Not To Be Feared - June 2022

All the themes from the most evilest demon star in the heavens will be holding up the mirror to our most bad ass selves for June, but this is not to be feared…

Mercury Direct – 2nd/3rd

Mercury turning direct on the first days of June should herald a big shift in updating and improving our chances at making money and achieving satisfaction in whatever area this change takes place in for you.  Although looking a little deeper, we see that Mercury spends nearly two weeks sitting at this point, as if to pause and enjoy the view, yet Mercury is a bit of a trickster and any pause is really a calculated move to look, listen and learn…we should take note.  What’s even more emphatic about this stationing, Mercury is sitting on Algol, the “evilest star in the heavens” with themes of death by decapitation and extreme misfortune, so buyer beware.  The Fixed Star Algol is actually in the (snake) hair of Medusa, who was cursed by Goddess Athena through no fault of her own, so this does emphasise the extreme misfortune.  Medusa’s hair was then turned to snakes and she was made so hideous, no man could look at her without turning to stone.  Perseus cleverly uses a mirror to be able to look at Medusa and cut off her head, so this decapitation was ‘required’ for health and safety.  Yet this brings us to two more issues of this poignant position.  Firstly looking in the mirror is important to see what is within us that might be attracting difficulties, instead of attacking events or people outside of ourselves.  Secondly Medusa’s head was then placed on a shield, the Aegis, which Perseus used to save Andromeda, and thereby another monster was overcome; so it is no wonder that Medusa lives on as a protectress, turning evil spells back on those that work them.  Mercury stationing with Algol calls for impeccable self-analysis and reflection, taking responsibility for your part in any situation, as this ‘slayed maiden’ turned monster, turns monster slayer and saviour.  There is redemption and deep healing but only if you choose to use this time to face your darkest inner demons, with the understanding that many a healer has Algol significantly placed in their chart.

Saturn Retrograde – 6th

Whilst Mercury is nestling down on the demon star, Grandfather Saturn, our serious and restrictive overseer, takes his own turn retrograde and now we are duty bound to reflect and analyse what we are staring at in the mirror that Mercury has placed in front of us.  Saturn will be making a challenging, exact square to Mercury on Algol, and this increases, no forces a complete overhaul of our understanding (of humanity, of ourselves?).  This won’t be a quick or easy task, so take your time if you are going back (or down) to unsettling ideas that appear as glitches in your long-standing make-up.  Saturn is hard work, it is true.  But as much as he is our karmic master, he is also the master builder and whatever efforts you put in now, will be well rewarded.

Neptune Retrograde – 28th

Neptune will also be going retrograde this month, but not until later in the month on 28th, book-ending the month with re-working, re-visiting and re-imagining some of the places we have been, or even missed.  Neptune’s magical and mystical qualities will be drawing various images of what could be, what might have been, now that we have been analysing particular projects, people or peccadillos.  Mercury stationing at 26 degrees and Saturn and Neptune both retrograding at 25 degrees really does force a process of toe-curling self-reflection on anyone with planets at these degrees.  The gifts of freedom from any repressive situation, and real satisfaction from the delights that then play out, are the prize for walking through this unique, psychological, camera obscura maze.

Sagittarius Full Moon – 14th

The Sagittarius Full Moon, usually a time for full on fun, is a fire fuelled tinder box with the help of Mars, the planet of action, war (and sex!).  Mars will be in aspect at this lunation and meeting with Chiron, the Wounded Healer at this time, so sexual healing is on the cards.  But more precisely, the knife of Mars is sure to find its spot on our most sensitive part of our ego, since this is Aries, which the exuberance of a Sag Full Moon is sure to blow out of all proportion.  This is combustible energy, but also very lucky, so don’t even try to take a chill pill, enjoy its excitement and thrill.  The centaur joining forces with Mars could bring in the winning ticket, even if hard sacrifices have been made.  Let these go and let live, and see how the dust settles after this raging torrent of fearsome energy gallops through town.

Cancer New Moon – 29th

Pluto goes back to its spot at the USA Pluto Return, but does not become exact until next month, so this will be building as the New Moon in early Cancer is our comforting treat for walking through the fire.  Cancer wants us to grow our empathy and understanding, but also a time to recuperate, so we can turn some of this mothering energy in on ourselves.  Re-mothering our adult selves has never been so important and with Jupiter in Aries aspecting this New Moon, it is a gentle nudge to take care of number one.


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