Information Download - June 2021

June’s New Moon Solar Eclipse is such a powerful messenger, it is impossible to think of anything else of importance happening this month, but with more planets going retrograde, maybe the message it delivers will have us re-thinking everything we thought we knew?

Venus Enters Cancer For Softer Relating

We can take real comfort when Venus shifts into a softer, more caring Cancer in the first days of June and in so doing, gets a kick from Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and together they invite us to express our more emotional and empathetic side.  As Jupiter is so strident, this could turn into overwhelm, an outpouring of deeply held sentiment, so watch out for a swathe of crying or pleas from charities, and mothers for their children.

Mars Opposes Pluto Retrograde To Turn Up The Dial

Mars is also in Cancer and at the end of this week, on 5th, he can really turn up the dynamic dial on these emotional outbursts as he opposes Pluto Retrograde, giving the passion, grief, concern and sympathy a reason AND a direction…but who will be on the receiving end of this tidal wave of anguish?  The fact that the Sun in Gemini is opposing Juno in Sagittarius the asteroid concerned with our long term relationships and partners, does increase the chances of domestic divisions where beliefs (Sag rules beliefs) are held up as the cause of displeasure.

Solar Eclipse Mercury Cazimi – Pandora’s Box Opens

But what we are really waiting for is the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 10th which is hosted in communication sign Gemini and therefore will act like an information download of new, interesting and fascinating particulars.  Like the opening of a Pandora’s box of details we never could comprehend, until now.  What’s more, Mercury who rules Gemini will be in ‘cazimi’ on top of the eclipse, which empowers the little planet of communication and information to be augmented to extreme super-size.  This is an extremely rare phenomenon as the Earth, Moon, Mercury and the Sun all line up and will act like an energetic portal bringing important knowledge to mankind, and also to whatever sector this eclipse occurs in your personal life.  The eclipse effect will last for six months, so we can expect more and more wild, wacky and completely off-piste intelligence to be drawn out as we head through 2021.  And this isn’t just information you read in the newspaper or hear on the television, although it will be that too, it is an expansion of our minds and our thinking powers, and hopefully a wake up for those still living deep in the programmed illusion.  Ding-A-Ling!

The 2nd Saturn Square Uranus Clash Of The Titans

If we are not shook to the core by the Gemini cazimi eclipse, a quadruple whammy of fizzing scintillating information, the second square (of three) between restrictive and overbearing Saturn, and electrifying change-maker Uranus takes place on 12th - 17th and this too is a wake-up call for humanity.  As Saturn turns his authoritarian screws on the people represented by Aquarius, the feisty square aspect connects Saturn to the freedom-loving, revolutionary Uranus, creating one helluva clash between these two giants.  Last year we saw the dark side of the structures of society and with these three Saturn Uranus squares in 2021, a lot of what we thought we saw in those shadows, and what we thought we knew will come tumbling down.  Saturn can act like our father, slowing us down to ensure we do the right thing, yet in Aquarius this is far too slow and oppressive; so when Uranus sends a bolt of lightning in this square formation, you can bet that society will revolt under this heavy hand and the Uranian and Aquarian themes of enlightenment and progress are not far behind.

Jupiter Turns Retrograde To Transform Our Inner World

Jupiter wants us to grow and even when he turns retrograde, the invitation for a period of introspection is given so that we don’t overlook our philosophical, spiritual and emotional (since this is Pisces) landscape before moving forward.  As he turns, the Sun and Moon form a Grand Trine, augmenting the idea of our own sensitivity and suffering is key to learning and growing; in-fact everything we have been through, every loss and failure, every creative impulse and desire, up until now has taken us to this place.  We have until 28th July when Jupiter leaves Pisces, to ponder these more melancholic thoughts that will highlight that we are not alone in these conjectures. 

Capricorn Full Moon Wants To Rule The World

Mercury now stations direct on 22nd, and more hopeful plans can be outlined (freedom), yet important shifts in perspective are likely (passports).  Other aspects create tension as potential lies are revealed as we arrive at the Full Moon in Capricorn on 24th.  A Capricorn lunation highlights how the power structures with their agenda want to keep going no matter what, yet this seems to be against all odds.  Whatever diktat the Full Moon delivers, will easily fall apart as Neptune, planet of delusion and loss, goes retrograde the very next day. Neptune changing direction so close to the Full Moon makes a mockery of all the stern guidelines a Capricorn Full Moon prefers to lead with.  On one hand this Moon wants to take charge, but Neptune is non-compliant at the best of times, let alone when busy turning around.  Venus, planet of love and money entering Leo on 27th mirrors Neptune’s vagueness and indeed, Venus in Leo knows we have waited long enough to assert our majestic sovereignty and work with what is in our hearts and not in our heads.  Love and our own power will win the day.


Pleasure Principle - July 2021


Future Perfect - May