The Power In Words – May 2022

May has several opportunities for upliftment and success, as planets move into more personally dynamic areas and the lunar eclipse brings deep, inner wisdom.

Love & Magic – May Day

Venus, planet of love and beauty is in the most beneficial and exalted mood on the first day of May and we should all connect to her blessings this May Day.  Not only is Venus in Pisces where she is exalted, meaning her gifts of beauty and love have a deeper, more spiritual and harmonious quality, but she is also conjunct Jupiter, who expands everything he touches.  The addition of Jupiter to Venus’ exaltation, can bring about the most incredible serendipitous blessings to anyone willing to see the potential, and feel into wondrous possibilities…and then have the chutzpah to do nothing but be in alignment to receive them with open arms.  Venus and Jupiter are making an exact sextile to newly retrograde Pluto, and this will add layers of karmic intensity to whatever house this conjunction is happening in for you.  The planets are giving us a shot of joy and a sprinkling of magic, and we can use it to magnetise a true love, heal a past wound, or find a golden source of money.  The fact that Venus moves into Aries less than 24 hours later, means she is ready to take action on any of these exciting possibilities and make good on any promises.

Action Orientated Sun – 4th – 12th

The Sun is also in a loving motion next to asteroid Eros for most of the month, however on 4th and 5th of May the Sun meets with change-maker planet Uranus, delivering the kind of explosive energy that scuppers all original plans.  The realisation that your dreams were not big enough, and you’re going to need a bigger boat, might be satisfying to a point, but we are going to have to go along with a certain amount of disruption to achieve our goals.  Do keep your goals and the end result in mind, as Jupiter makes the shift into Aries on the 10th, and with it, we become more capable and action orientated.  Plus, the Sun moves on to meet with the North Node destiny point days later on 12th, and this later meeting can add rocket power to your projects and plans. 

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse – 16th

We are in eclipse season and the Full Moon in Scorpio on 16th is a super moon, total eclipse, blood moon, amongst some of the titles the mainstream media will give it.  This lunar eclipse sits on the South Node in Scorpio, and therefore delves into the past lives, past existence where we were entrapped or bewitched.  Scorpio rules the hidden, the intangible and the mysterious and in this way, it will highlight the complicated set of conditions or propositions we have been orientated to accept as ‘the rules’.  Of course eclipses don’t bring up a tidy bundle of circumstances for us to review, and reassess.  The energy they release is far more challenging, designed for our own and humanity’s evolution, and a Scorpio eclipse is the most intense, with poignant and powerful medicine for our soul.  Globally there is an opportunity for humanity to break free from some of the binds that tie all of us to a karmic wheel of drudgery and slavery, whether that is an oppressive work regime, or familial ties and even political pressures…but we all have personal work to do here in owning and processing some of the shadow that is revealed.  This may sound ominous but it really is the doorway to a treasure trove of personal insight and inner wisdom which is ‘the work’, designed to bring greater freedom and success.

Mercury Retrograde – 10th – 21st

Mercury is in retrograde from 10th.  All three Mercury Retrogrades in 2022 start in air signs and end in earth signs.  This is a much more grounded process compared to the three ‘air sign only’ retrogrades from last year.  These 2022 Mercury Retrogrades will take their information or news – or social media platform - and look at its constructs or algorithms for quirks and anomalies when in the air sign, but once Mercury is back in the earth sign, lend gravitas, steady analysis and reasoning to justify real and lasting changes to the way we communicate and Elon Musk’s take over of Twitter is a good example of this process.  Mercury forms a Cazimi on 21st May, whereby the little communication planet’s powers of connection are super-charged to the size of the Sun, and this is the day to find out information, or correct any algorithmic discrepencies.  The fact that this Cazimi occurs at 0’ Gemini is a delightful gift of interplay for us to explore a myriad of clever possibilities and a good day to launch social media projects or advertising plans, as well as make connections with friends and as many people as necessary.

Pluto’s Karmic Force – 25th, 27th

Mercury Retrograde makes a good connection to power player Pluto on 25th May and a couple of days later on 27th Venus squares Pluto, and as the two personal planets butt against this darker planetary force, the minutiae of our ordinary lives, our thoughts and considerations gain more importance.  We are what we think and what we think becomes what we say, and how we live our lives and who we are, and these small gestures and ideas we think nothing of, are suddenly loaded with karmic deliverance.  Be careful what you ask for through these days, the Gods are definitely listening.

Gemini New Moon – 30th

And if the Gods are listening, the New Moon in Gemini on 30thof May is a good time to put in whatever message you want God to hear.Gemini is the sign of communication and connections, so its New Moon is a special time to renew any kind of vows or prayers – or even just renew your phone contract.


Not To Be Feared - June 2022


Magic In The Mist - April 2022