April Showers

March winds and April showers, bring forth May and June flowers, goes the saying, and this year it really looks like we have to weather a cosmic storm in order to get to the sunshine.  Pluto, the transformational ruler of the sub-conscious is in various power plays all month and will end the period of All Planets In Direct Motion.  Until then, whatever is happening, is happening fast; so fast, the sleight of the magician’s hand is totally invisible.  So let’s see what trickery April brings before Pluto welcomes us into his underworld. 

Nothing Is As It Seems

As April opens its showery doors, the asteroid Osiris, God of the underworld, death and rebirth, meets up with Neptune, planet of the vast unfathomable oceans.  At the same time the Moon meets with Pluto, also God of the underworld, and at these connections on 5th, a mysterious breeze floats up through the cracks in the earth.  Nothing is as it seems, a schism in the earthly paradigm shifts the dynamic and allows us to find some part of ourselves that is lost…

Saturn As The Mad Professor

And yet, on the surface, humanity speeds forward into a ‘new normal’ of masks, mandates and medical passports, however, serious-minded Saturn in Aquarius is ready to slow the whole process down enforcing some proper rules and regulations in the first week of April.  Conservative Saturn, is making an easy connection to the North Node destiny point, exact on 9th, to try to bring order to the chaos and rubber stamp the dystopian future being planned.  This sounds like more hardship, but Saturn in Aquarius is rather like the mad professor, and in his endeavours, he likes to point out incongruences, inconsistencies ridiculous assumptions, and the ludicrous in the mundane.  Therefore Saturn in Aquarius, in league with the North Node, has the ability to tie any ‘great reset’ futuristic re-programming up in knots for years.  What may seem like a done deal, could fall flat on its own sword due to impossibility and improbability.

Start Again, Start Anew, Start Now

Just as future planning is getting tangled in complications, Aries, the baby of the zodiac, hosts the New Moon on 11th, and with this, we are given a chance to be re-born, or at the very least, have another crack at our pet projects.  In the UK, lockdown is eased ever so slightly, but coinciding with the starter klaxon of an Aries New Moon, it only takes a small gesture like this to open the flood gates to a combustible energy that will sweep across the entire world.  This New Moon, in the first sign of the zodiac, has the mega power of Pluto (in a square), and the wilful energy of Mars (in a sextile) behind it, forcing cataclysmic action for dynamic thinking and bright new ideas.  It will be a good weekend to use its explosive force to start anything that needs an extra push, but be prepared to hit the ground running and keep going.

Pluto’s Power Shifts

Pluto’s death star style continues to loom over everything in the following week, casting a long shadow when he makes a square to the Sun and then Mercury on 16th and 17th, and this will test our already fraught nerves.  Pluto is the ‘chemo planet’, who kills everything in order to survive and thrive, and here we are in mid-April, about to submit to the deathly transformation necessary to get out the other side.  These Pluto aspects deliver disturbing revelations in dramatic style.  They are uncomfortable.  However, if you are going through hell, as they say, keep going.  Later in the month, on 27th, Pluto breaks the period of APDM (all planets direct motion), which will end the gung-ho attitude of people playing with our lives.  Pluto Retrograde forces us to consider carefully the juncture we are at, issues we can no longer ignore, and what has recently come to light.  A period of deeper, soul searching reflection ensues.

Something Has To Give

There is nothing more certain than change and so when the Sun and Mercury enter Taurus on the 19th to join Venus and crazy planet of change Uranus, they have absolutely no intention of leaving things as they are.  They each pass Uranus throughout the next week, and each time embolden this electrifying God to strike one of his thunderbolts down to planet earth and mankind, to us!  If you consider the last time Uranus was in Taurus, he gave us nuclear fusion energy, so you can imagine what sort of a week we are going to have, with man-made lightning bolts (perhaps of the Starlink / WiFi kind) amongst our plaque and pestilence, to bring about wild and unexpected change.  We need to get ready for this.  In one way, this could be the excitement we need, considering Pluto has been pressing us into intense reflection of darker issues.  Something does need to change, but is this what we had in mind?

As Above, So Below

This planetary line up in Taurus, the 3D manifest world, is ensuring we are invigorated enough to make this big shift and move with the times, yet the Full Moon on 27th is asking all the uncomfortable questions.  A Full Moon in Scorpio highlights the unconscious and the un-manifest, and as Scorpio’s ruler is Pluto, we already know, we have an unnerving feeling that something is not quite right.  Keep asking those questions, as the Moon illumes the darkness in the Scorpionic underworld, the ruler, Pluto, uses this poignant moment to turn around and go retrograde.  The pivot of Pluto, on the day of his Full Moon, opens a chasm into the shadow and the underworld, to expose the underbelly of the current situation.  It isn’t a pleasant sight, but we have to look at the inner workings.  If you feel you are being tricked or pushed into something, now is the time to listen to your inner voice and not what is being promoted as an ideal.  The planets don’t lie, but there are plenty who do.


Future Perfect - May


Mars Makes Moves - March