, and it instructs sometimes disastrous events to happen for the good of all and for the continuation of not just the United States, but of many governments, so they evolve unequivocally into a new era of existence.  February is a key moment when Pluto’s thrust causes the first fissures to crack and billowing smoke to appear.  Pluto moves across this point at 27 degrees Capricorn in February, June and December, but comes back again in September 2023 but doesn’t leave Capricorn until 2024, by which time many countries, not just America, will be completely transformed.

Live From The Heart – 14th – 16th

To make sure we all hear about these seismic rumblings and can have our say, Mercury, in charge of our thinking and communication, has been playing around Pluto all week, stirring up age old arguments amongst the powers that be, asking who has the right to say what.  Spotify is taking the brunt of this debate (for example), so when Mercury moves back into Aquarius from 14th, we will be glad that our thoughts become orientated towards creating a better future, rather than fixing the old one.  This is good for the full-on Leo Full Moon on 16th.  In true Leo style, this lion lunation will roar with all the majesty of a person whose sovereignty has been questioned – since the Full Moon at 27 degrees* connects both to the North Node destiny point at 27 degrees*, and to the USA Pluto Return, also at 27 degrees.  The Leo Full Moon brings a wave of passion about the idea of benevolent and courageous leadership, of leading by making a good example and making sure you have the hearts of your followers, in true Lion King style.  The Leo Full Moon highlights where this is missing in our current leaders, as well as our own lives, and asks questions of where this might lead us if love is not at the centre of our endeavours. 

The Love Of Venus For Mars – 24th – 28th

Venus of love and values, ended her retrograde through money-minded Capricorn, and on the way back, she is joined by dynamic Mars and the pair are uncharacteristically close, within a degree for most of February and March.  These two archetypal energies of male and female within all of us, are in complete alignment, so the mindful, caring values of Venus are brought to the Capricorn business world (and America’s re-development) with deeper honouring of sacred wisdom than previously allowed.  Mars pushes beyond boundaries and drives important issues to help us navigate the tricky negotiations being held as humanity shifts its perspective to a wildly new vista.  The Moon joins Venus and Mars as they close in on Pluto in the last week of February to bring reassurance that wherever we are heading as a global unit, we are going in the right place and at the right time.


*Justin Trudeau’s North Node destiny point at 27’ Taurus

*Donald Trump’s Mars & Ascendant at 27’ Leo


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