Age Of Aquarius - January

If you believed or even hoped that The Great Conjunction or ‘Christmas Star’ was the step into the Age of Aquarius, then January will confirm all those slightly freaky Aquarian, humanitarian, cyborg, futuristic ideas as Uranus, planet of sudden change and ruler of Aquarius, holds the other planets in its thrall with a stream of highly invigorating aspects to give us not a ‘new normal’ but a ‘new crazy’, all month long.

Healing Of Relationships

The asteroid Juno, who is concerned with our marital status, has been in Scorpio for much of 2020, where she has most likely highlighted the secrets and shadow aspects in many relationships.  Now that she has moved into open and honest Sagittarius, all our cards are on the table for early January – no more subterfuge.  This bodes well for communication between our closest relationships and as Juno makes an easy trine connection with Chiron the Wounded Healer in Aries, exact on 3rd January.  The notion that you can take responsibility for healing your partnerships, especially by your own ideas and actions is augmented under this aspect – and Aries loves you to take the lead here.  The belief in our own thoughts and actions creating both sides of the partnership is something we all need to understand in order to move forward with happier relating in 2021.

Truth Medicine

A few days later on 4th and 5th, Mercury, planet of communication will connect with Pluto, the Dark Lord himself, and this means we get to hear real news that transforms lives – this is a spoonful of truth medicine of the most unpalatable and untoward kind.  Combined with the openness going on with the Juno/Chiron aspect, and the warhead of Mars slicing through the last and most intense degree of Aries on 6th, we are in line for some absolute searing truths which will be inviting us to globally and personally accept the unpleasant facts, even if it is not what we want to hear or previously thought.

Transformational Dark Moon

The New Moon in Capricorn on 13th is right next to Pluto, so this requires a fresh direction in planning – or programming – the structure of our lives.  You cannot pass by a New Moon with Pluto, who has a controlling nature, without some kind of transformation occurring in your life, but who is instigating this change?  And since this lunation occurs where last January’s Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn occurred, you can bet yet another kind of ‘new normal’ will be propositioned by those trying to control our financial and career circumstances.

Uranus Direct: All Guns Are Blazing

If the Cap New Moon hasn’t brought a new deeper understanding of coercive powers, Uranus changing direction, literally the next day (14th), will.  Uranus is the most powerfully volatile planet and on this turning point, he is being charged up by Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius who are the ignition for his lightning strikes, the effects of which, pan out all year.  Mars has now caught up with Uranus and together they add to what is already an explosive fire.  If we are not at war now, we are about to be at war with something, be it the government or the tyranny of lockdown.  The fires have been lit and what then plays out will be totally unimaginable.  We have a choice of involvement with ringside seats and popcorn, or taking up arms in the battle.

Dystopian Disclosure

There is no let-up in the pace of January as the first of four challenging ‘squares’ to Uranus in 2021 occurs on 15th  - 18th.  This time it’s Jupiter, who expands everything he touches, and opens the door to completely new Aquarian concepts, such as The Great Reset or Mass Debt Relief, or even Disclosure.  As ruler of Aquarius, Uranus has the ability to lead us into a dystopian future, good or bad, depending on what we have learnt already in 2021 and how much autonomy this gives ‘the people’.  Jupiter is progressive and with Uranus, can move these lifestyle concepts on with warp speed.   


Neptune the planet of illusion has been making a t-square to the South and North Nodes, which are the points we are karmically coming from, and going to, respectively.  And on 23rd this t-square becomes exact.  Any past delusion, where we have been trapped in beliefs and ideals, programming humanity to behave in a certain way, will come to the fore.  At the same time, new style deceptions which aim to lead us into delusion, such as the motivations behind our media and social networks, will become obvious and will need addressing.  Neptune is joined by Ceres, the Corn Goddess who wants us to consume healthy and appropriate information, whilst the Moon joins up with the North Node in Gemini, drawing us deeper into the duality of mis-information, so who the hell do we believe?

The Cyborg/Human Future

The Leo Full Moon of 28th January will be super charged with electricity, as it creates another t-square involving the scintillating duo of Mars and Uranus, who together, rain down lightning bolts of excitement in order to instigate change.  The Sun is in Aquarius, tightly conjunct to Jupiter who expands everything he touches, so all the Uranian/Aquarian qualities are at their maximum.  They call on the unity of humanity, the notion of solidarity that we are all one, and paves the way for yet more connectivity for the eventual cyborg/human.  Yet Leo is all heart-based and wants us to live as sovereigns, in charge of our own dominions, no matter how small.  There is so much drama in this thrilling, but antagonistic situation, and any small act of self-expression should be encouraged during this time, as it fits both the Aquarian freakery for individualism AND with the Leo Royal pride in being who you are and in charge of our own destiny.


Super-Size My Mind - February


The Great Conjunction 2020 - December