Future Perfect - May

We are still waiting for a reprieve, as month after month, the planets take us deeper into a puzzle that imprisons and divides humanity with no end in sight.  Even if there isn’t an actual ‘end’, our future and conversations around what happen, will be writ large as the North Node destiny point comes into focus and eclipse season gets under way this May.

A Spoonful Of Sugar With Your News

Gemini is hosting the North Node destiny point right now and this is why we are looking at so many different versions of the same story – you know how the twins can complicate things with fanciful tales.  Communication planet, Mercury, joins this future orientated spot in Gemini on 4th May and this adds momentum to the layers of truth and the shades of lies which seem to be the modern currency of interaction.  Gemini rules the media and with the North Node here, new news channels are being developed, independent broadcasters are getting huge audiences, streaming services and podcasts are becoming more prevalent and the traditional mainstream platforms seem to be struggling with just basic reporting of the facts.  Into this media maelstrom enters Venus on the 8th and then Mercury becomes exact with the North Node on the 10th of May, so we can be sure that we are going to hear information and ideas about how our future is going to be panning out from all sides of the media in this Gemini pile up.  Venus might like to honey coat these plans and make them sound palatable or even exciting, yet the connection to both Chiron and Saturn, about to turn retrograde, makes anything being discussed in these early weeks of May, a hard medicine to swallow, even with the spoonful of sugar.  This pertains to our personal lives too, where we get the chance to scrutinize the facts being presented to us, or the ones we tell ourselves, and consider their veracity and what road they are taking us down.  What we learn really matters.

Manifesting And Money Matters

The New Moon in Taurus on 11th May is a reality check, as Taurus represents the manifest world, the earth and our bodies, so this affects our physicality and our wealth.  Are we going to be locked in our homes, are we going to be sick, or do we take the prophylactic to allow us to be physically free and financially more stable.  Taurus can give us the momentum to start on a new trajectory and in simple terms, we can use the manifesting power of Taurus to start a new programme of fitness or anything that involves money.  However, nothing is ever that simple and the moon’s connection to Neptune and Pluto means we will be ever so aware of the more sinister plots to constrict and over-power our reality. 

Jupiter Expands Our Suffering

Jupiter and Saturn have been in Aquarius, highlighting the road map to our digitalised, androgynous future, but on 13th, Jupiter, planet of expansion moves into Pisces for a short stay (until 28th July) and now Piscean emotional themes will be augmented exponentially.  Pisces might be creative and romantic, but the sign of the fish represents our suffering, our suppression, our inability to set good boundaries and how we give our power away, so we might be in for some serious consequences, given the current climate. 

Emotional Outpouring

Jupiter joins asteroid Niobe at the entrance to Pisces, and Niobe lost all her many children and sits and weeps on her mountain, so this image of the bereaved mother may get activated around this time.  The next day on 14th, Mercury then enters the shadow zone of his retrograde, and on the 16th the Sun, still in earthly Taurus, connects to the darkness of Pluto Retrograde, and we all go through this period of heightened sensitivity to our situations, whatever they may be.  As the Moon joins dynamic Mars on this day too, we won’t be able to keep our feelings in, and we can expect scenes of outrage and distress - perhaps we will better for expressing them anyway.

What Media Fanfare?

When the Sun enters Gemini on 20th, joining Mercury, Venus and the North Node, we can be sure the battle for our minds will be in full force and as this is such lively, inspirational energy, there will be no end to the points of views shared and the discussions held across the world and across our dinner tables too.  Gemini energy can be sparkling fun and light, but Mercury will square Neptune, the planet of illusion, on 21st, forcing many to consider again, what truths lie beneath all the fanfare and media propaganda. 

Consideration For A New Normal

In this climate of wildly varying information, ideas and conversations, heavy handed Saturn turns retrograde on 23rd, causing many of the rules and regulations put in place to be reconsidered.  Saturn rules ‘the rules’ and in Aquarius his authoritarian tactics are too heavy handed and are out of date, so it doesn’t take much to upset his directives at this point.  Saturn will be retrograde until October, so this time can be used to address what is going to work in terms of getting back to a ‘new normal’ and freedom will be at the top of the agenda.

Total Eclipse Of Faith

The Sagittarius Full Moon on 26th May is actually a total lunar eclipse occurring on the South Node, and this Sag eclipse will open up our minds to new possibilities.  At once the eclipse will highlight the past roads and adventures humanity has been on, and at the same time, open up the vista for what is actually possible.  Our faith is going to be tested, as it often has in the past where we might have been naïve and gullible, so now we have the chance to put our faith in something better, to have the courage to make choices that enable us to learn and grow.  The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse can act as our teacher of what went on before, in order that we gain wisdom and have the vitality to use it – to propel humanity forward and cross new frontiers.


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