Super-Size My Mind - February

It’s very rare to get six planetary bodies in one sign, but when it happens in Aquarius, we know we are in for a serious upgrade of our consciousness programming.  As every aspect involves the group of planets, luminaries (and asteroids) in Aquarius, the sign of our consciousness and philosophical reasoning, you can be sure humanity is getting brand new software to run our old machines.

Super Conscious New Software

On the first day of February, Venus, planet of love and values, shifts into future focused Aquarius.  She has only just left communion with Pluto, the shadow and sub-conscious power player, during the recent full Moon. Here she was highlighting, how our sub-conscious is the software that runs our lives, attracting all the things we need to manifest AND the people we love.  Venus is an attractor planet and now she is in Aquarius with all the other guys, she will be inviting a shift in this sub-consciousness, so that with Aquarius, the thinking sign, our thoughts should become much more conscious.  “Look at what you are attracting guys”, she says when arriving in the air sign, where she holds no special attachments to outcomes, so what you think, is literally what you get.  Aquarius is not just the conscious, it represents the super-conscious, so with Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun all in this air sign, we should become aware of how this ‘law of attraction’ works and how our programming, can be set to far greater achievements.  Yes, we will be breaking free of one set of mind-programming, that suited the old Capricorn industrial work ethic, now in its dying throes, and we can pick up a whole new set of upgraded, slinky software as the month proceeds.

A Change Of Feeling, Is A Change Of Destiny

Don’t worry if it all gets a bit tetchy in this first week of February.  The Sun, our vital force, in Aquarius, is making a challenging to the war God, Mars in earthly, bodily, Taurus.  This acts like a klaxon gun, creating the shock or irritation, to force us into action, to make this new thinking or ‘de-programming’ of humanity, happen.  We have to think differently in the future and it all starts here.  Venus joins this challenge by meeting with serious Saturn on 5th February, forcing us to think and feel our position on these issues and a change of feeling, is often a change of destiny.  This might be where we realise that we are each, individually responsible via our mindset, for whatever transpires.

Mercury Goes Super-Size

But what are we supposed to be thinking?  This is unchartered territory.  Luck is at hand on 8th February; Mercury, planet of thinking and connecting, in his retrograde journey, goes Cazimi with the Sun.  This is where the tiny, pea sized planet, transits in front of the mega massive Sun, and in doing so, its themes and essence gets augmented to a gargantuan expression of the super-sized Sun.  A Mercury Cazimi brings huge flashes of inspiration, eureka style moments of ideas, and opens up channels of communication we never thought possible.  The fact that it takes place in philosophical and thought-provoking Aquarius, just adds another level of fascination to the incredulous insights we will be in line for.  

You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy

The Aquarian new age, new era possibilities don’t end there, although that would already be enough advancement for a decade.  The Aquarian New Moon on 11th February is yet another explosion of cosmic and community led philosophy to upload into our systems.  We are searching for a ‘new normal’ and this New Moon, re-booting all progressive thinking, sets the stage for the introduction of bold new concepts like The Great Reset.  “You will own nothing, and you will be happy“… sounds like an Aquarian call up, but is it control, dressed up as caring, in what could be a communist manifesto?  The fact that Venus with all her charm, is flourishing with her conjunction to expansive Jupiter in Aquarius, could provide a gloss of scintillating glamour over progressive ideas, to convince (or deceive) the masses to give up their worldly goods in return for ‘peace of mind’ that Aquarius strives for.

Round One Of The Big Fight

Saturn will be pushing his authoritarian agenda on the masses (represented by Aquarius) for two and a half years and makes the first of three electrifying squares to crazy ass Uranus in Taurus on 17th February.  In revolt to this, Uranus is sending bolts of enlightenment to planet earth (Taurus), where his electrical impulses inspire humanity to new heights and new awareness.  Uranus (flash awakening) in Taurus (the earth/our physicality) has already awakened humanity to the consciousness of every living thing with the flourish of veganism, and is also bringing in 5G - like it brought in nuclear fusion energy last time it was here - but there is more to come.  Armed with Uranian higher thought forms (much higher than Mercury), humanity in its more aware state, could turn to revolt against any suppression.  This is a complex fight between two giants, Uranus who rules Aquarius, wants change and elevation, yet Saturn wants convention and control.  This fight is a world heavy weight championship, which will go on all year, with the second bout in June, and the third in December.  Both these planets want advancement and they will get it done, but their style of success is very different.  Which one will win?  

Quicksilver Speed Of Mind Expansion

To add to the storm at this mind-altering moment, Mercury changes direction on 20th February, and heads back through Aquarius, this time, laying down more appropriate thought processes, placing fresh concepts in our neuro networking in an unprecedented way, since it follows the other Aquarian aspects (such as his connection to expansive Jupiter and the New Moon).  Mercury can be a trickster, and like quicksilver of which he is composed, can infiltrate even the darkest corners, so his work through the minds of Aquarius will take humanity to unfamiliar potential horizons.  Expect more dubious facts to circle the world wide web, but also some incredulous information to become public knowledge, especially on this day (and on the Cazimi day).  All the planets are in direct motion now, ‘APDM’, which is a time of greater ease of flow, and less attachments to the past or prescribed conditions.  Time can seem speeded up.  Things can happen fast.  And not all of them will be to our liking.

The Running Of Taurus The Bull

It seems we can do something about it and will.  Dynamic and sometimes, angry Mars in Taurus, gets a boost from the dark and deadly Pluto in Capricorn and his ferocity will be bursting forward like the bull that has seen the red flag.  All is well with Mars in Taurus for a long time (busy having sex), but there is a limit and Mars seems to have been goaded enough (in this, the year of the Ox).  The running of the bulls in Pamplona won’t be happening this year due to corona, but what we see here with Mars in Taurus charging, is more than enough spectacle.  Hopefully the Virgo Full Moon with the power of Uranus at her back, will bring people to their senses.  This Virgo Full Moon is at the head of a Yod (I do love a Yod), between Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries…this is all our mental anguish and pains now manifest and brought up to Virgo to heal in a cataclysmic moment.  Virgo will always encourage us to do the right thing, but this Yod formation forces the issues - especially the cost to our mental health - out into the open.  Virgo rules our health which is being stretched to capacity and Virgo here, checks in uncompromising detail whether the cure is worse than the affliction.


Mars Makes Moves - March


Age Of Aquarius - January