Wise Waters - March 2022

March is moody, with multiple aspects in watery Pisces, forcing us to feel every one of our sorrows, whilst navigating choppy planetary waters. 

Mystical Pisces New Moon – 2nd March

The Pisces New Moon on 2nd March in the sign of the dreamy fishes, has all the hallmarks of deep emotional and spiritual excavation, as its water element inspires us to express new levels of connectedness, empathy, and possibly also sorrow.  Deep sorrow.  There may be tears during this time and it will be entirely appropriate.  It is in the dark days, when the Pisces Moon is hidden, we get to sit with old memories, process layers of grief, loss or sadness.  We may feel like cocooning protectively, but Uranus, the thunderbolt planet of change and freedom will be sending lightning strikes right into our reverie, awakening the sleeping giant of our shared sorrows, to bring about a God-almighty outpouring of emotion.  Pisces takes us beyond the veil, to all that is intangible, so humanity’s mystical experience has the chance to flourish as we are sensitised to moods and frequencies around us. 

The Way Out Of Wars – 2nd March

Don’t hold anything in, speak your truth, no matter how freaky it might be, as Mercury, planet of communication will be sitting on serious Saturn at the same time as this Pisces New Moon on the 2nd.  Mercury will get the right people talking and with Saturn in Aquarius, complex ideas can be given new understanding and force us to break through to more refined levels of ‘conscious uncoupling’ and re-coupling – and hopefully good for negotiating our way out of wars.  It won’t be easy though, the planets gathered around dark and deadly Pluto at this time are sure to add tension and difficulties.  It does emphasise that these conversations are long over-due and a new philosophy is required to re-set the agenda for the next decades.

The Gods Are Listening – 5th March

Only a few days later on 5th, the Sun in Pisces joins up with expansive Jupiter to continue the emotional and spiritual tsunami that came with the Pisces Moon.  Jupiter’s presence here pushes us further away from solid ground, and the uncertainty surrounding us will be discombobulating on a massive scale.  Instead of worrying, this is a good time to delve into your spiritual practise, as the veil is thin and the Gods are listening.  This aspect acts like the prequel to the meeting of giant, serendipitous Jupiter with the nebulous, misty planet Neptune on 12th April, which will open up secret histories and hidden memories we never knew existed.  This journey into the unknown, brings with it esoteric wisdom and is the gift that will keep on giving, through to April.

Dream Big Neptune – 13th March

A week later on 13th, the Sun meets with vague, yet magical Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and once again we are lured away from the strong, certain and material. Neptune is the great deceiver, who allows us to fill in the gaps with our own illusion when nothing is certain, yet also encourages us to use our imagination and dream the impossible.  What is going on, one might ask?  His influence over the rise in the importance of ‘conspiracy theories’, is a tool for us to learn deeper truths and look beyond the more obvious appearances, and here we arrive at some possibilities that would have been scoffed at weeks before.

The Truth Of Virgo Full Moon – 18th March

We might think that the Full Moon in good and true Virgo would set the record straight on 18th, but all this does is highlight how sanctimonious some diktats and guidelines are.  The Full Moon makes a connection to Pluto, to power up the Virgo Moon’s self-righteousness.  This pushes against the collective ambivalence going on in Pisces, forcing the hazy consciousness we have arrived at, to take note of vital information; a fact checking life raft for some, but an unenforceable list of compliance for others.

Uranus In Revolutionary Mode – 19th – 22nd March

Venus in Aquarius, who represents money, makes a square to crazy Uranus on 19th, so the issue of the flow of finance, crypto, digital banking, and how it can be blocked immediately without recourse, might also rear its head around this Virgo Full Moon.  Mars will also square Uranus a few days later on 22nd and won’t be happy about these arrangements.  Mars can be angry in a square and Uranus has super powers, so the clash these two create is bound to set off immense firepower and incite revolutionary action.  

Inner Wisdom From Mercury – 27th – 30th March

Mercury, planet of communication, only entered Pisces on 10thof March, but exits on 27th, having zoomed through the water world of Pisces, making some crucial connections, and dropping some vital facts.These drops of words, ideas and news are received more fully as ‘inner wisdom’, during our time in the Piscean waters when we are super sensitive and our third eye is wide open.To end this souped-up Pisces month, the Moon conjuncts both Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on 30th.Jupiter expands everything he touches and as he starts to close in on the vague and vast world of Neptune (exact on 12thApril), our spiritual essence is opened more fully, the glamourous illusion of fortune and fate is highlighted brilliantly.The Moon, Jupiter and Neptune combined in Pisces are the collective psychic channel, where mankind can feel the divine ecstasy, the ‘rapture’ of spirit, like an electrical impulse, and wake up to other worldly forces…or alternatively pray to his God for salvation.


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