Magic In The Mist - April 2022

Neptune draws us into his watery embrace in April, as this mystical planet has his chance to dance with the very core of our spiritual being.

April Fool New Moon – 1st April

The Aries New Moon really does give April an alarming start, happening as it does, on 1st day of the month.  It is packed with combustible energy, and as the first sign of the zodiac, it delivers fresh new vibrancy amid the recent watery Pisces confusion.  A New Moon provides the impetus to initiate something new, and in Aries, it really is the klaxon wake-up call we’ve been waiting for.  If any uncertainty has been clouding your mind, or allowing you to wallow in despondency, then the Aries fire inherent in this lunation is the ignition to sort it out.  Perhaps you can already feel it.  Mercury and Chiron are both conjunct the New Moon adding a level of self-mastery we have to get to grips with to accomplish the ideas and projects that are now on the horizon, for these have some kind of in-built karmic deliverance within.  

Stop At The Red Light – 4th April

Dynamic Mars, the ruler of Aries, is emboldened by his New Moon, and gives us the superpowers to make strident efforts, however, he meets slow Saturn on 4th, like waiting at the traffic lights in a Ferrari whilst an old lady crosses the road.  We have it all worked out, we have the turbo engine purring, but this one sticking point needs adjusting before we can put foot to floor and fire up our new ride.  Steer well, as this Mars and Aries action is the blaze that goes off in the dark room and we need to make use of its light before it gets extinguished by what comes later, which is…

Yellow Brick Road – 12th April

One of the three main aspects of 2022 occurs on 12th April, although its magical confusion has been building for at least a month.  Jupiter, the planet that expands everything it meets, then touches the void, the vast expanse of the grand illusion that is Neptune in Pisces.  This isn’t the Wizard behind the curtain in Oz, this is actually the dream programme he has created, that we are all in, and now he turns up the dial with a sleight of hand.  Dorothy, we are going down the yellow brick road as some ‘idyllic’ concept is presented to mankind as the answer to our dreams.  The point about Neptune is the unfathomable and the spiritual, and as this conjunction opens our minds to the impossible, our spiritual selves become emboldened, the effects of which are bound to last, like a cosmic upgrade.  Once we have opened this Pandora’s box of spiritual essence, we cannot get back in.

Salem Witch Trials Repeat – 12th April

For this conjunction, Neptune is back where he was when the Salem Witch Trials ended, and its energy aligns with the mass delusion, the utter hysteria that brought about the belief in the devil incarnate in the townsfolks’ women (and a few men).  The delusion went all the way up to authority and was used against the most vulnerable, as people turned against each other to point the finger away from themselves and avoid blame.  What the ’witches’ were actually experiencing was the ingestion of rye grains tainted with ergot, to create burns on the body, involuntary spasming and hallucinations, yet this mass mania, that we still talk about today, enthralled the county for more than a year.  And here we are again, our current time have been equated with the beginning of the power of Nazi Germany and we are not sure who or what to believe.

Libra Full Moon – 16th April

The Moon opposes this mystical illusory pair (Jupiter and Neptune), just before the Libra Full Moon on 16th, further highlighting how far we have gone down this winding road.  And if you didn’t feel there was any need for you to connect to the mainstream narrative and its theatre, or were unaware there was one, the Moon enhances the personal involvement  and our need to make sense of it all.  Where there is strife, there is opportunity for art, and the Libra Full Moon will draw out the creativity in all of us.  We all want something more pleasant to appease us and the Libra Full Moon can beautifully persuade us to over-ride our more cynical instincts.  The Libra Moon wants us to see and feel the good in where we are heading and to feel that there is some benefit in going through everything we have experienced, and there will be good times ahead.  Libra says fake it until you make it, as we try and attain some level of personal balance which will be so important.

The Good And The Bad – 26th April

Venus is in her guise as Goddess of War right now (as if you needed telling), and she also joins Neptune on 26th and perhaps this will highlight how the matrix creates wars for nefarious reasons, which are too grander a scale and too barbaric, for us to comprehend.  She joins Neptune in her most capricious mood and perhaps magnetises more magic to draw us deeper into war.  Perhaps we are dazzled by her red shoes, perhaps she postures good reasons that justify incomprehensible violence, whatever it is, many will be using her artful style to manipulate and cajole.  

Death By Decapitation – 26th April

We might feel Venus always brings joy and love, yet as she makes the connection with Neptune on 26th, Mercury, planet of the thinking mind, meets with the ‘most evilest star in the heavens’, Algol, whose themes are ‘death by decapitation’.  This is the Medusa head and Mercury steps into his shadow zone here in Taurus, thereby giving his whole retrograde journey (which doesn’t start until 10th May), the flavour of this demon star, and a strong connection to witchcraft (to match our Salem witches).  However Algol does ‘turn black magic spells back on those that work them’, and this is perhaps were we can expect any warmongering to go in the right direction, for the planet’s highest good and the relief of all.

Eclipse The End Of April – 30th April

It is eclipse season once more and the Sun, Moon and planet earth all meet in a line on 30thApril to eclipse the Sun.This movement blocks out the brilliant, life-giving rays of the Sun, so that momentarily, we are faced with our earthly concerns, more so as this is Taurus, who represents Mother Gaia and all her riches.As we become hyper aware of our reality, its drafty halls and peeling paint, we understand more fully what we have to achieve, what we need to do, to grow food, make money, find joy, make love.It may seem that so many hardships are emphasised and yes this does herald food shortages and financial distress.But this Taurus eclipse brings about a new awakening to our physical selves and our personal responsibility to our health, our safety and comforts, and it is time to snatch back some of our bodily autonomy from partners, institutions, medics and governments and celebrate who we are and what we can do.Taurus rules sex and our desires, so let this eclipse bring you some physical loving too.


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Wise Waters - March 2022