Mars Makes Moves - March

The March hares are running at high speed, with all the planets in full flow forward, known as ‘APDM’, All Planets in Direct Motion.  We might see this as a fortuitous time, without any hiccups, or reconsiderations, but that all depends on whether things are going the way you want them to.  Moving forward without any deeper reflection, or sense checks, or democratic consideration, for a fairly long period of time, as we are, can seem like Lemmings running off a cliff.  Added to this we have the dynamo that is Mars as the main protagonist all month long, along with the North Node, our destiny point, and together they propel us dramatically towards our real mission here on earth.  Is it any wonder then, that the planet Mars becomes our focus with a new research mission landing on the red hot planet whilst Mars helps us birth a new reality right here on earth.

Mars, The Mover, Takes Action

Whether it is your favoured direction or not, Mars, planet of activity and drive, steers into Gemini on 4th March and with this move, Mars becomes a decisive player, where he can aspect each of the other planets and be a mover and a shaker in all plans.  Mars is super challenging and does not mess about, so with his integral position, everything gets the fist on the table thumping, to punctuate every, angry, word.  Mars is heading through communicative Gemini, where thoughts can become words, and words then become actions, and in this way, doors will get booted open to new truths, or layers of old ones revealed, and in this way, outspoken and sometimes angry Mars will be our prime negotiator for all things.  Does Mars mean war?  If you have a president with planets in early Gemini, unfortunately for Syria, it does.

Speak Your Truth No Matter How Weird

This ability to clear our throats and holler whilst Mars is in Gemini, will be bolstered on the 4th and 5th March when Mercury, ruler of Gemini and planet of communication, meets up with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in Aquarius.  Mercury and Jupiter together here, are ready with sizzling chatter of Aquarian futuristic concepts, whose goal it is to plant a vision of a utopian future to our open and waiting minds.  We should accept their invitation to share our wilder reflections, no matter how far against the grain they go, in this ‘global brainstorm’, where nothing you say can be deemed ‘wrong’ and the quirky is encouraged.  As the North Node destiny point gapes wide open, the more we speak of our ideas and hopes for what comes next, the more chance it has of happening - especially during this APDM period.  Speak up and share your dreams as the cosmos is really listening..

New Moon, New Fascination

Once a year the Sun in Pisces passes Neptune, the planet of illusion, and this shines an industry sized spotlight on our dreams and also any misgivings we might have, and this awakens any doubts with a twinkle of new knowing.  Neptune can blind us to the truth, hidden in plain sight, and on 10th March, the ‘revelation of the method’, the artifice of programming, should be dancing before our eyes.  If something doesn’t feel right, or feels too good, then you can bet it isn’t.  As Venus steps closer to Neptune, the planet of love and sensation, opens up all our senses, and we become like antennas for whatever phenomenon is making the hairs on the back of our neck stand up.  The Pisces New Moon on 13th, brings together the Sun and Moon (the New Moon), Venus and Neptune, at this same spot, to create a magnificent portal of mystical energy - witches call it ‘a fascination’ to dazzle the watcher.  Our psychic centres will be teased wide open, so we can feel many wondrous possibilities: the rush of hope, the excitement of attraction, the first flush of love.  We might momentarily be thrilled by the magic and glamour that this mystical New Moon can impart, and let’s hope the magical qualities prevail.  However, this does leave us exposed, susceptible to abuse (or just aware of it), gullible to the ‘fascination’ of media and entertainment, and vulnerable to heartache.

Medicine For The Soul Of Man

The arrival of thinking planet Mercury into Pisces on 15th / 16th does wake us out of this foggy reverie, or at least give us back our brain power; now we can galvanise our thoughts.  The change of Sun and Venus stepping out of the dreamy seas of Pisces, into dynamic Aries (ruled by Mars) on 20th and 21st, is another wake up call, to alert us to whatever role we need to be playing in the unfolding drama. But it is quick and clever Mars in Gemini, making a trine aspect to serious Saturn that really enables us to get strategic and develop ideas and have conversations that matter.  Mars continues to cut a swathe as the Pied Piper we are bound to follow, now meeting up with the North Node destiny point on 26th, to blast open the doors to a future that is being presented as a ‘new normal’, but which will definitely have a Gemini flavour of duality, with a hidden shadow twin.  This is a poignant day, as at the same time, Venus will be overtaking the Sun, and for a few days, things will look rosy, our hearts and minds are ablaze with declarations of good intent, what we want to do, who we want to become, how we like it to be.  Venus with the Sun like this, is medicine for the soul, and as this is in Aries, medicine for the ego more specifically, and the understanding of our individual role here on earth.

Our Mission, Should We Choose To Accept It

Affirmative, this is our mission, should we choose to accept it, and as we begin to form plans, the Sun and Venus connect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer.  Chiron wants us to go from wounded soul, to master player, having learnt the way to heal ourselves, to progress on our life path, and then be able to help others with this knowledge and experience.  Chiron in Aries reminds of this responsibility to ourselves, to mankind, and with the Sun and Venus, we are emboldened to new levels of empathy and understanding, even courage.  Yet these players are now in opposition to the Libra Full Moon on 28th March.  Libra is always about ‘the other’, so here we will see ourselves reflected back in others, and realise that we cannot heal ourselves without it having some effect on the people around us.  The Libra lunation will highlight what is good about any relationship and will want us to compromise or make the best out of any situation, but Chiron and Venus are demanding a total re-organisation of the individual within any relationship.  “Own your stuff” they say, in order to have genuine results in your loves and endeavours. This might sound like a personal challenge and it is, since we are called to create a better world by own shining example. 

Revelation Of The Method

The month ends with thinking planet Mercury meeting up with Neptune on 29thand 30th; the fourth cosmic body to connect with this misty and discombobulating gas giant. As the previous connections have highlighted our delusion, even made if feel good, here comes Mercury to wake us up to the plan, the method, the details and possibly some weird stuff too. Mercury does love a conspiracy theory, especially in Pisces where we might be gullible. Yet here Mercury with Neptune can open our minds to greater possibilities, more magical concepts, deeper truths inherent in our existence, that might have seemed ridiculous a few months ago, but now are becoming an integral part of our ‘new normal’.


April Showers


Super-Size My Mind - February