The Great Conjunction 2020 - December

We start December ‘betwixt the eclipses’, a mysterious time where shifts in the paradigm are certain, and we then get to experience an augmented cosmic point called by the ancients ‘The Great Conjunction’, which heralds in a new era of digital, virtual and technical thinking.  So we end December with a foot firmly planted in the Aquarian Age, and the door to the future swinging wide open…

Lost In Neptune’s Seas

All eyes will be on the planet Neptune in the first week of December, who has stationed direct, to start moving forward in watery Pisces, and this change of direction is where our mass delusion is being tested.  You can lose yourself in Neptune’s seas and this vagueness will have been highlighted with the gas planet’s connection to the November 30th eclipse.  This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse was in Gemini, representing the media and information, so Neptune’s square here is the lie detector test nobody wants the answer to.  Neptune is doing his turnaround right on the spot where he was when the Salem Witch Trials happened, so you can see how this mystical yet discombobulating energy can lead us wildly astray on a strong current, with the belief we are doing the right thing.

Venus Says To The Death

Straight after the eclipse, but becoming exact on 6th December, Venus will move into place with Neptune, and whilst she is the cool temptress in Scorpio, she also holds fast to her values, even when the truth hurts in the extreme.  Venus here says ‘to the death’ and takes pleasure in seeing the burn when the truth is laid bare.  There is no sugar coating the first week of December, everyone will be looking for the answer to the chaos, but we seem to be wading deeper into the mire.

The Dynamic Degree

We need answers and Saturn is set to provide some in the shape of undeniable authority, such as the military, as the karmic father of time arrives at the 29th degree of Capricorn on December 7th.  The last degree of each sign is dynamic, in that it demands an answer or resolution and now Saturn is positioned to turn on the screws with extra restrictive guidelines.  This is the ‘laying down the law’ and as Jupiter, the planet which expands every situation, joins Saturn here on 14th - the pressure of heavy-handed government will no doubt increase.  

Blind Faith Leads The Way

Jupiter does represent the concept of law, and higher law, where we learn a better way to be and this aligns perfectly with Saturn’s controlling diktats, and as Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, the Sagittarian Solar Eclipse on 14th portends to be an extension of this ‘long arm of the law’.   New guidelines or draconian laws, a Sagittarius eclipse is usually ready to shake things up with progressive and seemingly beneficial protocols.  Yet since this takes place on the South Node, issues pertaining to our blind faith in the past may come up…for instance, when humanity created the holocaust, or when women were charged with witchcraft, bringing us right back to Salem.  Will we see through Neptune’s delusion this time or repeat the past?

The Change Of Mood

Then, like a silent gong sounding from the heavens, Saturn (on 17th) and then Jupiter (on 19th), pop over into conceptual Aquarius, the sign of the free-thinking people, the revolutionaries and the individuals united, and with this, the mood changes significantly.   Saturn leads the way here with his size 12 feet, to stomp on the Aquarian sensibilities of fairness and freedom.  Without the back up of his Capricorn home sign, Saturn is out of place and his hierarchical aspect now seems to crush every ounce of individuality that might be burgeoning amongst the masses of people.  Jupiter is indiscreet and on the back of his sign’s recent eclipse, is giving extra power to Saturn’s stern control. 

The Great Conjunction Heralded By The Ancients

It may seem like there is no way out of this controlled, crisis management experiment.  However, the moment Jupiter overtakes Saturn at 0 degree Aquarius on the solstice date of 21st December, The Great Conjunction occurs.  So-called by the ancients as the seismic meeting between Jupiter and Saturn, which happens in a cycle of 20 years within 200 years, within 800 years.  The Great Conjunction is said to signpost the fall of dynasties and empires and the rise of new religions.  We are about to start a new 800 year cycle as the process goes backwards through the zodiac, starting with Aquarius, and the beginning of a 200 year period of meeting mostly in air element signs with their connotations for our futuristic, conceptual, global community of half-man, half-cyborgs.  We leave behind 200 years of earth signs, where with the help of Charles Darwin’s Origin Of Species, we concentrated on the manifest world, the actual physical reality, where we have moved away from the idea of divine design in nature and the spiritual essence of religion and instead, money, product and goods became our secular church.

Star Of Bethlehem

A conjunction of planets refers to their longitudinal meeting along or up to 8 degrees above the ecliptic, and so planets are generally above or below each other when they meet, yet Jupiter and Saturn will also be meeting on the same latitude on this auspicious day of the solstice ‘return of the light’ (in the Northern Hemisphere). This planetary ‘kiss’ between these two giants hasn’t been seen since 1623 and certainly the longitude conjunction of these two planets, along with their rarer latitude conjunction in 7BC is said to be the star that guided the wise men to the birth of Jesus Christ.  The Great Conjunction prior to this one was in 26BC, the last in the water element, before moving to the fire element, as expressed by John The Baptist; he baptized by water, the prophet who comes will baptize with fire.  And like the Three Wise Men, we will be able to see The Great Conjunction, as one bright star in our skies (in the South West around sunset in the UK), right before and even through Christmas.

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

To recap, we not only have The Great Conjunction creating a ‘star’ in our skies via both the longitude and latitude meeting which hasn’t happened for hundreds of years, but also this will happen on 21st December, the solstice, known as the coming of the light, AND this will be the beginning of a new 800 year cycle.  This meeting is on the 0 degree of Aquarius - do we think the traditional, patriarchal and dominant ways of Saturn will last long in this new era of air element philosophy of liberté, egalité and fraternité?  As this cosmic event comes near, people will start to respond to Aquarian Age themes of expressing individual uniqueness, whilst respecting and feeling the unity of oneness.  Mass meditation events, ideas about raising personal awareness, concepts about manifesting through the quantum field rather than via the shops will draw more people into what is effectively a consciousness upgrade for humanity – let’s see if this shifts on the Schumann Resonance spectrum.

An Acceleration Of Collapse

Dynamic, courageous Mars will be making his final square to Pluto throughout The Great Conjunction, the solstice and on through to Christmas and this added tension is surely an acceleration of the collapse of the old ways held together in Capricorn.  Pluto really is the dark destroyer and is left in Capricorn for another four years to ensure what’s left of the industrial and corporate structure, is transformed or destroyed.  Throughout the Christmas period the Sun is making difficult connections with Chiron, our wounded healer, so even though we may be ‘getting on with things’, our thoughts will be with the people we have lost in 2020 as well as the wonderful experiences we didn’t have.  The year ends with a Full Moon in Cancer, emphasising the emotional aspects of this tough year.  Cancer finds it hard to let go, and the crab has taught us the value of keeping loved ones close.  Yet in true Cancer style, the Moon will draw out a huge swell of seasonal sentiment to remind us that memories live on.  


Age Of Aquarius - January


The Power Returns - November