The Great Gold Robbery - August 2022

The first day of August hosts the astrological aspect of the year.  An era defining collaboration where action orientated Mars joins enlightening yet unpredictable Uranus, and together they sit on the North Node destiny point creating a portal to a better future that we can all step through.

The Aspect Of The Year: 1st August

The Mars, Uranus, North Node conjunction in Taurus is exact on 1st August, and will stay together for at least a week, whilst their effect will be felt over a protracted period.  Looking back to the last time this triple conjunction occurred in Taurus, in May 1855 there wasn’t any explosive or startling recorded events.  We were in the middle of the Crimean war, which was more of a process, but actually a hopeless and pointless war against Russia, needlessly costing thousands of lives, so we can easily see some similarities with what is happening now.

One particular event, ‘The First Great Train Robbery’ aka The First Great ‘Gold’ Robbery, took place exactly on the day of tightest conjunction and became a world famous theft due to the unprecedented amounts of gold bullion, artfully stolen on a moving train going from London to Paris.  It shocked the world with its audaciousness and ingenuity, and did become a global phenomena.

It has many Taurus themes as Taurus rules money and riches, but also the material world – matter - and these robbers were dealing with physical gold and coins, and replacing them with lead to keep the weight consistent as it went through ports.  The shocking part of this is easily aligned with Uranus and the moving train is clearly Mars, but the quieter North Node is how this affects our future understanding, and this act of grand theft lives on in almost mythical status, as one of the most notorious and outrageous.

So perhaps much the same is happening now, right in front of our eyes.
The massive theft of our right to choose what is right for our bodies – Taurus rules our physical bodies.
The massive theft of our sexual determination and values – Taurus rules sex and fertility.
The massive theft of our money to pay for phoney wars – Taurus rules cash money and riches.
The massive theft of Mother Nature either by factory farming, industrial toxics or one person buying up all the land and becoming the biggest land owner promoting GM crops.  This is totally Taurus area, as well as the massive theft of farmers, forced into poverty so the government can buy their farms for a pittance (see China, see India, see UK etc).
Massive theft via our energy bills, whilst the energy companies are increasing their profits – for unlimited riches.
I could go on.
The bull, an ancient symbol of fertility and abundance, is asking us to stand firm (straight after the Leo New Moon), and to not let the rape of us and our land, and the theft of its materials keep going on.
What is even more interesting, asteroid Niobe - she who lost all her 14 children and weeps forever, sitting on a lonely rock - is joining this aspect, bringing a particular focus on what we are feeding our children, medically, digitally, nutritionally, as well as inappropriately early sexualised information - not to mention the missing children.
We might not notice any craziness today, but it is set to change our farming, food and nutrition, our wealth and abundance, our sexuality and how we feel physically, for the future and future generations.

The Fires Of Personal Purpose: 10th – 14th August

The Leo Sun will square this aspect on 10th, increasing the drama around these themes, and perhaps igniting our passionate nature, even when we are not personally involved.  The Moon in Aquarius opposes the Sun two days later, to create the Aquarius Full Moon on 12th, which shifts the focus to humanity, and as hard-working Saturn is next to the Moon, perhaps we will be thinking about what we can do, to make the world a better place.  The Aquarius to Leo axis can be incredibly creative and inspiring, as it fires up our purpose, yet focuses it on our fellow man and our group mission.  There will be plenty of energy to make things happen as Mars, still in Taurus, makes a trine connection to Pluto on 14th, adding power, intensity and efficiency to whatever action you decide to take.

The Leo Yod Opens Up Opportunity: 18th August

Leo season continues with lovely Venus in Leo in a beneficial trine to Jupiter in Aries on 18th, inviting anyone with planets near the 8’ mark to open their hearts with real confidence.  At the same time, the Leo Sun sits at the head of a Yod formation, often called a Finger Of God or Fate, which means the forces behind aligned action will be creating opportunities for more heart felt developments.  The two planets at the bottom of the Yod are Neptune in Pisces, opening us all up to magical possibilities, and Pluto in Capricorn, delving deep into our capitalist, corporate world – this combination will help us claim whatever desire or destiny is rightfully ours, so keep your mind on what you want to do and do not be swayed by anyone else.

A Virgo Checklist: 21st to 23rd August

If this feels like too much of a good thing – and the potential for joyous overwhelm is big – Mercury in Virgo saves the day, by opposing Neptune on 21st and then making a trine connection to Pluto on 22nd.   Mercury in Virgo is the check list we all need to see the detail that may have been missing these past weeks.  Something unique and important is bound to turn up and bring about a more industrious and fruitful modus operandii.  Virgo season starts the next day on 23rd, and with it, the particular harvest we have been working towards is brought in.

The Right Plan Appears: 25th to 27th August

The Virgo Sun then works in a hard square to Mars, now in Gemini from 25th, through to 27th, giving us the ability to say no or ‘goodbye’ to whatever isn’t in alignment.  Mars in Gemini (who may get argumentative), then squares the Virgo New Moon on 27th and here is the correct plan laid out, even if it goes against your more frivolous ideas or creates more work than you were hoping to exercise.  Buyer beware, this Virgo New Moon can make some hard decisions for you. Yet this is the wisdom and discernment we need and Virgo’s refrain is always, ‘it is far more important what you say no to, than what you say yes to’.

Ideas Enter Stage Left: 31st August

The month ends with the fizzing and fun energy of Mercury in Libra, and Mars in Gemini, connecting via their respective air signs.  Whilst all the Virgo operations may have asked you to pare down and perhaps cut away, Mercury and Mars will be bringing in ideas and connections stage left, to surprise and delight.  These new agents might not be what you had expected, but thankfully, are inspiring, energising and really well positioned for your next scene.


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